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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis by Johns Hopkins University

3,433 ratings

About the Course

We will introduce methods to perform systematic reviews and meta-analysis of clinical trials. We will cover how to formulate an answerable
research question, define inclusion and exclusion criteria, search for the evidence, extract data, assess the risk of bias in clinical trials, and
perform a meta-analysis. Upon successfully completing this course, participants will be able to: - Describe the steps in conducting a
systematic review - Develop an answerable question using the “Participants Interventions Comparisons Outcomes” (PICO) framework -
Describe the process used to collect and extract data from reports of clinical trials - Describe methods to critically assess the ...

Top reviews


Aug 22, 2019

Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis course is a very good source for beginners which provides an overview on fundamental terminology and steps involved in the systematic review.


Jan 7, 2019

Although introductory, I do carry out reviews as a researcher. I Learned a lot to improve my systematic reviews through this course. High quality, though the music could be a little less intense.

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726 - 750 of 892 Reviews for Introduction to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

By Akhilesh V S

Jun 9, 2016


By Ivette H

Sep 3, 2021


By Zhiqi Q

Sep 26, 2020


By Parul P

Dec 16, 2017


By Яковлева В А

Jan 7, 2025



Nov 30, 2021


By Ramu V

May 8, 2020


By Adam O

Nov 27, 2016


By Dr. V B

Nov 25, 2020


By Mangali M

Sep 29, 2020


By Mona A A

Sep 26, 2020


By gabriela s

Sep 3, 2020


By illona w

Apr 27, 2020


By Ahmed B

Apr 9, 2019


By Angela

Aug 26, 2016


By Edison M

Feb 5, 2018


By Yamile C S C

Jun 22, 2019


By Yarisbeth Q

Aug 31, 2021


By Zahra N

Aug 6, 2021

By Amani

Mar 11, 2020



Jan 23, 2020


By Hayley F

Sep 1, 2020

Overall, I enjoyed the course, and as someone who has read systemic reviews but not undertaken them, I feel that I have learned a lot. The course is not perfect - some of the information presented is out of date, with the videos appearing to be at least five years old. Much of the course is underpinned by reviews which determined how to optimize systematic reviews, and it is likely that more is now known than when the videos were made. The age of the course also meant that the quoted sections of the Cochrane Handbook are several editions out of date, and the module on search strategies included screenshots of PubMed's old interface rather than the new 2020 interface. However, the underlying principles for both the Cochrane Handbook and PubMed are the same, so this didn't detract too much from the course. The three instructors had varying presentation styles, with one tending to read every word on the slide. Luckily an engaging speaker delivered the majority of the videos.

By Felicitas d C

Aug 24, 2020

Learned a lot about meta-analysis and systematic reviews. Module 8 took it for granted that everyone has had epidemiology and statistical courses that are used in the module. The course is not only for public health students and professionals but also other members of various disciplines.

There should be an optional module on the basics of the statistical procedures for module 8 for non-public health course attendees. This additional (optional) module will facilitate the use of the statistical procedures mentioned in module 8.

By Bob B

Sep 12, 2022

Came into the course knowing a fair bit already. The course is a bit dated, using past editions of the Cochrane Handwook and Borenstein's Intro to Meta-Analysis. Nonetheless, I really learned a lot about a process of inquiry that I have had an interest in for decades. The qualitative (bias) stuff I appreciate the most and the historical studies that informed that area of Systematic Reviews . Much more to learn but I don't expect I will regret taking this overview course.

By Mohammadali M S

Mar 26, 2017

It is very useful course for beginners and although those who have done systematic reviews/meta-analysis before in order to improve their basic understanding. There are few shortcomings with the course:

1- lectures frequently refer to biostat and epidemiology classes, but no reference or links has been provided for these classes.

2- The course ends without any lectures on meta-regression and sensitivity analysis, which is a bit confusing as the module 8 promises such lectures.