Oct 6, 2015
Excellent course that really helped me focus on efficient study skills and pass these on to my school students. Thoroughly enjoyed the course content and the way in which is was structured.Thank you.
Aug 1, 2020
This course accumulates a clear and valuable set of thoughts that structure knowledge about learning principles and tactics. Also, it was interesting to know some new things about how the brain works.
By Moise T
•Jan 29, 2021
exaptational they breakdown how to learn, retrieve what you learn by Chunking the information and how to use effective techniques on defeating procrastination.
By Alfredo D C
•Sep 13, 2020
One of the best decisions in 2020, a lot of advices and learning that will be useful for the rest of my life. Thank you very much Barbara Okey and Dr.Sjrnoski!
By Jordylene S
•Aug 10, 2020
This course helps me a lot to know meaningful and powerful tools that I may apply to battle my tough subjects this new school semester.Thank you and more power
By Liban A
•Aug 6, 2020
A very good course on how to establish, maintain, and elevate memory and learning. I will definitely utilize what I have learned from the course going forward.
By Justin K
•Feb 28, 2019
An excellent programme - really easy to fit into my schedule and tremendously useful content that will be valuable for a long time to come. Highly recommended.
By Ms.YC L
•Jul 10, 2018
This is a great course for anyone who wants to be a better learner. Even if you are a strong student, this course will teach you how to learn more efficiently.
By Rehan Z
•Apr 26, 2018
This course works like a consulting approach to a business case, by addressing all nits-grits of learning process. My favorite part is illusion of learning! :)
By Maria I C M
•Feb 23, 2018
totalmete lo recomiendo, te ayuda en desarollarte de manera mas practicas y es aplicable en muchas areas de estudios, como lenguas, ingenierias, licenciaturas.
By Deleted A
•Dec 19, 2017
One of the best and powerful courses I have taken , it is important to know how to learn anything. The sessions were also interactive and interesting. Thanks !
By Lena W
•Oct 7, 2017
Extremely helpful, motivated me and it was easy to follow the explanations of concepts. Great instructors! Will definitely review contents during my education.
By Albert K
•Sep 1, 2017
Exceptional teachers and exceptional content. Really useful to minimize the typical learning frustrations and creating more time to absorb awesome information!
By Gabe B
•Jul 28, 2017
Lovely course that helps you to learn better. Interesting (new for me) scientific insights on how the brain is working. Clear instruction videos and good pace.
By Nesh K
•Jun 11, 2017
Nice course. I just love it.
It taught me a lot of stuff about how our brain works. And how to use that knowledge to learn better in less time.
I give it 5 stars
By Гунченко М К
•Apr 16, 2017
It's amazing course! The teachers of this course teach you effective technique for learning, for avoid procrastination and help you to believe in your potency!
By Sara-Mai J
•Jan 15, 2017
I have already learnt so much and am applying it to not just learning but many other things in everyday life. Have highly recommended it to friends and family.
By Yasaman k
•Nov 24, 2016
Thank you. This was an excellent course. Simple yet very helpful and informative. The instructors were great and the optional interviews were very interesting.
By Roman
•Oct 7, 2016
Замечательный курс! Интересная подача материала! Описание инструментов и методик, которые ни в школах, ни в ВУЗах не объясняют! Большое спасибо преподавателям!
By Nagashri S
•Aug 29, 2016
The course really helped me tackle procrastination. The techniques described are very useful in quickly learning subjects. A very effective and helpful course.
By Рамиль М
•Mar 27, 2016
Отличный курс! Дает понятийный аппарат и инструменты для обучения. Куча советов как победить прокрастинацию и обучатся эффективно! Прошел курс с удовольствием.
By Avinash M
•Mar 20, 2016
Its really helpful, its not only theory guys !, they designed it really well using sound effect and animation.
Thank you so much everyone to making this course.
By Afsar S S
•Mar 12, 2016
a very good station for people, who fails at studies in this modern world..
very helpful and easy understanding videos for people who want to learn effectively
By Eric R
•Feb 9, 2016
Great course. Has definitely improved my thought process when it comes to learning new things. Great strategies that are simple enough to apply to every situat
By Jiahui C
•Feb 1, 2016
课程的课时安排很合理,视频都分割的比较短小,保证了注意力的集中,老师讲的也很好,很多比喻都生动形象,加上合适的retrieval practice让知识停留的更加深刻了。
By Jessica O
•Dec 28, 2015
I'm a post-doc researcher and really wished I had a course like this when starting out. After 20 years of schooling and courses, this is definitely of benefit!
By Cristina F
•Dec 26, 2015
Curso muy completo y didácticamente planificado, felicitaciones me gustó muchísimo. Será de gran ayuda para mis estudiantes. Saludos M. Cristina Figueroa