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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course) by Hebrew University of Jerusalem

3,647 ratings

About the Course

What you’ll achieve: In this project-centered course* you will build a modern computer system, from the ground up. We’ll divide this fascinating
journey into six hands-on projects that will take you from constructing elementary logic gates all the way through creating a fully functioning
general purpose computer. In the process, you will learn - in the most direct and constructive way - how computers work, and how they are
designed. What you’ll need: This is a self-contained course: all the knowledge necessary to succeed in the course and build the computer
system will be given as part of the learning experience. Therefore, we assume no previous computer science or engineering ...

Top reviews


May 22, 2021

Thanks to the instructors for bringing forth such an amazing course. The way the course is strucured makes it very interesting and easy to learn. Loved and enjoyed the course and learnt a lot from it


Sep 4, 2022

P​rofs Shimon Schocken and Noam Nisan are amazing instructors. This course was so fun and I have learned a huge deal about how computers work under the hood. Looking forward to taking on Part 2 now!

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426 - 450 of 1,107 Reviews for Build a Modern Computer from First Principles: From Nand to Tetris (Project-Centered Course)

By Sherry D

Nov 22, 2022

This course gives a god-like view on how the computer world is constructed step by step. It keeps me wondering sometimes if the world is simulated.

By Tommaso P

Jan 17, 2020

Excellent course. Instructors are very clear and all material is absolutely a delight to read. The projects are fun and complement well the theory.

By Gabriel F

Aug 27, 2017

Really interesting course with amazing content. Had a lot of fun during the 6 weeks of this first part and I'm looking forward doing the next part!

By Lincoln A

Jul 2, 2017

This is the best course that I have ever taken. Every step of the way you are pushed further and further. Soon, you have been pushed to a computer.

By Jayakrishnan V

Aug 21, 2021

The course is good for all levels of expertise. It starts from the fundamentals and also gives a good view of how modern computers are architected

By Nikita S

Mar 8, 2018

That was a very good course which helped a lot to understand how does exactly computer insides are working. Great starting point for any beginner.

By kaivalya r s

May 11, 2020

A Very useful and inciting course based on one of the great inventions by man. Got my curiosity related to computers satisified with this course.

By Gustavo M B

Jan 28, 2023

Excellent course, I would like you to expand a little more on the subject of sequential systems for the type of von neuman cpu that they specify

By David L

Feb 14, 2017

Amazing course, I really enjoyed it, I recommend to all who wish to understand better about the computational architecture from its foundation.

By 呂耀廷

Apr 23, 2016

I think this is one of the BEST class on coursera.

Instructors use a very efficient and easy way to teach the essence of computer architecture.

By Dave A

Dec 7, 2020

This was a great course! To go from building basic logic gates to writing an assembler for a computer that I built, in less than 6 weeks, wow!

By Ian W

Apr 21, 2019

Wow what an amazing course, very good lectures, very good curriculum. One of the best courses I've taken even including my 5 years at college.

By Jonathan L K

May 2, 2021

This course provided an incredible insight into how computers work, from microarchitecture to architecture to assembly programming. Amazing.

By bowman

Jul 8, 2020

it is an execllent course, full of joy.

and I recommed the author to develop a more deep courses cover a modern cpu design and a unix like os

By omer z

Sep 1, 2022

Enjoyed it a lot! Not many courses involve the learner actually implementing the ideas themselves - this was both fun and super effective!

By Abhay J

Dec 2, 2021

Very good course, in my college they asked me to do a course on Computer Architecture and I found this course on coursera and it's amazing.

By David G C

May 13, 2020

Me hizo cambiar la manera de ver la enseñanza.

Muchas Gracias gracias a los profesores Shimon y Noam, así como su equipo de colaboradores.

By Liu X

Nov 1, 2019

This is the best basic computer lessons I have ever entered. When I finished building a hack computer, I felt proud and exited. Thank you!

By Fabricio S

Mar 10, 2024

Excellent course! Excellent material! I had a lot of fun building the Hack computer and leaned some new things. Let's go to the part 2!!!

By Mina E S

Oct 11, 2021

One of the best, well organized, fun courses I have ever take. The material is challenging but presented in an extremely interesting way.

By Itai S

May 20, 2018

As a seasoned programmer I took the course with my 16 years old son and we both got a deep low-level knowledge and an amazing experience.

By Antoine N

Oct 8, 2016

It was a great experience building a computer hardware from first principles. I am wondering if I can build this architecture on an FPGA@

By Mathias D

May 23, 2020

I had a great time and some sleepless nights in this course. I was able to refresh old knowledge and gain a lot of new detail knowledge.

By Dean P

Feb 25, 2018

I learned a lot. from how a computer is built to actually making one myself. i hope i can learn more in the second course in the series.

By Eden E

May 17, 2016

This is a concise overview of computer science. If you could only take one course in this whole field. This would be the course to take.