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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Beauty of Kunqu Opera by The Chinese University of Hong Kong

205 ratings

About the Course

This course will focus on the historical and cultural background, literary aesthetics, music, and performance of Kunqu, China’s classical opera. After viewing the lecture videos presented by scholars and renowned maestros in the field of Kunqu, students’ understanding and appreciation of Chinese performing arts, classical literature and traditional culture will be enhanced....

Top reviews


May 2, 2020

After taking this course, i start to know how to appreciate Kunqu. Now i love Kunqu very much. Hope that more people can learn how to appreciate the beauty of Kunqu through this amazing course.


Jun 9, 2019

Great Course. Went and saw the Jade Hairpin in D.C. the day after I completed this course. It was a nice desert now able to understand and witness what the professor's had described.

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1 - 25 of 69 Reviews for The Beauty of Kunqu Opera

By 素 黫

Aug 5, 2017

I highly admired this course. Although I am Chinese, I am not that sure I would like Kunqu Opera at the beginning. At first, I learn this is because my teacher's command, but I have to say, there are so many things that surprised me that I never know that when Modern and Kunqu Opera combined together create that kind of beauty. So Chinese style, and so attractive. All those little details are matter. The arrangement of the lessons are reasonable. After understanding Kunqu, the combination is like a miracle. I love it so much.

By Karolina P

Feb 2, 2022

This course had many different instructors from professors of humanities to retired experts of Kunqu performance (I would say treasures who had a wealth of knowledge.

By Xinyue Z

Jun 8, 2017

The overall structure is fine. But it would be better if the answers and, if any, explanation for quiz are available.

By Angelina W

Nov 26, 2016

Beautiful lectures, especially the demonstrations. The subtitles are well scripted; I'm very thankful for that.

By Qixiu F

Jun 5, 2017



Aug 28, 2017


By Ronja J

Jun 17, 2016

Obviously, the specifics of an ancient Chinese opera are not for everyone, but if you are into China and/or Classical Music, there is much to learn here. Many of the lectures are given by (former) performers which guide you through a scene or aria, explaining as they go along. I for one enjoyed the insight into this unique way of storytelling.

By Pam H

Jan 17, 2023

Very interesting I thought the course was pitched well to the complete novice but yet was very informative . The last section on the infusion of modernity in particular I liked. It would have been great to hear more about the comparision with western thought and also the Bejing opera style.

By Nikita N

Oct 10, 2016

Absolutely loved this course! I'm so glad I signed up for this one. It's made me so much more aware of the gorgeousness of Chinese culture. The videos are a delight to watch! Prof. Kenneth Hsien-yung Pai's articulate lectures really draw you in even if you do not understand the language.

By susana m c

Aug 14, 2020

I have learned the beauty of this unknown, delicate & abstract KUNQU OPERA. I want to learn more and travel to China to enjoy KUNQU OPERA in direct!!!! With the calligraphy of Ms. Tong Yang-Tze in the stagecraft!!! ... lovely course!!!!

congrats!!!!! and thank you :)

By 吕晓婧

Oct 9, 2016


By Daniel C

Jul 19, 2017

Eye opening and enlightening. I enjoyed the course while it is also instrumental to my academic advancement. Kunqu Opera certainly deserves more recognition and appreciation. This course is a meaningful orientation on the subject.

By Ho M

Jun 6, 2022

Such a wonderful course... Beautiful of explanation from the Opera experts.. I was truly enlightened by this course and had better understanding in watching Opera drama (Winter Begonia chinese drama). Bravo!!!!

By Lee S H

May 3, 2020

After taking this course, i start to know how to appreciate Kunqu. Now i love Kunqu very much. Hope that more people can learn how to appreciate the beauty of Kunqu through this amazing course.

By liki_ y

Jan 19, 2023

真的很有趣 讲了很多以前不懂的东西,老师们都很有经验也有很深厚的文学和戏曲的底蕴,以前只觉得戏曲很无趣很古板,学了这门课真的让我感受到了 中国传统文化的美还有她背后的故事,时代背景。老师们的课堂都非常有趣,感觉他们还有很多要讲的但是时间不够!学完有种意犹未尽的感觉,希望能多出这种课堂真的是太有趣了!喜欢!respect! 血书求学校多出点文学艺术方面的课程~!!!

By ian s

Jun 10, 2019

Great Course. Went and saw the Jade Hairpin in D.C. the day after I completed this course. It was a nice desert now able to understand and witness what the professor's had described.

By Gülşen S

Feb 23, 2021

Amazing course amazing art. Breathtaking beauty of Kunqu. Lovely lecturers. Maybe it should add more videos or performans. It provide better and easy understanding.

By 桑伟丽

Dec 20, 2016

非常非常有实用性的课程,我本身也是艺术类的从业者,以前对昆曲就是好奇,但是一无所知。这次昆曲的学习打开了一扇新的大门,看到了戏曲艺术的闪光,非常值得传承的艺术瑰宝,看到老一代艺术家在课堂上努力的展示自己的专业非常的感动,强过无数坐而论道的伪君子无数倍啊 ,值得推荐,老师很棒!课程内容很丰富,很庆幸我赖道科这个课程中!

By Kay B

Feb 11, 2023

Wonderful course, all the professors are so passionate and engaging in their presentation of the course material. Tai ho la!

By Rebecca G

May 2, 2016

Interesting subject. Very important to learn about culture and history, especially if different from one's own.

By Liu Q

Sep 28, 2016


By Toni H

Jun 23, 2020

Easy to understand introduction to the art form of Kunqu Opera. I loved my experience in this course!