Dec 14, 2017
I've enjoyed this course. Prof. Standen gives a very basic but clear overview of the most common financial topics, wished I had this course a couple of years ago it would have made my life way easier.
Oct 3, 2015
Probably the single best course I have seen on finance and, by extension, accounting for those of us going in more or less clueless. It's actually an entertaining course and easy to keep watching.
By Mahdi F
•May 6, 2020
although this course is short, I've learned many new things about finance and get interested in looking up for more in finance
By Prabhjyot S M
•Sep 14, 2020
A course that will help newbies to get involved more and learn more about finance. Eye opening facts and very concise course.
By Hassan S
•Apr 15, 2017
the course. It has advanced my knowledge and understanding of basic financial concepts which greatly helped me in my career.
•Aug 22, 2021
Its very valuable for oneself and definitely learned more.
Hopefully the assignment time of 8 hrs to restart should be less.
By Rafael E V
•Jan 22, 2017
Very general but it shows the basics of finance. I wish it would had been a little more deep, but it shows what's necessary.
By Olivier V
•Feb 24, 2016
Good introduction for non-financial people willing to understand some key concepts often present in out professional life.
By Gerardo i H M
•Feb 13, 2017
very good. but in general needs more explanations in the videos and
If you introduce more languages it would be better
By Victor V
•Mar 31, 2020
really good course. going a bit too fast sometimes on some points but overall very good and blur notions are now clear
By Purvit k
•Jun 28, 2020
I think more technical stuff required in this course. also, you can add more practice exercise of finance.
thank you .
By Muhammad A
•Jan 27, 2016
Good basic course if you have no background in Finance. Reviews the important concepts that can get you along easily.
By Steven M
•Oct 20, 2015
Nice overview but does not go really into any detail. Some case studies would be helpful to see the concepts applied.
By Suzan A
•Feb 2, 2017
The formulas were very clear and the examples were very useful for understanding the financial side of the business.
By Sakshi S
•Apr 18, 2021
the course was Fantastic.. as i learn different different concepts.. likes ratios and costing.. accounting finance.
By Alison O G
•Jun 4, 2018
Content was great, but the lectures were a bit hard to follow. (Sometimes the content was repeated more than once).
By Rick Y
•May 31, 2018
Great overview of topics related to finance - this course served to further my interest in finance and accounting
By Agustin G
•Jan 31, 2017
The course was good overall. I would have enjoyed more practical exercises, specially in the Valuation module.
By Liubina D
•May 2, 2020
Thank you some much, great course indeed ... I just wanted to get some more details about the budgeting too!
By Nguyen T N A
•Oct 23, 2018
The lectures are very easy to understand. Moreover, this course help me build a strong financial foundation.
By Maya B
•Feb 13, 2017
Definitely a great course for beginners. The pace is great and the exposure to key terms is very beneficial.
By M A W
•May 22, 2020
The course was well summarized. I would like to have more interactive exercises in addition to the quizzes.
•Jul 15, 2021
It helps a lot to understand finances, if you are not an expert, the only thing I would add are examples
By Kaan H
•Apr 7, 2022
Valuable training for getting fundemental finance termi terminology and familiar basic finance tools
By Avani T
•Jul 18, 2020
Great course for beginners. Although more modules could have been included for costing and valuation
By Jerish J J
•Jun 7, 2020
Really a good course for non-financial professionals, who are in entry level to mid level of career.
By Ojas N
•Sep 26, 2020
Gives an introduction to financial and accounting terms and gives an basic understanding about it .