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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Decentralized Applications (Dapps) by University at Buffalo

1,179 ratings

About the Course

This third course of the Blockchain specialization prepares you to design and develop end-to-end decentralized applications (Dapps) – which
provide anyone with access to the blockchain’s features and services. You will use Truffle IDE, smart contracts, a simple web client and a
MetaMask client. You will learn about the architecture of a Dapp: the front-end client interface, backed by the blockchain and smart contracts.
The course covers the basic design of a Dapp, Truffle development process and commands (init, develop, test and migrate), test-driven
development of Dapp, Dapp application models and emerging standards that are essential for predictable Dapp behavior. ...

Top reviews


Dec 28, 2019

it would have been nice if the instructor has included the instructions for truffle+ganache installation for local machine. Truffle works great on a native machine over vm! thanks!


Apr 28, 2021

A very helpful course filled with practical knowledge on the way to become a successful blockchain developer, moreover when the open source material on this domain is abysmal.

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201 - 225 of 233 Reviews for Decentralized Applications (Dapps)

By Bornface S

Aug 22, 2020

Awesome experience

By Phạm Đ T t

Aug 1, 2024

too old

By John L

Feb 19, 2020

This course was probably great when written but is suffering from a clear lack of maintenance. The virtual machine setup is seriously out of date and even the solidity version it runs is no longer supported. I spent hours just getting the environment set up correctly and you needed to fix broken examples and sample code. I would say this added weeks to the completion time and was frustrating with little support and few answers from the teacher or staff. I would suggest a total refresh of the course.

By Nanda K

Oct 14, 2018

Perhaps the worst taught course I have taken on Coursera. Presentation of the material could have been much better. The teacher just reads off a script and mumbles during demos.

My biggest takeaway is the additional material. I learnt a lot more from them than by watching the video lectures.

By Ivan M

Jun 19, 2020

a good course content, but the verification of programming assignment is terrible. I spend half of the day constantly rewriting the same! content in file to get it passed. As I see, it was raised a number of times on the forum.

By Florine W D

Jul 7, 2021

Like the other courses in this specialisation, the information is superficial and mostly consists of pointers to more useful resources. The videos are boring, and the final project is badly set up.

By Deniz D

Apr 15, 2022

The contents and the tools used for the assignments are horribly outdated. Although the instructor is really engaging, spending hours on using the virtual box image was frustrating.

By Roosevelt S

Feb 27, 2022

Alot of the content is good but alot of the files came with errors which took hours to find the root of as someone new to the space. There were also very resources on how to debug.

By William C

Dec 12, 2021

While the core concepts are generally solid, the material is pretty dated. If you don't care about the certificate you are better off going through CryptoZombies.

By Vlad S

Feb 20, 2021

The process of developing a DAPP was superficially explained. You gain almost no hands-on experience at the end of this course.

By Kurt G

Mar 23, 2021

Spent many frustrating hours troubleshooting due to outdated versions of referenced software. Badly in need of updating.

By Welborn M

Jul 6, 2019

This course has many missing points not clearly specified flow. Still one can learn through own research.

By Personal M A

Oct 24, 2018

The software behind Ethereum is immature. Should not be even allowed in beta release.

By Yousif A

Apr 7, 2021

This course is getting outdated

By Sacsham A

Jan 19, 2020

not very informative

By Tom

Dec 28, 2021

The course content is ok, but the final project cannot really be finished if you follow the course description. It requires quiet a lot of work to actually make it run as the provided VM is hopelessly outdated. Basically there is no support from the instructor/mentors and if some people in the community wouldn't have taken it upon themself to help via the forum it would be impossible to finish the course.

By Adam S A

May 24, 2021

Almost all of this course is out of date and deprecated. The discussion forums are full of students begging for help and trying to come up with work-arounds for the old code. I decided to not finish the specialization at this point, which was disappointing, since I enjoyed the first two courses in the specialization.

By Yannick

Feb 17, 2025

The content is interesting, but the VM is so out of date it remove lot of joy about following this course. Can't use a proper dev editor, can't update any tools, can't even install git, even coursera is not loading in the VM because chrome and Firefox are completely outdated... Please fix it!

By Ian W

Feb 13, 2022

The material is very outdated and most of the provided code doesn't run anymore. You spend more time trying to update the Virtual environment, or the provided source code samples, or the NPM packages than actually learning the content. It's frustrating - I cannot recommend this.

By Leandro T

Jan 15, 2023

This course is very outdated and must receive updates to be relevant again, the professor is very shallow on the approach, several links are broken and the programming assignments are broken as well, I did not learned a lot from it and do not recommend.

By Deborah O

Mar 4, 2023

The simulations are the worst. The materials regarding the tools and IDE used needs to be updated removing all errors. The no response when questions are asked are also a great concern. Truffle nor MetaMask never run in my environment.

By Anthony A

Sep 5, 2020

Completely inadequate explanation as to how to set up the environment, truffle etc. Lectures far too short. Completely confusing resource materials. Nothing works. Flying blind.

By Việt A T

Jul 18, 2021

The course's demo video on Metamask extension is outdated. No instructors or TAs came to the discussion forums to help on the outdated problem with Metamask's chain ID.

By Rastko R

Jan 3, 2025

The last nonsense was incredibly time consuming, especially if you're unfamiliar with JS/Sol. They should've just made us deploy our own test token on a testnet.

By Enrico B

Aug 15, 2024

This course is good but seems to me that no one decided to update it. It explains interesting thing but some of them are deprecated or changed