Jun 20, 2020
Not only was this an incredibly informative course but it gives me hope about the future of our oceans. It's exciting to hear about all of the collaborative work going on within and between nations.
Jan 16, 2019
This course deepened my understanding of large marine ecosystems, how they should be assessed and the best practices/strategies that should be implemented in order to successfully manage them.
By Muhammad A R
•Jul 27, 2020
This is really an excellent course particularly those who are interested in marine ecosystem-based management. I will surely recommend it to my friends and colleagues.
By Lucius J
•Oct 23, 2020
I've always have a love for the environment, especially the ocean, but this course have opened my eyes to the collaborative efforts towards the protection and continuity of our oceans and its inhabitance. the efforts that was put into the presentation of this course including all the resources that was made available made it easier to understand and pass the course. I would like to extend my appreciation and say thanks to professor Coleen Moloney, Dr Kenneth Sherman, Emma Kelley and everyone else who contributed to make this course possible.
Continue the good work on teaching the world
By Sabine
•May 30, 2018
I have enjoyed the course very much. It is well structures and offer a good overview of the various steps towards EBM of LMEs. It is also a great source of information and references about current TDA-SAP efforts in various LMEs. The graded activities are interesting and provide the opportunity to work more specifically on one or 2 examples of TDA-SAP. The grading process it self is a bit difficult as each question is sort of a good or bad options only , there is no room to provide a more refined assessment such as yes main elements were provided but failed to fully answer the question and deserve a 3/4 grade but choice is only 0/4 or 4/4. The feedback we get from the graded activities is therefore limited.
By Karen S
•May 30, 2020
Really loved this course! My work delves deeply into coastal management so it was refreshing to see a whole new perspective about things, especially on how we can improve management at a transboundary scale. What's even more commendable is how the information was broken down into clear, disgestable chunks. Also love how there's a synthesis every step of the way to help with memory retention. Also love the readings. I think they're a good representation of all the existing literature there is on large marine ecosystems. Everyone should give this course a try.
By Nina B
•May 20, 2021
The quizes were simple enough to not be overwhelmed completely. I redid my quizes quite a few times which aided me in working through content. The last assignment was quite daunting as I found information harvesting was difficult due to the very large documents one had to go through to find simple answers. Peer reviewing was very pleasant as this allowed me to see what the standard of my answers should be.
By Sonia R
•Aug 16, 2020
An excellent introduction to the prevailing approach to managing ocean ecosystems. Strong focus on the concept of Large Marine Ecosystems and how countries collaborate to protect shared marine ecosystems using United Nations resources and funding from the Global Environmental Fund.
By morad h
•Nov 21, 2021
It was a very useful course at the beginning. I would like to thank the professors in charge of the course for providing the information to us beautifully.. I learned from the course a lot of things, including the risks that threaten the marine environment such as overfishing and pollution, what are their causes and possible solutions to avoid these risks, in addition, I learned about the productivity of fisheries Fish and cross-border fishing and what are the measures that governments can take to preserve the integrity of the oceans, in addition to that, I took a comprehensive idea of the sustainability of livestock and natural habitats
By Melissa B
•Jun 24, 2024
I learned so much from this course. It gives me hope for the future as it demonstrates that the 5 module, multi stakeholder LME approach can help make the changes necessary to fundamentally change the current trajectory of the world's marine ecosystems. I wish it were a required course for every high school aged student in the world. I plan on using this knowledge to help make any impact possible on CLME+, hopefully in the area of outreach as knowledge is power and the earlier a person obtains the knowledge, the more they can help.
By Patrick O
•Jan 5, 2021
Very well organized course, good videos and selection of readings and effective teaching methods, incl. the peer review which I think is a very good idea for MOOCs. I have learned a lot (about LMEs as well as about how a good MOOC can be done).
A small critique: I wish the certificate had a back-page where some more details about the course, duration etc. was listed as to show potential employers the content and scope of the course. Noone will look at the provided URL to find out the details.
By Amy P N
•Jun 17, 2020
Absolutely brilliant course! It gives so much great information to really get to grips with LME assessment and management, as well as lots of resources to fully engage with the topic. The videos and readings were all easy to follow and the assessments were never too hard, but definitely gave opportunities to really look into the topic in depth. I really do recommend this course if you're interesting in marine ecosystems and their conservation.
