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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Immunology: Complement, MHC I and II, T Cells, and Cytokines by Rice University

487 ratings

About the Course

Course 2 is a four-course specialization called Fundamentals of Immunology. Each course in the specialization presents material that builds on
the previous course's material. This is the second half of the journey through the defenses your body uses to keep you healthy. In the first part
we learned about innate immunity and B cell function. The second part covers T cell function and coordination of the immune response.
Fundamentals of Immunology: Complement, MHC I and II, T Cells, and Cytokines builds on the first course to describe the functions of
Complement, MHC presentation to T cells, T cell development and signaling. The early lectures survey cells, tissues and orga...

Top reviews


Mar 4, 2020

Amazing lecturer! I will be keep on coming back to the material! very challenging exams and a lot to learn! Absolutely turned on my curiosity mood! Deeply thankful for the course!


Mar 27, 2020

Module 2 out of 3. It was a great experience, once again, done by an excellent teacher! Thank you for offering this specialization course, can't wait to start module 3!

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