Apr 19, 2019
perfect for beginner level. all the concepts with code and parameter wise have been explained excellently. overall best course in making anyone eager to learn from basics to handle advances with ease.
Jan 30, 2022
This is totally one of the hardest course I've ever taken on Coursera. It's packed with knowledge I did not know before. Definitely recommended for people who want to learn data analysis with Python.
By Juan J F
•Mar 22, 2021
An excellent introduction to the techniques to analyze data and do the validation, very clear exercises
By Venna R D
•Feb 2, 2024
A very good and detailed explanation. A little bit of assistance in coding should improve in the labs.
By Akshay S
•Jun 22, 2020
Overall coerce is good. Just the algorithm explained at last weeks need to be more simple explanation,
By Rajeev P
•Mar 22, 2020
It was a good course. Learnt a lot of statistics and how to implement them in python from this course.
By Hung C T
•May 1, 2019
Would be better if some underlying theory of advanced topics is covered, such as Ridge Regression etc.
By Nicholas F
•Nov 24, 2020
It would be good if there were more practice opportunities. Overall a good class for familiarization.
•Sep 16, 2020
week5-6 labs were tough for writing own code and for understanding. However for awareness, it was OK.
By Viwan J
•May 24, 2019
It is a good course but -1 star because many typos/errors/unclear tasks in the assignment submission.
By Aisha P
•Jul 26, 2022
I am fully satisfied with this course.this course helhed me to enhance my skill just awesome course.
By Vicente C L F
•Nov 18, 2019
Very good course! I just missed more deep content as optional reading in Ridge, Grids and Pipelines.
By Stéphan D
•Mar 6, 2022
Some technical problems with IBM watson while doing the course. Questions could be more difficult.
By Ivan L
•Dec 9, 2021
Final Assignment is Ok, theory esp. some of the quizes subject for improvement (to make it perfect)
By Juan D M G
•Jun 17, 2020
Muy buen curso y muy buenos laboratorios! SIn embargo a veces no explican la teoría tan al detalle.
By Shrinidhi S
•May 9, 2020
My assignments with the correct answers were only given partial marks.Pls do the need for the same.
By Daniel O V
•May 6, 2020
I think it should have a higher level of difficulty, not so much more difficult but a little more.
By Fab T
•Jan 30, 2019
Great! Still thinking in go back to review the details that maybe I missed.. But excellent course.
By Abdullah T A
•Jan 18, 2022
The stuff in week 5 confused me a lot. but other than that it was great. especially lab sessions
By Reinhard H J
•Oct 18, 2019
I learned some new things, but I think more attention should be given to the theoretical aspects.
By Nur C N
•Jul 11, 2019
Too much information in one course, it's good but need to be put more example to make it clearer.
By Adrian A
•Sep 5, 2022
Good background knowledge.
Assignment did not have a model answer script provided for peer review
By Umesh S
•Jul 21, 2020
may be a course or module on statistics may be more helpful to get better insight of this course
By Fahad R
•Jun 28, 2020
Very comprehensive course but it would be great to add some more material from basic statistics.
By Sajal J
•Oct 19, 2019
Good for learning basics of data analysis using simplest explanation methods .HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
By Adam A
•Feb 1, 2022
Peer Review Assignmnet is flawed - not all students assess properly and give incorrect marks.
By L.H M
•Jul 20, 2021
This course has given me a good start up to analysing with python. Thank you IBM and Cousera.