Nov 7, 2022
It was a wonderful learning experience. I have gotten to know more about Excel in detail and It has been very helpful for me to learn all the new shortcuts and many more functions in Excel.
Sep 8, 2023
Learned so many new and useful things! Great to refresh on basics as well as providing hands-on learning opportunities. This was fun and I am proud of my Honors project! :)
By Erick E A Á
•Sep 2, 2024
By Afnan i
•Jan 12, 2025
By Lina A H
•Aug 19, 2022
•Jun 27, 2022
By sai p
•Apr 11, 2022
By Gwendolyn F
•Apr 19, 2024
One star off because I received my "Completed with Honors" recognition, only for it to disappear one day later. The honors content took me close to four hours to complete (including the time it took me to re-learn the basic concepts I needed for the project), so this was very frustrating to say the least. Though this isn't a problem with the course as much as it is with Coursera itself, I thought I'd bring it to others' attention, as this issue seems to be common. Video instructions were informative and clear. Was able to speed up and slow down videos, use subtitles, and complete hands-on projects directly after learning each concept. Overall a nice introductory course.
By John M
•Feb 14, 2024
The process of the submission for the extra credit peer-reviews assignment needs more attention. Most will probably do all of the work and then realize that they will need to convert there excel workbook to google sheets or pay for Microsoft 365 to be able to submit it. There needs to be a file upload method. But other than that. I thought it was really good. This short course covers alot. But make sure you have a good memory or take notes. It doesnt stick to one area for too long.
By Amy C
•Oct 1, 2024
A great overview and very comprehensive. There were a few quizzes that had the answers already loaded and a couple of the exercises were already completed too. I would ask that someone do an audit of the last exercise in Module 4. Outdated links, exercise document was both misnamed and in the incorrect format. Then I discovered that exercise was already completed as well. It would be great if someone would audit it. Thank You!
By Kun L P
•Mar 13, 2023
Based on the learner discussion forum, there is a problem with the honor tag not reflecting on the certificate despite all required honor project and peer reviews have been completed. I am running into the same issue, reached out the Coursera support, unfortunately this needs to be resolved by the Microsoft, hope this gets resolved soon. Otherwise, this is a nice summarized course.
By Joy P
•Apr 6, 2024
The course was very good, but for someone who doesn't know most of these things, I needed even more hands on practice and even more info on certain topics that I couldn't fully grasp in a 6 min video. However, I would highly recommend this course. It was easy to use, and I learned so much. I had no idea Excel could do so much.
By Sonnad Y B
•Feb 24, 2023
However, I noticed that in some parts of the assignment, you could have used more advanced Excel functions to improve your analysis. For example, you could have used PivotTables to summarize the data in a more efficient way. I encourage you to explore more advanced Excel functions as you continue to work with the software.
By Chris D
•Jun 27, 2024
This course was very informative, but I use Excel on MAC, which has some key differences from Excel on Windows. This made completing some of the tasks needlessly difficult as I navigated a different software setup. Besides those minor inconveniences, this course was well set-up and helped me learn a lot about Excel.
By Maximiliano C
•Jul 15, 2024
El curso es muy bueno, noto problemas como: se trabaja en una versión de Excel muy reciente por lo tanto si tienes una versión anterior te pierdes contenido del cursos, hay partes en donde lo que se explica es un poco difícil de entender y el proyecto con honores es demasiado enredado para desarrollarse
•Jun 20, 2023
People who possess Microsoft Excel skills are highly sought after in all industries, including sales, marketing, and finance. This makes it one of the best investments when it comes to furthering your career. Don't believe us? Just check out the 700,000+ job positions open for someone with Excel skills!
By Mauricio M
•Oct 15, 2023
To be honest, as an advanced Excel user who even codes macros for VBA, I have missed the opportunity to focus on so many things in Excel. This certification has allowed me to learn a lot more than I knew. However, there are also areas where the concepts are too long and basic.
By Araish R
•Feb 17, 2023
Overall, the course contents were excellent, and I learned a lot about Excel's features. But if the training covered VBA and macros, it might have been a fantastic learning opportunity. Hats off to the instructors who explained it every content of this course very easily.
By Griffith A
•Oct 22, 2022
Great course for beginners and intermediate users to learn and improve their perfomance at work in MS Excel.
It would have been a much better experience if they shared a template of the excel workbook simultaniously as they were teaching for the students to practice.
By Vered M
•Sep 12, 2022
The course was useful and I have learned a lot! In terms of the assignments most of them were easy, short and to the point:) I only wish there were an honors certificate as promised as well as Microsoft's logo on the certificate, since it is a course by Microsoft.
By Mohammad N K
•Aug 3, 2023
Brilliant course for people whose job is mainly on Excel. Most of the aspects are beautifully explained. loved the retention and assessment strategy used during the course. However, I would like to suggest adding one topic: H-lookup and V-lookup.
By Ivan E
•Nov 7, 2024
I liked that this course is packed with information and how-to, but I wish the exercises were a little more involved and allowed for more practice. Perhaps I'm asking too much of an introductory course? I did enjoy it, though. Great instructors.
By Arab Y
•Apr 3, 2024
Course content is great. Just at some places they move very fast in the video. You cant even see the cursor of the mouse, where did they click and what did they do. Besides that, this course for absolute for beginners. Beginners should take it.
By Gemma G
•May 28, 2023
Very good experience but the teachers do speak very fast so when you are new to Windows Excel it is a lot to handle in just a few minutes. The exercises were very well explained and we went through everything. Thank you !
By Marla F
•Apr 19, 2022
Great course and very useful for my work, but in Excel 365 has many functions doesn't work, but I was ask question in the group and nobody answer me.
I recommended that course, easy examples and very nice excersices.
By Cynthia K M
•May 25, 2023
A fantastic way to learn about and how to use Excel. It is a very good course. Covers a whole lot of material. So be ready. My 4 star rating is because they talk a little too fast when presenting the material.
By Ronald C D
•Oct 14, 2022
Would have given it a 5 if the course content was 100% functional week 4 has issues where I had to do a work around to run the VLOOKUP function on a data set. Great course to take at your own pace