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Learner Reviews & Feedback for IT Security: Defense against the digital dark arts by Google

24,214 ratings

About the Course

This course covers a wide variety of IT security concepts, tools, and best practices. It introduces threats and attacks and the many ways they
can show up. We’ll give you some background of encryption algorithms and how they’re used to safeguard data. Then, we’ll dive into the three
As of information security: authentication, authorization, and accounting. We’ll also cover network security solutions, ranging from firewalls to
Wifi encryption options. The course is rounded out by putting all these elements together into a multi-layered, in-depth security architecture,
followed by recommendations on how to integrate a culture of security into your organization or team. At the end of this cou...

Top reviews


Aug 13, 2023

Course was very knowledgeable and worth taking. I feel like the training wouldn't be complete if I didn't know about security and how important it is not just for me but for everyone using technology!


Apr 25, 2018

Great course that is full of useful information and presented in an easy to understand way. It's an awesome beginner course that will add to your knowledge and further your knowledge of IT security.

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