How to Find a Mentor and Grow Towards Your Goals

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

Gain industry insight and explore career pathways with the help of a mentor. Learn how to find your own inside your organisation or externally through your network or a mentoring scheme.

[Featured Image] A bearded man in a grey shirt speaks to a younger woman with a hair bun and a grey suit jacket.

A good mentor can provide critical guidance at any stage of your career and life, whether you’re an undergraduate learner or a senior-level executive. Working with a mentor can foster professional growth, advance your career, and help you achieve your goals.

However, seeking out a mentor can also feel daunting, especially if you need to build your network or are new to a particular educational or professional environment. Where do you even begin?

Continue reading to learn an answer to this question and much more, including what a mentor is, how to find one, and what you can expect from the mentor-mentee relationship. 

What is a mentor? 

A mentor is an experienced individual who advises and guides another, usually less-experienced person (the mentee). In some cases, two peers of the same level may mentor one another by offering advice and guidance through peer mentorship. 

Mentees can be younger or older than their mentors or in a higher or lower hierarchical position than them. The critical element that defines mentors is that they are more knowledgeable and experienced in a subject than their mentees. Don’t let age or job title hinder you from asking someone for advice or mentorship. 

A mentor isn’t the same as a sponsor. In the professional world, a sponsor is someone in a position of authority who takes on a protege and prepares them for a role, providing career guidance and advocating for their promotion. Sponsorship is a formal relationship explicitly based on career advancement in a specific place of business. 

Finding a mentor: Steps and etiquette 

Mentorship can be a dynamic relationship that provides long-term benefits as you enter your career path. Follow these steps to establish a mentorship:

1. Explore possible mentors. 

The first step to finding a mentor is to explore the field of possible mentors. These might be knowledgeable individuals with whom you already have a relationship or people you don’t know personally but who have experience and insight you respect.

Your mentor can be anyone who can advise you on a specific topic regardless of their job title or age, so make sure to consider a range of possible mentors. You can also have multiple mentors, such as one who can help you improve your communication skills and another who can help you better understand target marketing. 

Ultimately, ask yourself two questions to assess if someone will be a good mentor: (1) do they possess knowledge and experience that could help you, and (2) are they willing and able to guide you? 

Many people lack access to a network of possible mentors for personal, social, or economic reasons. In particular, members of underrepresented groups might find it challenging to find suitable mentors when trying to break into fields where they lack adequate representation, such as STEM.

If you don’t have access to available resources or networks, don’t worry. You have many resources to help you find some guidance. 

Common resources for finding mentorship

Community mentorship programmes: Many public establishments, such as community centres and not-for-profit organisations, run mentorship programmes. Check to see if your area has any. 

Online organisations dedicated to making fields more accessible: Various organisations and nonprofits dedicate themselves to opening career paths to underrepresented groups. For example, Media Trust and ScreenSkills offer a mentoring programme for young people who want to work in the screen industries by pairing them with experienced mentors in film, TV, and gaming, helping to make the industry more inclusive.  

Professional networks and organisations: A variety of professional organisations offer the opportunity to network with others in your desired field. In some cases, you might even look on professional networking websites, such as LinkedIn, to find others already working in the same industry. 


2. Establish contact with a possible mentor.

Once you have identified a possible mentor, contact them to determine if they will advise you. 

During this step, you shouldn’t directly ask the other person to be your mentor because this can come across as too much of a commitment early on. Instead, you should simply ask them if they would be willing to connect and discuss the possible mentorship topic. 

You can contact your potential mentor in person or via email. Generally, the most personal way is to simply ask in person, particularly when they are on a break. If you cannot meet them in person, you can send them a semi-formal email explaining your interest in discussing the topic with them. In that email, you can also inquire if they have time, even just for a virtual coffee. 

While many people will be happy to help, the potential mentor will occasionally be too busy or unwilling to fulfill your request. If so, thank them for their time and look for another potential mentor. 

3. Meet up and discuss.  

When you finally meet with your potential mentor, respect their time by coming prepared with specific questions and a clear understanding of your objectives so they know how best to help. 

The conversation can be quite casual as long as you stay focused on its primary purpose: to receive advice and guidance on a specific topic. You don’t need to talk long with your potential mentor to get good advice. Even a brief 15-minute meeting can be helpful when you come prepared to discuss the topic. 

At the end of the discussion, thank them for their time and see if your potential mentor would be willing to meet again and discuss the topic further once you have had a chance to implement their advice. It should be scheduled enough in advance so that you can work on the task, but not so far ahead that it will hinder your progress.  

4. Nurture the relationship (and consider formalising it). 

After the initial meeting, you should continue to nurture the relationship with your potential mentor by maintaining contact and updating them semi-regularly on your progress. Make a point of noting how much their advice has helped you progress, perhaps even showing them the concrete outcomes, if possible. 

Depending on your goals and your mentor's availability, you will also want to schedule further meetings with them. These can be weekly, monthly, or quarterly—whatever realistically works for both of you. 

You might also consider asking the other person to be your mentor, though this is unnecessary formally. While some people will be happy to take on the mentor role, others might resist a formal title associated with increased responsibility. Use your discretion when making this decision.   

5. Respect your mentor’s boundaries. 

Your mentor is already devoting a certain amount of their time and energy to helping you, so respecting their boundaries is important. Like you, your mentor has life and professional goals that require attention. 

In effect, you should be mindful of not inundating your mentor with requests for which they may need more time. For example, if you want their feedback on a specific project, then make sure to give them plenty of time rather than sending them something at the last minute. It may be wise to directly set boundaries with your mentor by asking them when and how they prefer you to contact them. It will help ensure the relationship is as pleasant as possible for both of you. 

6. Give back to your mentor. 

Mentorship doesn’t need to be a one-way street. You can also help your mentor whenever the opportunity arises. While mentors typically won’t expect anything in return for their help, it’s always a good gesture to help them out whenever possible. For example, you might help your mentor with a project that overlaps with your skill set, or you might treat them to a coffee occasionally. Your mentor will likely appreciate your effort, whether you do something big or small. 

7. Create a network.

When you have a network of mentors, you can ensure a robust selection of mentors available to meet all your needs. For example, you might have one mentor who offers advice on improving your communication skills, another who provides professional guidance, and another who helps you better understand the inner workings of project management. Having a mix of mentors can expand your skill set and help you connect with professionals in different spheres. 

8. Change mentors as needed, but stay in touch. 

As you gain experience or move into new positions, you will likely need new mentors to help you meet new challenges. You should try to change mentors throughout your life and career as your goals and needs change. Doing this will help you gain new insights and assistance as you advance your career. 

That said, you shouldn’t simply leave your old mentors behind. Instead, make an effort to maintain contact and help them whenever possible. For example, you might catch up over coffee with an old mentor, or you might connect them with someone else from your network. You might also consider sending them updates about your personal life and career, making sure to thank them for helping you get to the next level. You didn’t do it alone, after all. 

Reaching your goals with Coursera

At its core, mentorship is all about learning. Choosing the appropriate mentor or network of mentors can significantly impact your professional development. As you work with your mentor, consider taking a flexible online course to help you take that next step. For example, Wharton’s Achieving Personal and Professional Success Specialisation will help you define success, communicate effectively, and use influence to accomplish your personal and career goals. 

With time, effort, and—of course—help from your friends, you can take that next big step in your life. 

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