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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Analyze Data to Answer Questions by Google

11,521 ratings

About the Course

This is the fifth course in the Google Data Analytics Certificate. In this course, you’ll explore what it means to actually analyze your data. You’ll
take what you’ve learned up to this point and apply it to make sense of the data you’ve collected. You’ll learn how to organize and format your
data using spreadsheets and SQL to help you look at and think about your data in different ways. You’ll also find out how to perform complex
calculations with your data to address business objectives. You’ll learn how to use formulas, functions, and SQL queries as you conduct your
analysis. Current Google data analysts will continue to instruct and provide you with hands-on ways to accomplish common d...

Top reviews


Dec 23, 2022

Very good and useful practice of SQL. The JOIN party is pretty hardcore so I definitely couldn't master it but got enough of an understanding where I could learn quickly with some on the job training.


Jan 6, 2022

An excellent course for learning analysis techniques using Spreadsheets and SQL. Recommended for all engineering and data science students as well as for those managing businesses and human resource.

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1576 - 1600 of 2,188 Reviews for Analyze Data to Answer Questions

By Eren S

Jan 22, 2023

It was a bit harder than their other courses, however, I feel like not enough aid was given in order to grasp the concepts that well. It's still a solid Google course though so go ahead and take it

By Jon H

Jan 2, 2023

A great segment of the overall course. For a total beginner I learned a lot. Moves kind of quickly over some of the subjects but they are trying to cover a lot of ground in a short space of time.

By Roberto G

Oct 8, 2022

Some parts of this course were very confusing or not well explained, especially the SQL exercises. It's understandable since this may be an introduction, other than that, everything was perfect.

By Vivian A

Oct 21, 2023

Thank you coursera for this course, it covered many things and helped me learn a lot. I loved the instructor just that her voice was a bit too low but other than that it was wonderful. THANK YOU

By Kruti K

Jan 14, 2023

some time data are not available in sql only that section is hard to learn can you please use available data so it can be good us to learn otherwise everything is good and help out in learning

By Jakub S

Jun 12, 2023

It wasn't bad but I believe that there should be drastic changes in module 3, for me it was a complete mess when suddenly the instructor presented subqueries without explaining it thoroughly.

By Alejandro M H

Jul 26, 2023

Es interesante y básico. Lo único es que siento que los temas que se abarcan deberían ser de más de 4 semanas. Lo digo cuando se compara con otros cursos de google en la misma línea.

By Aleksandr B

Aug 7, 2022

It was quite strange that in the first half very basic things were explained again, like what is sorting and filtering data. In the second part the course got more interesting thoug

By Croix A I

Jan 16, 2022

I think the course is passing through SQL and Spreadsheets in a good way but some probability and statistical analysis concepts are missing like: mean, median and standard deviation

By Krystalyn K

Mar 7, 2023

There are a couple of areas where the examples don't work, these have been identified in the discussion forums. It would be very helpful to have the fixes added to the curriculum.

By Tamjid M I I

Oct 26, 2021

video Lecture volume is not good... need to improve volume quality. the whole course session i can't listen properly. thats why i miss my next session and lose the last 2 courses.

By Aki X

Nov 24, 2021

Was very confusion in week 2, she was talking normal but speed up when showing SQL steps as if deliberately not wanting you to understand. However she seems okay again in Week 4.

By Ahmed D

Jan 2, 2022

Good, but it was a little bit compacted , and sometimes instructor was fast while it should be slower to be understood. However, it was really useful, and I have learned a lot !

By Hannah B

May 24, 2022

Covers a lot of basics of spread hseets and sql. It lays the foundation upon that you yourself then can build upon to learn more about analytics. Could be a bit more in dept.

By Lethabo K

Mar 14, 2022

I struggled to follow on some SQL queries that were being demonstrated as some statements indicated as errors and therefore could not run them. Otherwise very great content.


Jun 27, 2022

It provided a broad view of SQL queries and different tools of spreadsheets and how to use each clause to retrieve the data and how to use tools of spreadsheets on the data.

By Xiaoxue G

Aug 13, 2023

I like the course design, but some of the functions/formulas/syntax taught are not identical to the newest version of Excel, Bigquery, makes following up a bit difficult.

By david w

May 27, 2021

Great learning content. This course had the most bugs thus far. Everything from QwikLabs errors to many links that did not work. Hope coursera and google fixes them soon.

By Sheikh T A

Dec 29, 2022

The course had great content. But the instructor rushed through some of the crucial parts that might demoralize a beginner learner of SQL. Other than that, great course!

By aditya 1

Dec 12, 2023

An amazing course as usual. But I feel some more stress should have been on some of the advanced features like calculated fields in spreadsheets or sub-queries in SQL.

By Justin R

Nov 19, 2021

Great content and a great instructor. It went a little fast and jumped around a bit too much and that is my only complaint. These Grow with Google courses are awesome.

By Pranay V

Apr 20, 2021

Compared to the first 4 parts of the course, this course really amped up it's level exponentially, specially during subqueries and its Qwiklabs. Otherwise great course

By Julija S

Nov 7, 2023

It was hard to follow up related to BigQuery videos, as syntax has not worked quite often and it took a lot of time to search for the correct syntax and error reason.

By Franco A

Oct 25, 2022

It was good, but I think the introductory course on questions was even better for problem-solving. this course focused on the technical skills which are also useful.

By i211661 H J

Jul 31, 2022

The course content was good and on-point as always but the instructor wasnt. She was sometimes too slow and then a bit too over-paced which wasnt reallly very helpful