Feb 14, 2022
This has been a good learning experience. I now know the different project management tools available. I have a good understanding of project initiation and how to determine the success of a project.
Feb 7, 2022
everything is excellent. but i am facing the problem that says 'upgrade to submit' when i traied to submit the peer graded assignment. and it is been 3 weeks i stucked on this module. please help me.
By Malik Y
•Jul 4, 2023
need to guide on practical implementation and use of tools not by sharing links but also practical videos by google Project / Program manager
By divya t
•Jun 24, 2022
I had a great experience completing this course. Thank you so much for accepting my financial aid request. I will be forever grateful to you.
By Justice P
•Jan 12, 2023
A big thank you to Google, Cousera for this great learning opportunity.
It's been incredible.
I absolutely recommend it for any and everyone.
By Shelley M
•Nov 20, 2022
This one was a bit hard and has a lot of details but I feel maybe more week should have been added to spend more on each subject discussed.
By Steven O
•Jul 5, 2021
I do not like the peer graded portion. It delays the course completion time if a peer does not grade the assignment. Otherwise, good course.
By Mona J
•Sep 8, 2024
The work management softwares like Asana are totally new to me, an exercise based on becoming more proficient in Asana would have helped.
By A M
•Oct 31, 2023
This one definitely had a bit more hands-on projects and assignments, but I wish there was more time spent on the actual tools/softwares.
By Franco G
•Jan 30, 2025
It´s a really good course, but you have to improve the Spanish automatic translations. There´re many errors, which can confuse students.
By Maryam A
•Sep 14, 2022
the course was great, but waiting to get a peer review for the peer graded assignment before you can get your certificate is a hassle.
By Merlene U A
•Apr 4, 2022
Learned a lot about how to use different tools and incorporate those in your rpoject, also the choices of tools depending on the needs.
By Kristen R M
•Feb 25, 2023
I don't think the graded peer review is a good model. People don't actually read your work and getting even 1 review is time consuming
By Constantin C P
•May 1, 2023
Was engaging but the extra assignment that needed to be reviewed by other people will stop you from being abel to close the course.
By Elle E
•Jan 20, 2022
I think more time could've been spent with RACI and OKR's. Also, maybe a video demonstration of going through some of the tools.
By Muhammad J A b Z
•May 13, 2021
I somehow having difficulties to connect with the instructor when compared to the first one (course 1). Everything else was fine.
By Celine N
•Feb 8, 2023
I loved listen to JuAnne. Great lectures, massive growth for me. i am very grateful to Google and coursera for the opportunity.
By Félix R G
•Apr 21, 2022
The beginning is a bit unclear, but as the modules develop it is very helpful and the skills you learn are easily understood.
By Andrea C
•Dec 7, 2021
Corso molto utile l'unico problema riscontrato è stato sui lavori di gruppo. Infatti non puoi sapere quando verrai valutato.
By Mahesh K
•Oct 22, 2023
exceptional, very nicely taught and executed, easy to learn and participate, greatly designed, it was interesting to learn
By Tyler C d L
•Aug 1, 2022
Seems like most of the peer-reviewed submission were very low quality. This needs a genuine teacher or educator to grade
By taher m
•Jul 13, 2022
I loved the content provided in the course as well as the mentor . thanks alot to coursera and google team for guidence
By Adgidzi D A
•Feb 9, 2023
By Sisipho M
•Oct 18, 2021
This course was very informative. I liked the peer-graded activities which were challenging and required much thought.
By Uzo T N
•Dec 30, 2022
It is a course that guides one to the practical aspects. It is not loaded with theories but as practical as possible.
By Sathesh S
•Jan 22, 2025
The exercise on the documentation especially the project charter needs to be refined. It is too abstract to work on.
By Sylvia A
•Dec 13, 2023
This was very thorough and well paced. You may think it's a little slow and repetitive at first, but stick with it.