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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Responsive Web Design by University of London

1,944 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to apply concepts from interaction design and human computer interaction in order to design and build an
interactive, professional looking website. You will learn how to make your web page designs adapt to different screen sizes using responsive grid
layouts. You will learn how to add navigation and other design elements, and you will learn how to separate data and display using JavaScript
objects and templates. At the end of the course, you will be able to: 1. Explain why users need to know where they are, where they can go and
what is on a web page 2. Create wireframe mockups of web pages 3. Identify the key functional elements of web pages 4. U...

Top reviews


Jan 20, 2016

I gave four stars for the previews course of the specialization but I have to tell that week 2 and 3 of this course are outstanding. Teachers are really putting students in the right direction.


Jul 19, 2020

Enough concise coverage for the student to build on top. The emphasizes on the pointers to good web experience, in a sea of options, this course is the lighthouse that will guide your way.

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26 - 50 of 410 Reviews for Responsive Web Design

By Debbie i

Dec 7, 2018

I'm on week 2 - meanwhile this course is really clear and set out orderly and amazing, great instructors and pleasant layout and helpful tips. Clear quizzes after each lesson gives you interaction to recall parts of what you learnt, and well explained, to-the-point exercises to submit, given all the explanations.

Thank you!

By Oscar G M B

Feb 9, 2016

Muy bonito curso esta bien estructurado y el contenido de los vídeos es muy claro y entendible los felicito y muchas gracias también le doy gracias a Dios por la existencia de instituciones como ustedes que llevan la educación de calidad a cualquier rincón del mundo muchas gracias y que Dios les bendiga

By Miss E

Oct 5, 2023

I am so proud to complete the course from University of London through coursera by financial aid.thankyou very much coursera and university of London team for encouraging people through financial aid for to do course and gain most demanded skills in this competitive world for the dreaming careers

By Apuroop S

Jan 25, 2016

A course that picks up well from the previous one in the specialization. Difficulty level increases marginally, yet remains perfectly accessible for beginners and intermediate learners.

You will need to invest more time towards the last 2 weeks of the course as compared to the initial 2 weeks.

By Rujul S

Sep 1, 2020

Great content, Great style of instructors. Awesome examples that were walked thru. Learnt more about responsive design. Also the quizzes and the class projects were useful and helped learning. The final project was little bit in-depth, but helped understand the concepts.


Mar 21, 2016

Great course. I learned a lot of valuable information I can use in my work. The course is not for the beginner. Best if you already have exposure/experience with HTML,CSS, and javascript. Still then you'll need to do your own on-line research. 5 Stars +

By Paloma Z A

Sep 24, 2020

Me gusta que existan otras herramientas que yo sólo había utilizado de forma indirecta a través de Frameworks cómo Jquery y Javascrip puro, me gustaría eso si que en los videos se pudiera programar en paralelo junto al tutor cómo en cursos anteriores

By Doug B

Nov 2, 2015

Great format, simple, easy to understand lectures that get right to the point. This has been immensely useful for me and I am already applying the information to a website I manage. Thank you so much for offering these courses on Coursera!

By Jakson S C

Apr 16, 2020

Excellent course to learn about the process of transforming a web page Responsive design to improve UX. A very complete course, I already had some empirical knowledge but now I know better the theoretical bases of responsive web design

By Isaac

Dec 20, 2015

Very interesting course. Good relevant topics are explained (such as using Templates and javascript in order to make webcontent with dinamic data). Very useful course for those who would like to learn the basis of website development.

By John M

Nov 16, 2015

Great work with building up the course, especially starting with the core concepts and then progressing gradually into practical implementation.

I especially liked the introduction to handlebars. I was not expecting it in this course.

By Sumaiya R

Dec 29, 2015

Practice makes perfect! This course built on knowledge from the previous course, and solidified my understanding of the subject matter. The instructors are great, and the practice quizzes and peer reviewed assignments really help.

By AB. M F R

Nov 3, 2020

Very interesting course. I used to learn web designing from scratch. But this course showed me "building web pages from scratch is very time consuming and Un-responsive". Thanks for showing potentials of Bootstrap and jQuery.

By Fernando B

Nov 17, 2015

Very good specialization and very good course, the instructors show the material in a easy way making a good course for someone with a little knowledge about how to make a website and programming language

By Manjit S

Jul 18, 2020

Great course the way the complex things are divided into smaller things is a great skill of the instructor.U will learn a lot of concepts of responsive design and learning will be fun enjoy this course.

By Kaustav G

Jul 19, 2020

Enough concise coverage for the student to build on top. The emphasizes on the pointers to good web experience, in a sea of options, this course is the lighthouse that will guide your way.

By John L N d S

Jan 14, 2017

This course gave me the skill needed to create web pages with interaction and handlebars-based as well.

It's a great course and a good well to improve everyone skills in web development.

By Sundararaman S

Nov 16, 2015

Brilliant - would be even better if the grading can somehow be automated in addition to peer review. This way lazy submitters who finish before course completion can also get a grade.

By Rodrigo B d S C

Jul 2, 2020

Great overview about bootstrap4 for style, jquery for interactive web site and handlebars for create templates for do not have to hard code one html for each page repetitively.

By Randy F

Oct 28, 2015

Very good pace and good information. As with any course, the more you do above and beyond what is given as 'assignments' the better you will grasp the information.

By Vasileios T

May 1, 2016

A course that really helped me to understand how to build my own responsive web page ! Thanks for sharing your knowledge with all of us! Keep up the good work!

By Michael R

Dec 11, 2015

difficult at times - particularly wrestling with Handlebars the template library- but well worth the time devoted to understanding and using what is taught here.

By Rafael G

Mar 6, 2016

BAsic but excelent. In fact, facilitators encourage us to investigate more, and not only to follow them. So we learn a lot practicing any concept they tought us

By Mattia G

Mar 18, 2016

Nice course, well structured and whit a challenging final test even if it not so easy this time, for a person like me, whithout precedent programming skills.

By Jason M C

Nov 8, 2015

Outstanding class, great approach to covering the topics. Maybe a bit more time on the new method of doing the slideshow though? It's a bit overly complex.