Dec 17, 2019
Excellent course! Provided a good overview of how smart contracts adds a layer of value to the evolution in blockchain technology. The hands on programming experience was quite helpful as well.
Apr 8, 2019
Thank you; excellent starting point so I can have a good foundation to learn more Solidity programming; the discussion forum is helpful when I submit the code at the end of the project.
By Kanak B
•Jul 17, 2020
Great course. I hope the working excercises would have been more (But may be because I code a lot). But for beginners who have no idea of coding the course is excellent.
By Gabriel M
•Dec 3, 2018
The final project was a little difficult because if doesn't show where the mistake is, besides that the course is just great to have a first experience using IDE remix
By Filippo L
•Jan 13, 2019
Everything great, however the last assignment could have some more guidance, or stepped approach. I had to do a lot of guessing instead of being sure of what to do.
By Yifei H
•Jun 29, 2018
Good class. It can be even better if more coding assignments can be added. Currently there is only one coding assignment, which makes the course a little too easy.
By Rachana C
•Apr 20, 2020
The submission of the last assignment was unclear which took a lot of time. The rest of the course is informative and clear. All concepts are taught very well.
By Jeremy A
•Aug 4, 2019
Some concepts are under-explained, but an overall strong foundation to Smart Contracting. The course directs students to many external resources that can help.
By Gerard
•Mar 4, 2020
Coding exercises should be build up a bit more active and broad.
Videos could be recorded a bit louder. Not easy to hear on laptop without external speakers.
By Miguel M
•Jan 8, 2023
Very interesting introduction to Solidity, Remix and Smart Contracts. I find it a little short in terms of practice but very well structured and presented.
By Tyron J
•Oct 8, 2021
Better than the first course but still a little too high-level and easy. Wish they actually got into the more advanced features of the Solidity language.
By Leandro T
•Dec 23, 2022
Course is a little outdated, but give a general good introduction to Solidity programming language. The feedback on the auto grade could be better
By Philipp S
•Nov 22, 2021
Great content, a bit difficult to understand the teacher. Speed is high. The links to ext. resources are good.
And knowledge in coding would help.
By Ralf B
•Sep 5, 2019
For further improvement the programming assignments, should be downloadable as text files. As copying from the PDF is tedious and error prone.
By Jonathan L
•Jul 10, 2018
This was really eye-opening. I especially enjoyed the resources after each lesson, as they took me off into the wide world of smart contracts.
By Krispijn J
•Jan 31, 2019
The course was really good, the only reason I don't give five stars is because one the final exam the questions/tasks were not really clear.
By Alexander P
•Oct 5, 2021
project lacked some direction as the functionality was not that clear through out had to go to various outside sources in order to complete
By tsvi l
•Jan 20, 2021
As a concise intro - it is perfect. I did think it could go a bit more into the 'why' rather than the how, but overall - very effective
By Rajaranga M
•Apr 17, 2019
Useful course to understand the fundementals of Solidity language and the Remix platform. Some more hands on exercise will be helpful.
By Subrahmanyam V
•Apr 19, 2019
Good introduction to Smart contracts as a concept.
Good overview and approach to designing Solidity based smart contracts on Ethereum.
By Dennis W K K
•Jul 4, 2020
Although I have some experience with programming, but many concepts in smart contracts are new and need some time to slowly digest.
By Diego R S A
•Jan 8, 2021
This course was surely one that provided me with the documentation and the tools in order to execute and develop a smart contract.
By Raghavendra
•Feb 12, 2022
The course was really good, although the programming assignments could've been a bit more challenging (the hints gave it all).
By Kyle J L
•Jun 26, 2019
Very informative, however the final project was a bit finicky being handled by the autograder due to whitespace formatting.
By Nutdanai P
•May 19, 2021
Good for an introduction to Solidity. If you're familiar with coding, might as well read it yourself, will be much faster.
By Javier F G
•Feb 23, 2021
I learnt a lot about Solidity and smart contracts, It was also really useful to have the first experience with REMIX IDE.