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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Programming Fundamentals in Swift by Meta

251 ratings

About the Course

This course is ideal for beginners eager to learn the fundamental concepts that underpin the Swift programming language. Explore the basic
programming concepts and data structures that are core to any language, while discovering the unique aspects that make Swift as versatile as
it is today. In this course, you will receive hands-on practice utilizing these concepts. More specifically, you will learn how to use constants and
variables with different data types and explore how to sort and store information in collection types such as arrays, tuples and dictionaries.
Finally, you will discover how to make your code reusable and more expressive by using functions and closures. By the end ...

Top reviews


Oct 8, 2023

I have tried a lot of courses in swift and this is the clearer introduction to the language, and concepts like closure and struct are perfectly explained.


Jan 17, 2024

Great course on Swift. I love Meta's courses in general and this one of their best. Thanks for all who made this series of certificates possible.

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