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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Personality Types at Work by University of Florida

746 ratings

About the Course

Knowing yourself, your team, your manager, and your organization are keys to personal and business success. What were once labeled soft
skills are now modern requirements in today's workplace - especially if you are trying to get in the door or are already leading a team. This
course is specifically designed for the: -Job Seeker: You will create a usable cover letter with feedback from your peers as well as develop
exceptional responses to some of the most common, yet challenging interview questions. We will get you the skills to help get in the door!
-Team Member: You will develop an action plan to confront your personality weaknesses and highlight your strengths so you c...

Top reviews


Apr 2, 2018

This was a great course to learn more about yourself and others in your workplace. Highly recommend this course for any organization managers that want to create a more effective team atmosphere.


May 5, 2020

I found this course is really helping me to understand myself and to be understand people around me. None is better or wrong, but every personality need to grow more to their best format.

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251 - 254 of 254 Reviews for Personality Types at Work

By CeciliaTD


Oct 11, 2021

The sound is really bad, I can't hear anything despite having all volumes at the maximum and when I do manage to hear the teacher, it is very monotonous

By Basant A


Apr 25, 2022

not intereasted to complete this course

By Toni R


Jun 15, 2024

Boring and felt outdated

By Divya D


Apr 29, 2020

Not very ao
