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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Mind of the Universe - Genetic Privacy: should we be concerned? by Universiteit Leiden

16 ratings

About the Course

Should all our genetic information be made public in order to eradicate genetic diseases from this world? Who owns your genetic data once it
becomes publicly accessible? What is your responsibility to family members when you know more about genetic diseases than they do? Who
decides what kind of genetic information is relevant to a person? And what does genetic privacy mean to you? In this challenge with Robert
Zwijnenberg (Professor in Art and Science Interactions) you will critically reflect upon the issue of genetic privacy. You will dive into the ethical
questions that come up with the disclosure of genetic data in biobanks and through genetic tests. This course encourages yo...

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1 - 5 of 5 Reviews for Mind of the Universe - Genetic Privacy: should we be concerned?

By Martin J


May 16, 2018

I find this course shallow. The videos and materials are very short and never get into any depth. I did not find much substance in the course. The only useful part for me was the peer discussion and seeing the opinions of other students.

It is more effective to find a good science-journalism article on the topic of genetic data privacy, rather than to do this course.

By Bryan F


Jul 21, 2020

I absolutely LOVED this course and I was sorry to see it end. I may audit the course, and go through this one several times. It is THAT good. I have never reviewed a course with five stars before, but I'd give this one 10 stars if I could.

By Alice Z


Apr 16, 2020

This course was amazing. It provided facts from numerous venues and actually sought students opinions. What a concept.

This is a great and short opportunity to delve into yourself and the basis of your own decisions.

By Rupert H


May 21, 2018

Great information on a topic that I have never really given much attention to. Great instructor and the course is well laid out. Strongly recommended.

By Joy S


Oct 1, 2018

Way too short. Seems like they did not try very hard. Too bad because it's a fascinating subject.