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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Python for Genomic Data Science by Johns Hopkins University

1,746 ratings

About the Course

This class provides an introduction to the Python programming language and the iPython notebook. This is the third course in the Genomic Big
Data Science Specialization from Johns Hopkins University.

Top reviews


May 12, 2022

It was a great course, even if you do not have any knowlege about Python. I work with Python but it was so interesting for me especially with the application in genomic data science.Thank you so much.


Jul 16, 2018

A very good course for its length and the amount of time it requires. It improved my python skills and knowledge of Genomics. I'm more engaged in my pursuits than before taking the course.

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301 - 325 of 343 Reviews for Python for Genomic Data Science

By Jingyuan H

Sep 18, 2020

Need some python background before learning this.

By Yuxi L

Dec 15, 2019

The final project may be too hard for beginners.

By sonali g

Feb 15, 2018

could have included some practical sessions

By Arvind P

Jan 6, 2024

The course is improperly structured.

By shubham k

Jun 2, 2020

please make things easy for learning


May 24, 2020

Interface not the most Pleasant.

By Nguyễn Q T

Sep 9, 2022


By Lauren M

May 15, 2020

This is not a beginner course. Lectures were fine, but FAST and more like a review than an actual lecture. Quizzes were off the wall difficult especially in week 3 and 4, and do not get me started about the Final Exam. Im not sure why lectures spoke about one topic and all quizzes were seemingly BARELY related. If you are new to programming, start python somewhere else, and come back to this later. I found myself spending 50% of my time googling other resources trying to figure out basic code syntax. Super frustrating and I dont feel I learned very much here, unfortunately. This course may be helped a lot if the quizzes were RELEVANT to lecture material and if it would be at all possible to provide PRACTICE PROBLEMS as assignments instead of some of the quizzes? Just a thought...

By Cesar P G G

Sep 2, 2020

El curso se encuentra desatendido, las actividades/examenes no presentan el formato correcto (desactualizado) lo que hace más difícil aun contestarlos, el examen final es bastante complicado para primerizos en Python. El curso te da conceptos básicos de Python aplicada a secuencias genomicas, es retador por los problemas anteriores, pero el conocimiento que se logra es bastante bueno. Recomiendo tomar otro curso de Python y posterior a ese tomar este, además, recuerda revisar los foros de debate dentro del curso para que conozcas de antemano los problemas que existen con cada actividad/examen.

By Leah P

Jan 6, 2021

The modules are good and fairly easy to follow, although the course states you don't need any background in biology or coding (which they go very fast and offer little explanation of concepts) so this is coming as someone with a background in both. The quizzes are much harder than what they show you in the modules for examples, bringing in new concepts not discussed entirely. I wouldn't advise someone without a need for Bioinformatics programming to take this course (e.g. someone who is just interested in Molecular biology etc but hasn't taken courses before)

By Jennifer D

Nov 21, 2016

This class was really difficult. The course material did not cover what we needed for the weekly quizzes (particularly in Week 3 & 4) and the final exam was immensely difficult. Additionally, the written instructions for the final exam did not even cover some of the questions that needed to be answered i.e. repeats or questions about particular reading frames when analyzing the ORFs. I had to do a lot of self teaching using random resources and I simply didn't have the bandwidth to dig around as much as was needed in order to do well in the class.

By Jorge M Z H

Jun 15, 2022

The course is not for beginers, the difficult is far than that level. I had some experience in Python, because of that, I passed the course. Some question in the quizzes are pointless and in the discussion forums there are many questions with no answers, the course was left unattended ny the instructors.

I know Dr. Perthela is an excelent researcher, but during the lectures, she looked very uncomfortable and is was evident she was reading all the time. That made me feel uncomfortable too.

By Laura E

Dec 30, 2021

The beginning information and instruction was fine, but after they started introducing more and more Python code, things got more complicated. Also the final exam introduced topics that weren't even covered by any of the lecture material. There was no introduction or even a link to any explanation on how to use the Python sandbox or Python in general. I was completely new to Python, and after this course, I'm not going to continue with the specialization.

By Xavier L G

Oct 29, 2016

Although courseware video is well done

Assigment are poorly designed and imbalanced

Far too easy on end of each week

Last week final assignment overly difficult and poorly guided

The sense of progress is very small after completing the course

Biology meets programming from UCSD is better designed on pedagogy and code challenges level.

Can't recommend not worth investing time or 50 bucks

By Toygar P

Dec 27, 2020

The content and the exams were way more different. With those lectures it is impossible to pass final exam. There are a lot f untold part about programming. You shouldn't take this course before knowing Python. It does not teach Python for beginners exactly.

By Timothy M

May 15, 2020

Just tried to get through functions week. The video shows how to write an reverse compliment function and then doesn't show you that it works. Only one example and then, done. Then the quiz asks about reiterative functions which was never covered. Sloppy.

By Emmanuel K

Dec 12, 2017

The instructors explain well, but it is difficult for beginners to implement the codes using python. Therefore, video tutorials describing how to implement the codes in python would have been better to further make this course beginners friendly.

By Promisree C

May 11, 2020

This course is not really meant for beginners! From week 2 onwards it gets very challenging and difficult to follow. The quiz questions do not match with the content of the the lectures and some of the questions are even framed wrong.

By Bao B

Nov 20, 2021

Both professors go through lectures at a very fast pace, Lectures are informative but lack demonstration. I don't mind going through long lectures, and I wish the professors had shown step-by-step instructions in an actual IDLE.

By Susu J

Oct 7, 2024

it is too hard for a beginner, i tried many times to understand what the professor said. i can't understand their views clearly. Very disappointed!!!!!! i think it is better to extend this course, teach us students step by step.

By Steven E

Jul 24, 2023

I am a biotechnology major so i don't have much background in python programming the course was giving okay details but the final exam was too high above the level of the course, not solvable without working away from the course

By Anastassiya Z

Feb 14, 2016

Not enough material provided to successfully complete final exam. More detailed explanation needed for newbies in Python and especially for newbies in programming, as it is , I am assuming, target group.


Nov 29, 2021

I had worst experience as content was too short. Quizzes are like for expert programmer. They taught less and ask very hard questions which you've learn a lot to answer.

By Bryan G

Jul 20, 2018

It's a decent course, but do not expect them to explain much on how to code in Python. It would've been much more helpful had I taken an intro course on Python first.

By Aspaas L

Aug 2, 2022

While the course is ok, the quizzes are way too difficult compared to what is learned during the course. It makes the whole course fall for me