Feb 6, 2023
The assessments, quizzes, and course coverage are quite good. The main points are covered, although it does not cover everything. Additionally, it provides opportunities to learn and conduct research.
May 9, 2020
The course had helped in understanding the concepts of NumPy and pandas. The assignments were so helpful to apply these concepts which provide an in-depth understanding of the Numpy as well as pandans
By Lokshyn O
•Nov 21, 2018
Great hands-on course on Python pandas. The assignments are from intermediate to hard and instructions are not rather clear, but everything could be solved using pandas documentation and discussions forum.
The biggest advantage of the course is that it makes one think, dig documentation and practice pandas real-world examples.
By Guanghua S
•Jan 23, 2017
This is a very well organized course with a great introduction to data science. In a short time of 4 weeks, it covers Python basics, Padans library, and some very basic introduction to statistics in data science. The assignments are well desgined, and the mentors are very helpful in the forums. I highly recommend this course.
•Oct 9, 2019
Excellent course with learns you the basics of python for data science. Prof. Brooks has a very clear way of explaining things. Some experience with programming in for example R or Matlab comes in handy, especially for the assignments, so I would opt for a more introductory course to Python if you don't have that experience.
By Sandra D
•Jan 10, 2019
Many of the questions in the Assignments were written in a confusing manner thus requiring a LOT of time to figure out what the request was. However, the WHOLE course and the learning was absolutely outstanding. Thank you for putting this course together and the Forum information that helped to figure out the Assignments.
By Tanuj S
•Sep 1, 2020
This is an excellent starting point for people broadly familiar with data analysis and programming but unfamiliar with pandas/python. The only minor complaint I would have is that sometimes the questions for assignments are a little vague. Overall, for me, this course was perfectly paced and the lectures are staggered well.
By Jose A P A
•Jul 5, 2020
Excelente curso para reforzar los conocimientos en Python y poder analizar distintas bases de datos. He descubierto nuevos enfoques para el tratamiento de la data , y sobre todo, contar con distintas formas de escribir el código para ser más eficiente. El profesor que nos acompañó durante el curso es muy claro y didáctico.
By Elif
•Apr 7, 2020
This course is an overwiew of the data science tools in Python 3, very good place to start for beginners. I did not have any prior python lang experience before i started this course, but now i feel much comfortable importing, manipulating data and draw conclusions about it. Thanks for making it happen TA's and Mr. Brooks!
By Bruno Y
•Feb 5, 2019
Very comprehensive introduction to Pandas. However, assignments could have been more clear and there are certain questions on the coding assignments that are problematic. For example, one question on Assignment 3 is (according to the discussion forums) subject to a bug that causes the autograder to incorrectly dock points.
By Hatim
•Mar 4, 2019
Wonderful, wonderful course!
I had been very familiar SQL before I started the course. But now I can do everything I used to do in SQL (data cleansing, data manipulation, aggregation, ranking etc.), and a lot more, with Python.
I now feel very comfortable with Python and looking forward to do more with this knowledge.
By Alan J
•Jan 27, 2018
What a fantastic course to get you into data science. Real world examples, relevant discussion articles on ethics and privacy. Just make sure you know some Python, or are an experienced programmer as there is a lot of "applied" work to make you really learn things, and you need a good structured problem-solving mindset.
By Abdul B M
•Apr 8, 2017
I got the opportunity of learning Python Basics through Dr Chunk's Python for Every Body, Now through this course I got the hands on experience of working with Data in Python using NumPy and Pandas, ya Its awsome journey overall. Thanks Coursera and University of Michigan for bringing us such a great Learning opportunity.
By Zhang R
•Nov 26, 2016
Really handy and useful materials. However, if we can share our codes online after receiving the certificate will be really helpful. Cause although I finished the course, I still find some of my code is repetitive and not pandorable, and I would like to learn from other talents. Thanks Coursera and University of Michigan.
By L. C (
•Dec 25, 2016
The project that is the end assignment is a very interesting exercise with real life application of information that is readly available to the public for real-world decisions.
Aside from that, it is a great course that scratchs the surface of what Pandas can do and open wide open all the possibilities it can give you :D
By Vincenzo P B V
•May 31, 2019
Un curso con un gran enfoque para comprender las bases de la data science y empezar a desarrollar la forma de pensar de un cientÃfico de los datos, aportando no sólo las herramientas técnicas necesarias sino también éticas y morales para ser profesionales integrales en nombre de las ciencias, la conciencia y la virtud.
By Anupam D
•Sep 2, 2020
During the course duration, many times I felt that there are lot of ambiguities in the assignments and they really tested my nerves and patience. Often due to version change, I got errors in my assignment but like everyone says "All's well that end's well". Happy to receive the certificate from University of Michigan.
By Md S H C
•Aug 26, 2020
I loved this course module and resources. More specifically Christopher Brooks's references helped me a lot to strengthen my Python panda knowledge and statistics knowledge. To me, assignment 3 and 4 was challenging but while I started to solved it I learned something extra form python documentation and StackOverflow.
By Sameer G
•Mar 23, 2019
excellent course! learned a great deal of things. before-hand knowledge and basic python and basic stats helped. Perfect course for a beginner wanting to learn data science. The assignments were slightly more difficult than what i expected but the discussion forums helped a lot when i was stuck. Highly recommend it.
By Kalle H
•Jul 10, 2018
Excellent course! Some experience of using Python is required beforehand and the recommended course at UM on coursera is an excellent start. This course give you a short but effective introduction to to overall structure of Python, how to use the pandas library and associated data types as well as some use of numpy.
By Illia K
•Nov 24, 2017
It was my first python experience ever, so it was hard. But the course materials are very well described and detailed, so if you are motivated enough - you definitely can do it and enjoy it. Also all knowleges are applicable to real life since the very first week, so this course is really helpfull. Highly recommend!
By Neo Y X
•Dec 27, 2020
Thoroughly enjoyed the entire learning experience- I took the course with minimal familiarity with the pandas package, but am not much more confident with Pandas. While the weekly assignments are tough (expect to spend hours on them), the forum has been very helpful in addressing any queries. Thanks for the course!
By Shomari M
•Nov 10, 2018
Great introductory course to using python for a (more or less) full data science project ! Of course much more can be done, but this course serves as a good intro Numpy, Pandas and some basic statistical operations from SciPy that build a solid foundation for expanding on the data science process in other courses.
By Deleted A
•Mar 12, 2022
This is a great course, loved the assignments.
Assignment 3 is not a 3 hour work at all, it's quite time consuming. Please review the recommended time for this Assignment, 3 hours is very misleading.
A huge thanks to Yusuf Ertas and Jimmy Kumar Ahalpara for prompt reply to all my questions. Especially Yusuf Ertas
By Changyu G
•Apr 19, 2019
A quick introduction to Python and Data Science. The assignments are not as easy as you might think. To those who feel the assignment of Week 4 daunting, keep going -- data cleaning per se is not a difficult task yet a somewhat tedious one.
Thanks to the course team. I shall continue towards the following courses.
By Nathaniel S
•Nov 26, 2017
I'd been hacking with pandas for a while, but I never felt I'd truly grasped it. In fact, I'd often switch to using multi-dimesional numpy arrays instead of dataframes. After taking this course, I now fully understand how to use pandas dataframes and will be using them regularly for data analysis going forward.
By James N
•Apr 21, 2020
Great course. I feel like I learned a lot of new information and can start working on my own projects. It would have been nice to have access to some of the instructor or expert solutions to see how my solutions compared but I would assume they do not want to post them to maintain the integrity of the course.