Oct 6, 2022
Expalined the concepts missed from the previous course a lot well. Only thing I would change is to add more about using commands in windows and other platforms as well. Overall it was a great course!
Jun 15, 2020
In starting five weeks , all answers were directly provided and week 6 and 7 were very tough. So i suggest to equalize the toughness level in all weeks ,ie, no direct spoon feed nor abrupt toughness
By Julia S
•Mar 29, 2022
You learn a lot of useful things like regular expressions as well as about software development in general such as testing. And the course is motivating. Thank you for that! But I was a bit disappointed by the Qwiklabs because in the first ones all you need to do is copy and paste. The last two ones, however, suddenly are extremely difficult. IMHO an intermediate difficulty level in all Qwiklabs would result in a better learning experience.
By Michael E
•Oct 2, 2020
This is a great initiative. But in terms of how to set up online learning to make it frustration free for users you have ways to go. The road to here was bumpy because you did not adhere to the most basic rules of transitioning from repeating to autonomous usage of acquired skills. Please do a better job in setting up these courses because what you are doing is so important and will help a lot of people if done right
By Dan W
•Nov 4, 2021
Generally worth doing, good subject matter, fairly useful examples etc.
Grading / project marking tool is really pedantic and doesn't have useful feedback which can be frustrating (you have to figure out problems via trial and error) but overall pretty well put together course.
I find the lecturer "You're doing great! Wow! Have a gold star" bs pretty annoying and pointless but you can always fast forward.
By Solokhin M D
•Aug 10, 2020
Firstly, this course has given me an intermidiate knowledge on using python to interact with the operating system. Nevertheless, this course is Linux-oriented (so be ready to spend some time trying these concepts on your own Windows/MacOS machine). Plus, final assignments in Qwiklabs were a little bit tricky...
Anyway, I'm happy for taking this course and eager to continue my journey in the IT world:)
By Abhay S P
•Jul 12, 2020
This course was really nice, and definitely cleared some of the major key concepts of automation. It was very exciting to solve the questions given here and instructor was also very clear and and the concepts were clear too. Now, they could have added a few more topics for which they shared cheat-sheet for and also qwiklabs sometimes gets really laggy. Other than that, this course is awesom
By Joseph B
•Jan 6, 2024
I'm giving this course 4 stars because it focuses on Linux more than Windows. I couldn't follow along with the part about Bash scripting because I was using Windows at the time. If you're interested in this course, I highly recommend that you get Linux installed on your computer. (I recommend Kubuntu because it's a version of Ubuntu that uses the Windows-like KDE desktop environment.)
By Vidal T
•Jun 21, 2022
Very practical and useful course, it includes many real application examples. The instructor is great and very easy to follow, he speaks clearly and goes directly to the point. The only thing that i think can be improved are the first 5 labs, i think it will be better to not provide the whole answer to the challenges so that more effort can be put into getting the solution.
By Yash A C
•Jul 17, 2020
I learnt a lot of concepts through this course right from operating system concepts to bash scripting. It was challenging, but fun overall. The first couple of weeks were tough and I had to review the videos several times. The only thing I didn't like was that the cheat sheet as the end of the topics were of no use and could have been better. Other than that, great course!
By Chamath
•Nov 24, 2020
In order to follow this course I needed to use the Linux terminal. Since I was using windows, I installed the Oracle VM VirtualBox and ran Ubuntu virtually. I think it will help you to follow the course easily with the instructor. The forums were helpful. The instructor explained everything clearly. The short and concise videos were good. The forum was really helpful.
By Ivan F
•Sep 1, 2023
The content is given to you in a clear, easy to understand manner, though it is pretty dense and requires a serious effort to master. I only recommend taking it if you already know other programming languages and are experienced in it. The final project was pretty tricky to pass and it is the very reason why I'm giving it a 4 star rather than a 5-star rating.
By Philippe M
•Aug 17, 2022
I thought the videos, practice quizzes, and Jupyter notebooks were excellent.
