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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Equities by Interactive Brokers

336 ratings

About the Course

In this course, will look at industries and economic sectors that neatly define an economy. We will also introduce you to fundamental concepts involved in a company’s annual statements such as balance sheets, cash flows and its income statement, plus explore popular fundamental values used to filter vast amounts of corporate stocks. And finally, we’ll examine mutual funds and ETFs as alternatives to individual stocks for investing. To facilitate a comprehensive understanding of essential concepts discussed, this course includes a series of practical examples, quizzes, reading materials and a final course project....

Top reviews


Jul 8, 2024

This is very informative and useful set of trainings for beginners who would like to learn and understand about Equities and kick of their learning experience in this field.


Nov 18, 2021

Great refresher for me. I completed my finance MBA over 14 years ago and had forgotten much of it. This course helped me regain much lost knowledge

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1 - 25 of 81 Reviews for Fundamentals of Equities

By L. R B

Jun 29, 2021

Seems like one big plug for the IBKR Trading platform.

By Kofi F S

Dec 22, 2021

I was expecting some practical guide to trading equitied and stock selection. It looks like they just want people to trade on their platform

By Ritwik J

Oct 22, 2021

Loved the course, taught me about business cycles and how it effects various sectors, related stocks movements and the overall market. Also focuses on the three key fundamental instruments which are the Income statement, Balance Sheet, & Cash flow. After completing the course, I feel like now I have a means to value a company's stock price on some actual practical fundamental basis.

By Loz M

Sep 22, 2021

I found the software did not correspond to the course material and hopelessly confusing. I had to give up as I got too far behind.

By Keith F

Oct 3, 2022

I disliked the narrated the videos, although the media was rich and the visuals sort of kept my interest. Considering that Interactive Brokers is headquartered in Greenwich, Connecticut, the accent of the person narrating the videos is most puzzling. For some reason I kept picturing Lee Evans, who was played Tucker in, "There's Something About Mary." That weird accent along with the delivery of the information, and the meritless questions I had to answer to demonstrate competence only further angered me. For me, there was not enough in those videos to recall the minutiae to answer the multiple choice questions. It took me too long to complete the class (3 extensions) and sadly this class can be completed answering thee quizzes of 7-8 questions.

By John E H

Nov 19, 2021

Great refresher for me. I completed my finance MBA over 14 years ago and had forgotten much of it. This course helped me regain much lost knowledge

By Antonina A

Feb 13, 2023

very clear and gave the right base to start to understand investments, trading, and base of finance! Absolutly suggested !TOP

By Abhijit A P

Aug 12, 2022

Best Course i have learned in my career which provides knowledge skills and fundamentals concepts explained in a good manner

By Kenneth N

Jul 1, 2022

accent very bad


Oct 10, 2022

Very clear and concise training on equities, covering economic cycles, ETF, mutual funds, company financial statetements: income, balance sheet and cash flows.

There are many complementary lectures which are very interesting and some exercices using the IBKR trading platform.

By Filipe A d M O

Aug 21, 2022

The course helps you build a good knowledge base on the main instruments of technical and fundamental analysis of the financial market. It will certainly be a great differential for those who are looking to improve specific knowledge.

By Dhinesh A D

Nov 15, 2022

Great course briefly explains about sector investing, fundamentals of equities, financial statements overview and the IBKR platform is a great way to learn more about financial products, facts, statistics and reports.

By Sudheer K

Jul 9, 2024

This is very informative and useful set of trainings for beginners who would like to learn and understand about Equities and kick of their learning experience in this field.

By Hector F

Nov 18, 2023

Muy buen curso para entender conocimientos en bolsa, ETF, hacer análisis fundamental, riesgos y beneficios de las inversiones y mucho mas. Muy recomendable.

By Gustavo N

Jun 28, 2022

Excellente material and the integration between and IBKR interface makes easier and faster the learning process.

By Anthony T

Oct 8, 2021

I found this course very useful to learn how to use new features in comparing stocks to sectors and indexes.

By Franklin T

May 7, 2021

i love it, i feel very proud of my self, all of this is new for me and i am really excited to learn more.

By Anderson N

Jul 1, 2021

Such a great course! I'm looking forward to revisions and pursuing new courses related to this topic.

By Leonid G

Oct 11, 2022

Great course for beginners. Simple explanations and presentations. Highly recommend.

By Danielle W

Feb 19, 2022

Really great introductory course from someone who does not have a Finance background!

By mr f

Apr 19, 2022

Great fast course on your own time with very dedidcated instructors. 100 % the best

By Ali T

Oct 8, 2024

It's a great crash course to understand the fundamentals in the financial world

By Otman E H

Sep 18, 2022

I so happy, this course helped me to gain must fundamental skills of trading.

By Daniel V

Oct 3, 2022

Great course, lots of support material to help you learn is provided.

By KiaRia “ S

Jul 10, 2024

So much information, it was very well explained and easy to follow.