Jul 13, 2022
The Course on Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination is good kick-start to exploring the scope of career in Fraud Examination. Overall, the course is very much breif, enlightening and informative.
Jun 26, 2022
T​he professors were well prepared, clear and interesting. As someone completely new to the field and with no business background, I had difficulty with some concepts and terminology. I passed!!!!!!!
By Shaun G W
•Jan 6, 2020
By Natarajan K
•Nov 25, 2018
•Aug 21, 2018
By Joshua S
•Mar 15, 2016
By Trudy E
•Nov 11, 2024
This course was very interesting and engaging. I loved the case studies and discussion topics. I'm happy that I enrolled and dedicated time to complete it. It was so interesting that I think I will take some follow-on courses. I thought I knew about or understood what fraud was all about, even if just the basics, but this course brought in so many other elements I did not consider or even thought about, and showed me that not even my basic knowledge was enough. I recommend this to anyone in Finance or anyone just interested in being a better employee or person as some of the material could be applied to everyday life and personal ethics. I only have one recommendation regarding the quizzes - structure some of the questions better. Maybe these are designed to make you think, I don't know, but the sentence structure in several of the questions made it difficult to understand what you're asking. Thank you Coursera and WVU.
By Veronique G
•May 15, 2020
I really learned a lot taking this course. I am in the financial industry but got a chance to learn how other organizations detect fraud which is very similar in nature. The only thing I didn't like is that if I got an answer incorrect I was only told it was not correct and a reason without informing me of the correct answer for future reference. I am a member of the Association of anti-money laundering specialists (ACAMS) certified anti-money laundering specialist (CAMS) and this course added on to my level of knowledge and expertise. Overall I feel the instructors and Association of Certified Fraud Examiners did a great job with putting the classes together and I hope to stay connected in some way shape or form as I continue my career in the field. Many thanks!
By Avinash K
•Jul 8, 2017
The course is very well structured and introduced me to most of the topics related to fraud examination and forensic accounting. I feel that the course could benefit from adding case studies for the student to solve or providing concrete examples which the student can solve like detection of duplicate invoices or identification of improper journal entries among a list of journal entries. This would really help drill down the concepts. Overall the course whetted my appetite for this very interesting area and I certainly would like to learn more from the professors. Thanks for developing this course.
By Sunk z
•Apr 11, 2019
The content of the course is definitely great. I learned stuff i didn't knew and really liked exploring the course content. It was fun and instructive.
But the test-system sucks. I spent more time trying to understand the meaning of a question than actually pondering on which answer to choose. Plus given the very broad approach of the course, some questions were way to specific and it felt like there was no sense in asking some questions when taking the global goal of the course into account.
thank you for creating this course. I really appreciated doing it (apart from the testing-part :P)
By Thomas K
•Oct 13, 2020
While contents are great, I have identified a number of spelling misakes (e.g. NASDAC instead of NASDAQ, obviously due to poor voice recognition) and other technical inconsistencies that have a negative impact on the learning experience. In the quizzes, the order of answers is often wrong, e.g. when the topmost answer is "All of the above.", and there are instances where questions are ambiguous and can't be reasonably answered (see the question in the Worldcom context: "... was not presecuted ... was the least culpable.." in the same sentence.).
By Vivek J
•May 7, 2022
Excellent course, instructors and content, with real life examples to reinforce understanfing. One star off because the final exam contained many questions around issues that were not directly covered within the course material. Perhaps the information was contained in the 'suggedted reading' book (not available with the course) mentioned at the beginning of the course so perhaps students should have been warned that the suggested reading was in fact mandatory reading. That said, I would take a course from the same set of instructors again.
By Ara H
•Apr 17, 2023
Forensic accounting and fraud examination are important and valuable fields for businesses and organizations to prevent and detect financial fraud. The theoretical knowledge gained from a course in this subject matter can help individuals understand the principles and techniques used in forensic accounting and fraud examination, and potentially apply them to real-world scenarios. It is always beneficial to further one's knowledge and skills in this area, especially as financial fraud continues to be a prevalent issue in many industries.
By Ana V F
•Aug 19, 2021
The course was very good taught. The three professors know what they are talking about and explain concepts in a way that is understandable to all. Although the examples are good, I'd wish they were updated in order to learn about recent years. Quizzes and final exam are good, can be tried several times, and have enough time to complete them. This course only covers the surface but it gives you an understanding (even from the fraudster's point of view) and intrigues one to learn more about the topic.
