Oct 1, 2022
merci pour ce cours très enrichissant qui couvert beaucoup des aspects de base de langue française et bien sûr donne les clès pour savoir comment bien vivre en france et trouver le bonheur là-bas.
Mar 16, 2021
Great help in continuing my education on the French language. It's also very useful in learning how to navigate some of the things you may encounter as a foreign student arriving in France. :)
By Farah
•Aug 15, 2020
Great course! I've learned so many new things, thanks to the great videos and exercises. The professors had done their job perfectly! Thank you so much for this great opportunity.
By Isaac F M S
•Jan 4, 2022
Excelente curso, independientemente si vas a Francia a estudiar, la gramatica, los dialogos y los profesores del curso, te motivan a seguir estudiando para aprender este idioma.
•Jun 7, 2020
J’ai adoré ce cours. Ce fut une expérience d’apprentissage incroyable. Je remercie les formateurs et formatrices d’avoir offert un cours aussi merveilleux à tous les apprenants.
By Pollali M
•Jan 21, 2020
La meilleure option de réviser votre connaissances sur la langue française mais aussi d'améliorer votre connaissances et compétences. Félicitations aux responsables de ce cours!
By Ignacio Q
•Mar 26, 2024
An outstanding course for upper-intermediate students, it emphasizes several key aspects in different areas (grammar, pronounciation, French culture), always in a pleasant way.
By Daniel F G A
•Jul 3, 2021
It was a really good course. I learnt a lot, and even thoug I know I still need a lot of practice to have a good french level, this course helped me to get closer to that goal.
By GKelly
•Mar 19, 2021
Étudier en France est une excellente programme. C'été clair et facile de suivre et j'ai trouvé les leçons et vidéos très utile et professional. Merci pour tous. Gabrielle Kelly
By Iván L S
•May 5, 2020
Espectacular curso. Muy bien organizado y efectivo. Me ha sorprendido gratamente. Completamente recomendable. Muchas gracias por ofrecer un curso así en los tiempos que corren.
By Dulce M
•Sep 14, 2023
Es un curso muy bien elaborado, las lecciones son claras y el ritmo de trabajo es bueno, ayuda mucho a reforzar el conocimiento en el idioma e incluso a aprender cosas nuevas.
•May 28, 2024
Merci à tous les enseignants pour toutes les informations précieuses et la méthode de valeur utilisée pour présenter le cours, et merci également aux successeurs du coursera.
By Marcelo G L
•Dec 29, 2020
The course is straightforward, focused on preparing students to live in France. The pace is perfect, and the content is well designed for acing its main objectives. Excelent!
By Luciano
•Jul 10, 2020
Excelente curso. Las explicaciones fueron claras, las lecciones estaban muy bien estructuradas y los profesores han logrado volver interesantes temas que usualmente no lo son
By Christy E
•May 24, 2020
I was an A2, so this was difficult for me, but the instructors are excellent, their speech is very clear and the different modalities were much appreciated. Highly recommend!
By Shixuan H
•Oct 28, 2021
I highly recommend this course to intermediate French learners! The course is very well-structured and interesting as well. The professors are amazingly helpful. Thank you:)
By Edwina L
•May 5, 2021
really great course, great for revision and to learn or relearn grammar and vocab- I've remembered a lot and learned some new things, I'll be going over it from time to time
By Connor K
•Jan 4, 2021
Exceptional course for intermediate to advanced French language learners who wish to become fluent. I sincerely hope that more courses like this will be offered on Coursera!
By Katie J
•Jan 18, 2022
Really great course. Covers a nice range of topics (more directed for students but good even if you're not a student) and is fun. Good real life information. Thank you.
By Дарья С
•Mar 1, 2021
It's a fantastic course! I enjoyed it every time I did the tasks. Thank you a lot for the grammar and pronunciation tips, for the texts and exercices. It was fascinating!
By Valentina A
•Jul 19, 2020
Este curso es excelente! Gracias a él entendí muchas cosas que no había entendido antes, si uno se propone y realiza bien todos los ejercicios se puede aprender demasiado
By andres p r
•May 31, 2020
très heureux de terminer le cours, j'ai appris de nouveaux mots, les pronoms ont été la partie la plus difficile pour moi mais je l'ai fait et cela me rend très heureux
By Tamires G d S
•Jan 7, 2019
Le méthode et les professeurs sont excellents! Je pense avoir beaucoup amélioré mon français grâce à ce cours. J'espère qu'ils vont bientôt faire un niveau C1-C2 aussi.
By Aleida B
•Mar 6, 2017
It was great! Lots of content, quizzes etc. The videos were clear and well explained. It helped me understand some grammar points I've been struggling with for a while.
By Daniel D P C
•Jun 8, 2020
Fue un muy buen curso, la verdad me enseñó a pulir y entender que falencias tengo en elidioma francés, poara corregirlas para finalmente poder realizar el examen DELF.
By Marcos S F
•Apr 28, 2023
Um bom curso com explicações bem detalhadas do dia-a-dia dos estudantes que desejam ir para a França estudar, com ótimo ensino, principalmente, da parte de gramatica.