Academic Developer, Learning and Teaching Unit (formerly)
Negin is an Academic Developer in the Learning and Teaching Unit and an Adjunct Lecturer in the School of Education at UNSW Australia. She holds a Doctorate in Education with a focus on online learning and distance education and a Masters in Educational Technology. With over 10 years of working in higher education institutions in Canada and Australia, Negin has extensive experience in managing, designing, implementing, and evaluating educational technology in higher education and in designing fully online and blended courses. She currently co-leads the design and delivery of UNSW’s Foundations in University Learning & Teaching Program and teaches the post-graduate course, Educational Design for Learning in Higher Education in UNSW's Graduate Certificate in University Learning and Teaching program.
Negin’s current research interests and projects focus on technology adoption amongst academic staff, open, online, and blended learning, students' preferences towards educational technology, how data from online technologies can help inform pedagogical practice (learning analytics), and the use of videos in course design. She is currently a project partner for the 2013-2015 OLT funded project, “Using video annotation software to develop students' self-regulated learning”, and is particularly interested in exploring the ways video technologies can be effectively integrated into the curriculum to promote learning. Negin is an associate editor and reviewer for the Journal of Learning Analytics and reviewer for the International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning.
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