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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Digital Footprint by The University of Edinburgh

647 ratings

About the Course

If I Googled you, what would I find? As we move around the online world we leave tracks and traces of our activity all the time: social media
accounts, tagged images, professional presences, scraps of text, but also many artefacts we don't always realise we are leaving behind, or that
others leave about us. In this course you will hear from a range of experts and you will have an opportunity to explore and reflect on your
own online tracks and traces, to understand why your digital footprint is important. We will introduce you to some of the tools and approaches
to effectively manage your online presence (or digital footprint). The course will focus on the different dimensions of a digit...

Top reviews


Aug 13, 2017

I thoroughly enjoyed this course, my objectives were met and the course creators put a lot of thought into ensuring that various options were available to suit different learning styles. Thank you


Jun 28, 2020

Very informative and easy to follow! I like how they've gathered diff opinions and i feel that gives us a wholesome view towards the whole topic and makes classes more fun in that sense.

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1 - 25 of 167 Reviews for Digital Footprint



Mar 17, 2022

Excellent course in which I really learned a great deal about building and protecting my digital footprint. The professors are genuine, honest and a delight to listen to. Well done!

By Chuah H


Oct 11, 2020

Very informative and useful course to know more about what digital footprint means, what are the pros and cons to look out for, and the ways it can benefit one's career if used properly.



Jun 29, 2020

Very informative and easy to follow! I like how they've gathered diff opinions and i feel that gives us a wholesome view towards the whole topic and makes classes more fun in that sense.

By Tolulope K


Aug 14, 2017

I thoroughly enjoyed this course, my objectives were met and the course creators put a lot of thought into ensuring that various options were available to suit different learning styles. Thank you

By أسامة ه - O


Jul 16, 2020

This course was very very useful.

I became very familiar with the digital fingerprint, and I became aware of the digital fingerprint and how to arrange and manage my presence online.

thank you

By fabio g


Jul 21, 2020

it is an informative course, if you already are a social platform user, probably all the topics shared are common sense. however there is no harm in refreshing what behavior should we follow online, and how to safeguard our privacy as this may have high impact on our professional life.

By Pierre S


May 19, 2017

This course is excellent, it doesn't require too much time which was perfect for me when I took it. And it is very interesting, includes a lot of additional content to go deeper into the subject. There are several speakers who come with different ideas, tips, points of view which make the course engaging and clear. I recommend !

By Nandivada P E


Jun 18, 2020

super coures

By Melachroini V


Nov 26, 2019

As a middle-aged FLT and former bank executive, I belong to the generation that feels suspicious about social networks. The course was to the point, including a sufficient amount of information, many experts' opinions and not at all axiomatic or dogmatic. It made me feel more relaxed and confident and less afraid to be exposed when contemplating to join a 'platform'. It demonstrated that social networks can be used in a beneficial way and can be a disciplined and regulated environment.

By Aedrian A


Jan 21, 2021

This short course is for those who are not even casually aware of their digital footprint (and its possible implications for their current and future lives). I have learned to be more conscientious in moving around the internet sphere after taking this course, making good note of the online accounts I may have created (often unwittingly) in the past, and in "filtering" apps that demand personal information but are dispensable for my needs.

By Sandeep B


Oct 5, 2020

Phenomenal is the word..!! loved all the interviews and it was really an eye-opener for a person like me who is posting contents online and well as following many other related to work or hobby. I have decided to be extra cautious when I'm online. Thanks a ton to the Instructors and content creators. I have in fact started following many instructors on twitter who were interviewed in this course. Thank you

By Scott K


May 23, 2019

Thoughtful, and thought-provoking course on what it means to have a presence online and to be active on social media, in personal and professional capacities. I've been using social media for years, and this helped me to think more about how the landscape has changed, how my needs and wants for social media have changed, and how I can be more proactive in making sure it works for me.

By Carmen


Nov 18, 2020

It is a short yet helpful course designed with insights on the importance of online persona management and how taking responsibility of one self's digital footprints can make a big difference in making our online presence meaningful, worthwhile and secured. This goes beyond what books can teach us about the reality of the digital world. Thank you for this wonderful course!

By Jenny A F


Jan 18, 2021

I've learned a lot from these course, making my online presence that synchronized with your career. Think before you post, share and comment bear in mind that we leave a digital footprint that has to be professional and modest in such a way that it attract positive implications for our friends, groups and future employer

By Yali X M M


Nov 2, 2020

I am a novice lawyer. So, I found this course very helpful because I learned the tools for Digital Footprint. Now I understand better some concept of online navigation and the track that we leave. For this reason, I highly recommend the course for those who want to study the basic of digital footprint.

By Harsh a


Jun 25, 2020

This course made me learn few things which were barrier to me when I open my social media pages. All of my queries are solved here. The environment is dynamic, we need to focus on it, this course is highly preferable. Thanks to The University of Edinburgh for making the course at an online platform.

By Laurence R


Nov 25, 2020

This Course really helps a lot in making us aware of our Social presence and the footprints we leave behind. Taking a time to think of how an attitude we have before could change when the things we have done from the past haunt us in the future. Think before we post. Think before we share.

By Usman T M


Sep 27, 2022

It is a very informative and amazing course through which an indivisual can learn and underatand the concept of digital footprints and how does it impact a person or organization presence globally. This course helps me know about the key concepts of digital prvacy and its importance.

By Muhammad A


Feb 4, 2022

I think this is imporant for everyone to undesatnd the importance of their digital footprint. This course makes your mindful about how to manage your digital presence at large. This importance and signifance of this and such courses will grow and will be felt in times to come.

By Helena B


Mar 4, 2023

Excellent module. Thought-provoking, engaging, and a great cross-section of people brought in to discuss and give insights and perspectives. Schools, colleges, and corporations should take note. What we say online today may impact where we are in years to come.

By Melissa E


May 19, 2021

Although I have several online profiles and have experience serving as an IT Officer/Webmaster for several of my college organizations, this course has refreshed my look at my digital footprint allowing me to review them with a fresh and stronger lens.

By Sarah M H


Nov 6, 2020

This course is short but it offers a lot of helpful tips on how an individual can make his or her online presence professional. Also, it helps in maintaining your social media accounts private so that you leave small to none of your digital footprints.

By Naved A


Jul 18, 2020

Very much interesting and not only professionals but every individual online should know about the pros and cons of posting things online and your digital footprints that are left behind when you go online or use social media.

By Anil B


Sep 25, 2022

The course adds atleast 100 kilowats of sheer power to my speeding car, though autonomous navigation might have helped, in an era of autonomous vehicles, avatars and automated correspondence, how would people compete?

By Deleted A


Jun 4, 2020

This course helps me to have a full-real understanding about my online presence and gave me so many useful tips in maximizing my online profile. Thank you very much.