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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Truth About Cats and Dogs by The University of Edinburgh

2,362 ratings

About the Course

What is your cat revealing to you when she purrs? What is your dog expressing when he yawns or wags his tail? Understanding your cat and
dog’s behaviour and the way they communicate with you, will enable you to better understand their needs and strengthen your relationship
with them. This MOOC is divided into five topics, the appliance of science; behaviour and body language, senses and perception; challenges for
the human-animal relationship, including pet problem behaviour; and how to improve the quality of life for cats and dogs in our care. At the
start of the course we ask you to consider what you feel is important to your cat/dog and what your cat/dog means to you? ...

Top reviews


Dec 6, 2019

I am enjoying this course and am learning quite a bit. Behavior is one of my main interests as a trainer as I think understanding it helps to design training and living programs for the animal.


Apr 5, 2020

I really enjoyed taking this course. The lectures were very informative and I learned a lot from this course. I definitely recommend this course for anyone who is interested in dogs and cats. :)

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576 - 600 of 663 Reviews for The Truth About Cats and Dogs

By Shirley G

May 19, 2020

I feel better in understanding a dog's perspective in training and ownership. I would like to have a review of the different kinds of dogs and their traits since I am looking for a dog that hopefully likes my cats. Adopting a dog would be the only way to obtain one, but I am afraid their past could be a problem if they were mistreated. I course was very interesting and would recommend it to my fellow animal lovers.


By Ange R

Jun 11, 2017

A little stronger slant regarding dogs than cats, but still very educational about both. Great review of the basics as well as lots more details (and amazing resources) to learn a lot more! I'm a little embarrassed that I didn't know nearly as much about my cats as I thought I did when beginning this class. It's a fun and light course that provides solid information on exactly what it says: cats and dogs.

By Sheng-Ting L

Apr 28, 2020

Fun and informative, though I was hoping to get more in-depth knowledges. This course is more suitable for people who have limited knowledges of cats and dogs and would maybe consider to get a cat/dog. If you have been educating yourself about knowledges and facts about cats and dogs, you may find this course relatively basic. Anyways, I still appreciate the instructors' efforts of forming this course!

By Vi T

Oct 11, 2022

Very usefull and in-depth information on cat and dog behaviors and body languages. However I'm a bit dissapointed by the fact that in Week 5, Training and Enrichment part is only about dog training because you can train your cat and have better communication/bonding with them through training. I was expected to see cat training using clicker training method as well but it wasn't mentioned there.

By Amelie K

May 25, 2020

The information in this course is excellent. The only thing I didn't like were the quality of the quizzes. Our comprehension wasn't really tested. I wish the quizzes/tests were more about the content and were actually graded. I feel like i could have written anything and would have "passed". Also, I feel there should be a warning about some of the videos shown where animals are in distress.

By Himal k

May 1, 2020

I'm feeling very fantastic and awesome to do this course because i learned vocabularyies,idom and phareses ,word cluster and many many other thing i learned for this course i feel very proud to complete this course and it is very helpful to many students, people to burden their life and Bright life..these courses are life changing couserA....thank you


By Camila S N

Oct 22, 2021

A tradução para o português (Brasil) não está boa, porém conseguimos entender muita coisa. Há um vídeo (não me lembro de qual semana) que a tradução não aparece toda, e nem o texto. Fora essas observações, o curso é muito bom para iniciantes em Medicina Veterinária e até mesmo para quem quer adquirir conhecimento sobre os cuidados dos gatos e cachorros.

By Sam H

Oct 14, 2019

Overall the course was great. I gave it 4 stars because although I am not in the animal field, I do have quite the extensive knowledge. A lot presented I was already aware of but I did learn a few new things which is great. This course is great for anyone wishing to learn more about the common pets of dogs and cats and hopefully they can teach others.

By Ed B

Jul 28, 2024

I really liked the course and learned a lot. I have 7 indoor rescue cats in a 2100 sq ft house with a 64 sq ft porch catio. I need to learn as much as possible for there welfare. I use some of the techniques you discussed, and play it by ear to try and ensure they are happy. More cat focus would have gotten 5 stars. Thank you.

By Royston J

Jun 19, 2020

Training like this should be compulsory in schools. The introduction to street dogs was the most interesting part but had too little depth. The idea of returning healthy dogs to avoid an influx of unhealthy or antisocial ones just left me wondering whose responsibility those outcasts are and what is their long term prognosis?

By Ada L Y

May 8, 2020

nice course on science behind pets and promote awareness for animal welfare. Very good start as an introductory course. I would like to have deeper learning about pets and this course is too beginner for me in that aspect. Some reading material links are no longer working. would be good to have them updated!


Mar 7, 2021

Fort intéressant. Léger accent mis sur les chiens par rapport aux chats. Malheureusement, plusieurs hyperliens ne sont plus fonctionnels: une petite mise à jour serait requise. Dommage aussi qu'il n'était plus possible de participer aux questions aux experts ou de répondre au sondage. Merci pour ce cours.

By Manuela M

Apr 11, 2024

I enjoyed taking this interesting short course that can help any pet owner better understand their role. The only issue I encountered was that many of the links provided to access additional resources no longer work and should be updated for a proper experience of the course.

By Gwendolyn U M

Jul 21, 2020

I like how this course focuses on how we can be better pet owners. I just wish they could have expounded more on common behaviors that we see among cats and dogs and how better we can respond because the statements are mostly general. I guess it's for us to dig deeper.

By Santiago Y

Oct 5, 2017

Good, I had not finished it and am excite of finish it, the only problem is the language because I don't know some words but equal is good and interesant,

Thanks Edimburg´s University and Coursera for giving this opportunity to increase our knowledge

By Claude J

Dec 31, 2020

Although I read several books on dogs and cats, I have learned quite a lot in this course. I only wish there were a bit less repetitions from one week to the next, and that a step by step training for dog video was shown as a practical guideline.

By Alexandra B

Jun 11, 2020

The information provided was helpful and good information. However, it seemed as if most of the course was spent with the speakers telling us that they would provide the information in later videos. This could have been far more concise.

By Johana S

Jul 18, 2020

This class is decidedly a public service announcement for people acquiring their first pet. This course could be the introduction , the first class in a Specialization compromised of the uni's offerings on animal welfare.

By Timothy S

Jul 10, 2017

This course has a lot of information about cats and dogs. I learned a lot of different things in this course I didn't know about cats. I learned all about the three different 'areas' a cat has around the yard, why cats like

By C. W B

Jul 28, 2021

Interesting. Helped me learn about ways to care for my old dog to better improve his mental wellbeing and how to recognize behavior and body language in my new cat as well as arrange his physical needs to better help him.

By Natalia V

Oct 10, 2017

I found it helpful, entertaining and easy to understand.

I would have loved to have found more information about cats (interaction, adaptation, health problems...) since information about dogs is much more widely spread.

By Marilyn I

Jun 10, 2020

Good information but a bit repetitive, would have liked more information on changing unwanted behaviour such as barking, pulling on the lead, scrounging at the table especially for the older rescue dog

By tessg

Apr 29, 2020

The questions that were just selecting breeds was the only negative part. They did not discuss those breeds in the videos. Otherwise, I enjoyed the class. I would give 4.5 stars if I could.


Oct 20, 2024

A separate course needs to be formulated and added to this one wherein common diseases of cats and dogs is discussed along with their prevention (through vaccination) and treatment.

By Rebecca A

Jun 11, 2020

I learnt a lot about cats and dogs. Some of it is repetitive but that means you are more likely to finish the course with knowing the information well. Very enjoyable and recommend.