By Vicki K
•May 1, 2022
Really enjoyed the course. It certainly tackled my little grey cells - passsing the exam after two attempts.
I'm so glad I done the course. It is something I chose to do as it not only connects me to the subject of Law/Crime, for which I have great passion, but also adds to my TEFL credentials when seeking to show my affiliation within the legal sector - and my hopes of developing into TOLES, or indeed persuing my goal of returning to the Legal sector in an assistant/admin-secretarial role.
By Sourabh N
•Jan 25, 2018
The course trains us on principle theories of fraud, how to detect the fraudsters, classification of fraudsters and also the processes that can be used to control fraud in organisation. The course also touches upon concepts of money laundering and Whistle-blowing mechanisms. The course can be improved by also introducing us to digital forensics and tools used world wide. Further the syllabus needs to be widened to touch upon case studies or examples across the world and not restrict to USA
By Saqib S
•Jun 29, 2020
A good course on the basics of Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examinations. I enjoyed the different voices they used to explain concepts. I also enjoyed how they used famous cases to show examples of fraud. The only thing that is keeping me from giving this course 5 stars is the lack of diverse voices. it would be nice to have instructors that vary in gender and race. Overall, I would recommend this for anyone looking to learn the basics of Fraud Detection and Prevention.
By Shalini H K
•Jul 9, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It was something new for me. I really like how they guide towards the correct answer for the wrongly answered questions. The pop quiz in between every lesson was useful that made focused on what I am studying. They also give a new set of questions if you didn't pass in the first attempt preventing you from copying or memorizing the correct answers. I enjoyed this course very much and thanks to the lecturer for the knowledge provided.
By Azer O
•Jan 10, 2025
As an auditor, I have noticed several times things that resemble fraud. It is very important who committed the fraud and why. Sometimes the predatory fraudster does not repeat it, or does it not so often, because it is not done for pure material gain but for some other goals (presenting a better situation in order to obtain a loan from a bank, etc.). This course is very good material for anyone who wants to enter this field, and when they do, may God help them.
By Sreedevi S
•Apr 10, 2020
It was an amazing experience to learn about Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination for the first time, as a beginner. The course had a good quality in respect of topics covered, the mode delivered by the faculties. The little quiz after every week was simple but tricky at times, took me multiple attempts to complete. The final quiz had some repetitive questions though. Overall I am happy with my first experience in a MOOC and coursera.
By Yap C Y
•Aug 22, 2021
I thoroughly enjoyed the course! The format presented was clear and engaging; and allowed me to approach the topics in a progressive manner. Fraud is not something new. However, to look at it from a forensic perspective, including the psychological factors, provided a more comprehensive view. A great course to better understand the meaning of fraud! Thanks to the instructors for putting up this course.
By Naser A B
•Aug 30, 2023
First and foremost, I would like to thank the WVU, Coursera and ACFE for providing such a great opportunity to learners from across the world to familiarize themselves with the key concepts of Fraud Examination and Forensic Accounting. The delivery method i.e. the combination of video lectures, real-life examples, text and the assessments was outstanding and I really loved it.
By Fernando M
•Apr 24, 2020
Interesting course and lessons, providing practical examples that connect theory and practice. For those of us non-US, the real cases were estimulating. On the other hand, I found the course really short and with no relevant material provided to the students. Maybe the institution should consider to provide more deliverables to the students in order to maximize the learning.
By Ahmad.S
•Nov 29, 2023
This course is a good option for anyone who is interested in learning more about forensic accounting and fraud examination. It is also a good option for professionals who want to enhance their skills in this area. Overall, I highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking for a comprehensive and informative introduction to forensic accounting and fraud examination.
By Supasuta C
•Jun 20, 2020
More applications and case studies, rather than relying on merely lecturing and theoretical concepts, will make the course more practical and beneficial to learners. A good example is the Accounting Analytics course which contains a lot of cases, spreadsheets, calculations, etc. Those have helped to increase my understanding of the theoretical concepts a lot.
By Daniel C F
•Jun 4, 2019
I enjoyed this course overall, however, I was hoping it would be more detailed in how to tell and how to find or locate accounting fraud. They talk about some of the software tools used in Accounting Fraud, but it would be nice to hear more about these software tools or maybe some examples of when they were used? I do recommend it!