I found the graded assignments using Qwiklabs to be poor. Either you had nothing to do and were simply copy and pasting lines of code, or you had things to do, but the instructions were often unclear and covered certain concepts not discussed during the course.
By Christopher D
•Oct 10, 2023
The lab grading system is silly. Some of the labs are difficult not because of the content, but because they randomly expect you to do things that they don't explain need to be done to get the marks, like if your script runs perfectly you won't get the completion check unless it's named something specific without being told.
By Joseph A L
•Feb 21, 2021
This course is challenging but more realistic than most people recognize. Expect to spend at least double the time on the assigments. Use the forums for help. There are some really talented people taking these classes. I learned how to install a vm machine in the class! Recommend getting a Linux laptop if you can.
By sivathmika v
•Jul 11, 2020
Wow this would a super excited course for beginners who would like to learn some keen topics like regular expressions , bash scripting and some other cool stuff like this and the course is quite knowledgeable and goes on a low base so it is easy to understand . Thanks for keeping up with such awesome courses .
By Andrew S
•Feb 9, 2020
Last lab required a lot of typing to do the initial bash and python commands. You also had to type a 20 member list of names and emails. The Putty terminal won't allow you to cut and paste, so you have to do this work each time, then type and debug a 60 line piece of code. Long, ambiguous, lots of typing.
By Grigoriy S
•Jul 10, 2021
Very good course, I definitely learned a lot of new things going through the course. Some of the examples were way too basic, but a lot of things really made you research topics further to figure things out, especially the Regex sections. Can't wait to continue the path to see the rest of these courses!
By A.J. O
•May 24, 2020
The only issue I had with this course was the final. I was put in a lab that was running Python 3.5 instead of what is being taught throughout the course, python 3.7. This wouldn't have been a big deal had it been explicitly stated but it made accessing my regex groups impossible by using the 3.7 syntax.
By Luis B
•Nov 1, 2021
The course is great. I think that some more information should be given for the non Linux people, mainly for the final lab. In it you ask to start a web browser, and I couldn't. I went out of the lab and search for it, found some ways but didn't work in the lab. So I couldn't see my files on the web.
By Linda C
•May 22, 2020
Great material, clearly presented. Ran into some dumb problems with the labs, like the autograder wouldn't accept whitespace in the code but the Chat agents tried hard to help. They even followed up and emailed me that the autograder would be fixed to look at output instead of script code. Nice!
By Jane O W
•Jun 26, 2020
The course material is valuable. Some of the quizzes and graded labs have flaws that need to be corrected. The tech support people thru chat at Qwiklabs are excellent. They are very responsive and fix problems with labs quickly. They are the go to people from problems with graded assignments.
By Bakhtiar R
•Jul 2, 2023
The qwick labs were very long and the grader would not pass even after following all of the steps. There should be a final solution presented at the end which the user can use to pass the grader if he has tried his best to follow all of the instructions and yet the grader does not pass.
By Jerome S
•Feb 14, 2023
This course is good but be aware that it is a major step up from the last one. If you like a challenge then this one is for you. RegEx is a major component of this course so if you don't have experience with it, then getting a basic understanding before the course will greatly help too.
By Chirag I P
•Jun 19, 2020
I have learnt what the course indented to, but the assessment was smooth. I had problems with two assessment's and wasted way too much time on it. The worst part about that was that the problem was with the mode of assessment and not the code itself. So please change it!
By Hibryd 7
•Apr 8, 2020
Informative and smoothly-presented course! The subject matter can be a little dry and dense, but it keeps moving along and covers a wide base of important information. The Qwiklabs, however, need to be cleaned up a bit as they have a few errors and can be cumbersome.
By Graeme A
•Apr 3, 2020
Much of the early part of the course seemed to be very simply following instructions without knowing whether we were necessarily understanding much, but the final two modules really tested what we've learned and gave a real sense of accomplishment once it all worked!