Jan 20, 2016
I gave four stars for the previews course of the specialization but I have to tell that week 2 and 3 of this course are outstanding. Teachers are really putting students in the right direction.
Jul 19, 2020
Enough concise coverage for the student to build on top. The emphasizes on the pointers to good web experience, in a sea of options, this course is the lighthouse that will guide your way.
By Claire B
•Feb 3, 2022
I definitely learned a lot and gained some new skills. My only complaint would be that i find Marco quite hard to follow, I have some previous experience coding and still found his lessons difficult. It's a shame too as he is doing some of the more complex parts of the course content. Matthew is great however, very easy to follow and engaging. Just a warning that the next 3 modules in the specialization are all Meteor based and very outdated. So I'm not gonna go on in the specialization which I'm pretty disappointed about.
By George E B J
•Feb 22, 2016
The professors need to go into more detail with JavaScript. Our assignment required the use of JavaScript but it didn't fully explain how to use the code that was shared during our class. I enjoyed the class very much and I loved the challenge of figuring out how to complete the assignments. The best part of the assignments consisted of being able to view classmates submissions and learn from them by reviewing the code techniques that they used.
By Abby W
•Mar 21, 2016
I enjoyed this course, but I was lost by the end. I understood the concepts presented in the videos (and got a high grade in the end), but the JavaScript needed for the last assignment was way over my head. I wish there had been more practice with actually using JavaScript; as it is I think I'll need to take another course or do independent study to learn what I should have learned to complete the last assignment.
By Pablo P
•Apr 16, 2017
The course is interesting, the professors are good, they know how and what they have to explain. But the exercises and tests are really easy and do not require lots of knowledge. In fact, seems more like an explanation than a test. So, if you don't practice by yourself you won't learn a thing. Even though Coursera give you an certificate.
I would add more and better practical exercises to make this course better.
By Dotan F
•Jan 6, 2016
I did learn some new things, but there were times that I wasn't sure about the focus of the course:
some of the questions are on the spectrum of too tricky-unclear, there were too many "find my error in the code" issues.
Plus, the last project (gallery) - which has many good features and ideas, does not seem completely finished from a UX point of view.
By Shaz J
•Dec 2, 2017
This course gives a solid foundation for understanding javascript however the use of themes in this is too heavily used and the design principles lecture is outdated. The majority of issue that would come up as a design problem and fall within UX is vast and should remain a subjective approach.
By Siddhi V
•Jan 13, 2016
Information provided are good. All in this course is about theoretic knowledge. One who completes the course has to remember each points when designing a website and also implementing. Further improvements required in this course to make sure more knowledge when taking this course.
By Diego L
•Jan 27, 2016
The course is useful. I've learned many things but in the last week the lectures seemed very rushed. There was many coding that was poorly explained or not explained at all. It started good but ended poorly.
By dcuzhang
•May 20, 2016
If you do not know Bootstrap, JQuery, javascript .... you will get lost after two weeks and from the feedback, it can be clear seen.
The course needs to be re-structured.
By Suryasree R
•Aug 7, 2017
Not enough for a beginner if you are just working with this course alone. I supplemented my learning with MVA to complete the assignments successfully.
By Ulises T C
•Jun 23, 2017
Nice course but it goes quite slow, I believe it is great for beginners but if you already know html,css,js and a bit of bootstrap this is not for you.
By Rui P B
•May 24, 2017
I had to search other sources of information to better understand the content of this course. Very confusing at times!
By Gladys d f
•Nov 6, 2020
El curso es excelente pero no tiene casi subtitulos en espanol y asi se dificulta mucho.
By Damir K
•Feb 23, 2016
Nice but lacking. Would like it to cover more content, specially around handlebars.
By Rodrigo B L
•Sep 28, 2020
The lessons learnt are kind of diffuclt and they are not clearly explained.
By Valeria L
•Dec 4, 2015
It was a bit hard to follow the instructions.
By Johan K
•Feb 16, 2016
Quite easy but I learned a few things.
By Button
•Sep 4, 2017
Good class but too easy!
By MinKhant K
•Sep 11, 2020
Really good course!
By Hofa N
•Feb 14, 2016
thanks guys.
•Nov 2, 2020
By Name
•Feb 16, 2017
By Florian H
•Sep 19, 2016
The name of this course is misleading to me (and if it's misunderstood by one, you can assume there are other people affected as well) - it would be more clear what's expecting you if the course would be called something similar to the last assignment name "Creating a data-driven website".
The responsive part that I was interested in, was basically done with "use bootstrap" - that's pretty poor. Of course the course isn't responsible for this, but an appropriate name would fix that.
Throughout the course, the quizzes were entertaining - but the quality of the questions is questionable. Sometimes the answer is obvious because the other answers are ridiculous, sometimes you don't know what to click, even though you just watched the video carefully. Reason for this is that there are questions being asked, which weren't even touched in the lesson.
It's basically the same with the last assignment - you can watch and do all the lessons before, you've got no idea how to start and what to do as there's simply no explanation of what affects what - which seems to be extremely important in javascript. Yes, it's often told in an overview-style explanation what a function is doing, but something in depth that tells you how to write working javascript functions is lacking.
The quality of the explanations also varied in their quality. Some things that were pretty easy to understand, were explained over 10 very boring minutes, other things that were far more complex and tricky, were handled in half a minute. This made watching the videos frustrating at times. I'm not sure which kind of audience this course is supposed for, but the style varies way too much.
Furthermore it's great that coursera is offering an iPad-app, but I'd like to be able to use and do everything that the app is offering me (and in the best case: everything that's necessary for the course). I can't even review classmates, as they're uploading .rar or .zip-files, which can't be accessed via iPad, and also javascript is a problem for ipads. Unpacking such files and running them on your servers would be an option, maybe.
By Joe W
•Nov 12, 2015
Wasn't much of a class about responsive design, only one of the four weeks talked about responsive web design. Much of the class was about parts of building sites that aren't relevant to building a responsive site. The week that discussed responsive design just talked about using bootstrap
By Ricardo T
•May 27, 2017
Not satisfied with this content's course. It's too basic, assignments are poor. There are far better Responsive Web Design and Boostrap courses out there even in Coursera.