By Arturo M
•Jun 25, 2018
Very recommendable course, with high quality teaching classes and a wide knowledge offer from ecosystem characteristics to effective marine management. Very easy to follow, starting from the basics in the first weeks and going deeper and more difficult in the study while advancing in time. Tasks and activities very challenging and interesting, the best ones those qualified by the other students of the course. A really good learning experience!
By Paul N
•Feb 23, 2021
Very well-structured course and thought out content. Please be prepared to conduct your own research using the materials provided and links in the course to support your assessments (if going for a certified course). I liked how each aspect was developed on in the following week, this builds your appreciation of LMEs from a systematic perspective. Good foundation for those who work in the marine management and governance sector.
By Tanvir K
•Feb 2, 2022
'Large Marine Ecosystems: Assessment and Management' is an outstanding course arranged by University of Cape Town with the support and input of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), UNESCO-IOC and IW:LEARN through Coursera. This is an extraordinary course. You can enroll if you are interested in marine ecosystems.
By Loyiso V
•Jun 28, 2018
This programme is quite impressive. As a student, I often finished my work during last minutes. But the way it i structured and created, I find my self learning many concepts and enjoying it too. It is a well developed and amazing way of learning and teaching. I hope that some else tries it, as my first online course, it definitely won't be my last. Thank you to all the members of the LME.
By Andrés T
•May 24, 2021
A very good course, with tools and good information by experts in the field. Highly recommended to understand the management and analysis of the large marine ecosystems on the planet.
Un curso muy bueno, con herramientas y buena información a cargo de expertos en la materia. Muy recomendado para comprender el manejo y análisis de los largos ecosistemas marinos en el planeta.
•Dec 26, 2019
في تاريخ الأمم المتحدة لا يمكن أن يقال دون الحرب العالمية الثانية. وبعبارة أخرى، فإن تجربة هذه النتائج الحرب في تأسيس الأمم المتحدة، تهدف إلى الحفاظ على عالم يسوده السلام وازدهار الأمم. وعلى النقيض من هذا المثل الأعلى، في بعض الحالات فشل الأمم المتحدة في إنهاء الصراعات الأهلية، مما يدل على الحد من الأمم المتحدة. أعتقد أن الوقت نحن بحاجة إلى إصلاح شكل إدارتها قادم.
By Daniela C
•Jul 4, 2021
this course is a really good intro to the LME management, more for people who want to explore the field than for people who already have practical experience. the pacing and requirements aren't too difficult, but they do require you to think. all the topics are presented systematically and they're easy to understand even without any background knowledge.
By Matt A
•Mar 9, 2021
A fantastic course that was complete with a wealth of knowledge, resources both written and video that allowed the student to immerse themselves into the subject matter and really extend beyond what the course offered. I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in our environment and the world we live in.
By Patrick B B
•Jun 15, 2023
Me gustó bastante el curso y la información brindada a través de ellos. No esperaba que la evaluación de grandes ecosistemas marinos fuera un tema tan amplio, sin embargo, tiene sentido ya que hablamos de grandes porciones del planeta. Altamente agradecido con los profesores por la información brindada.
By Katherine H
•Sep 25, 2018
I thought this course was excellent! It is the first online course I have completed, and I found it interactive, engaging and informative. The information was conveyed through a good mix of media, and the assignments and quizzes at an appropriate level to retain one's attention and make one think !
By Abderrahmane K
•May 17, 2020
A general review of LME assessment and management. You will learn the meaning of LME and some aspects related to their assessment and management. You will have access to plenty of resources and documentation related to this subject.
I recommend to all marine biologists.
By Catalina P G
•Aug 12, 2020
Tremendo curso! muy informativo y completo. Enriqueció de sobremanera mis conocimientos en el área de los ecosistemas marinos, logre entender en un 100% los contenidos y cada semana planteaba el trabajo de una manera muy desafiante y motivante.
By Vasileios-Orestis S
•Feb 24, 2021
Very interesting and helpful course, with rich study material for further reading. Lectures are organized and easy to understand, while there are frequent exercises of various types to keep track of your progress and what you've learned.
By Jo
•Mar 7, 2022
Really enjoyed the course and learnt a lot. The vidoes were very informative and well presented and lots of additional info available. My only issue is that I cant seem to get a certificate and not sure how to contact anyone to help.
By Salaudeen S
•Feb 20, 2023
The course was mind-blowing. I learned a lot about assessing and managing Large Marine Ecosystems. I am enthusiastic that the knowledge gained will be critical in helping me contribute to the management of the LME around me.