Dec 6, 2017
Andrew explained the concepts very well and contextualized in just the right kind of real world examples, with none of the fluff that's surrounding deep learning these days. Incredibly good teaching.
Jan 11, 2021
It was a great start of long deep learning journey. The concepts were explained in simple and brief way. The course is designed in excellent way, Quizzes and assignments makes this course worthy.
By Pratik A
•Jan 3, 2022
This course should be the starting point for any deep learning students and professionals. Follow this course after you have completed 'Machine Learning' on coursera by Andrew Ng
By chethan m
•Dec 30, 2020
Excellent pace of teaching. Uncovers the magic behind the neural nets. Although the maths is complicated, it clearly shows stepwise details in the excercises on what is involved.
By rdg
•Oct 31, 2020
This is a great course. It bring us a well guided overview of the key concepts of neural networks and also it bring us a good algebraic knowledge base for a better understanding.
By Hamza B S
•Sep 22, 2020
Great course! Really goes in-depth of the mathematical implementations used to build Neural Networks. Programming Assignments were the toughest I have tackled so far on Coursera.
•Jul 28, 2020
Excellent Course studying experience, real testing of the skills, advanced programming knowledge is explored in an individual. Thanks for the Author and Teacher - Prof. Andrew Ng
By Ghulam M
•Jul 10, 2020
The course offered by Coursera was exceptional. It was well structured and contained excellent assignments. The lectures were well constructed and contain every topic in details.
By Aloka F
•Jun 25, 2020
Very good course to get the fundamentals of Neural Networks and Deep Learning. More emphasis is given on the inituitions which enabled to get an insight to the NN and DNN models.
By Kiet P
•Jun 19, 2020
Good instructor, good community and discussion forum to support your understanding. Very thorough introduction course to be honest. Constant update on exercises' codes is a plus.
By Gahan S
•Jun 15, 2020
Concept of Neural network and L-layered neural network (deep learning) covered amazingly! great guide. especially those python notebooks! helpful handbook to refer topic anytime!
By Ramez
•Jun 11, 2020
One of the best courses that I have studied in my life. Andrew teaches everything in such a concise and elegant manner and really makes everything extremely easy. Worth the hours
•Jun 8, 2020
Its an excellent course. As, a beginner, i find it very amusing and interesting. Andrew is great, and those challenging assignments is a boost during learning program. Thank you.
By Akshay M
•May 31, 2020
The best course to start learning basic concepts of NN. You cant imagine, but this course even covers the basics of calculation of gradient, gradient descent. Highly recommended.
By Antonio C
•Apr 11, 2020
Very good refresher even for those who already have prior knowledge of neural network. It was good to implement neural networks from scratch and delve deep into the nitty gritty.
By Tanbir A
•Apr 3, 2020
This is such a wonderful course!!. Perfect course to understand the inner workings of a neural network. The programming assignments are the most helpful resources of this course.
By tarkesh p
•Feb 25, 2020
Great Intro Course to ML! really enjoyed the simplicity with which the learner is introduced to both Python and ML. Dont need to be proficient in python at all to do this course!
By Mateo
•Nov 21, 2019
Andrew Ng has done more to democratize AI than anyone in the world, and his teaching and courses are great. Difficult and challenging but fascinating and rewarding. Great course.
By vanraj
•Nov 4, 2019
One of the best basic course for Neural Network. Helped me a lot to understand the ABC of Neural Networks. I look forward to completing the rest course offered by Deeplearning.ai
•Jul 1, 2019
This course has a very deep explanation of deep learning. At first, I thought it would be tough for me to learn and understand this, but the way Ng sir explained is just awesome.
By Drago S
•Apr 21, 2019
Really good intro to neural networks! Also it gives you some info about python if you are not so familiar with python, but you know how to write programs in some other languages.
By Yian X
•Dec 19, 2018
This is a great course to give you the fundamental knowledge to deep learning. The projects are well designed to give you intuitive of all the concepts you learned in the course.
By Artem
•Jun 24, 2018
It is a great course with a well balanced breadth of math and programming with full lot of explanations and hints.Highly recommend to anyone who want to break into deep learning!
By Sayar B
•Apr 12, 2018
Excellent course for anybody looking to get an introduction to neural networks. Slightly theoretical but Dr. Andrew Ng's style of teaching makes difficult concepts easy to grasp.
By Ho M F
•Feb 25, 2018
Excellent and I believe this is one of the greatest course I have ever studied. Very clear and intuitive in explanations with lots of concrete examples and exercises. Keep it on!
By Debashish C
•Dec 20, 2017
Excellent introduction to the deep learning discipline, coupled with (necessary) mathematical explanation and python implementation makes this course vital for any dl enthusiast.
By Dixant M
•Oct 6, 2017
Amazing introduction to the topic. I've been following Prof Andrew for log time now (started with his CS229 course). He makes the topic so easy to understand. Thanks Professor :)