Aug 19, 2020
It was an awesome experience for me in improving, especially my teaching skills to a new paradigm, I learned and benefited immensely from the course, as the course design is meticulously well planned.
Sep 28, 2020
Amazing experience. Truly an eye-opener for several faculty like me who enrolled for the course from my institution. Thanks to both the course instructors for their wonderful synergy and contribution.
By Christina L
•Oct 25, 2021
An average resource that includes a wide variety information, case studies, and relevant pedagogical aspects for how to best incorporate technology into the classroom. However, the course could use an update as content is "old" from a 2021 online classroom perspective. Also, I found myself torn as to whether it was a strength or weakness that the course content targets a large range of people within the field of education yet relies on peer reviews for graded assignments. Consider your current level of teaching effort and style because if you are a confident educator already incorporating technology into your classroom, your time might be better spent in online tutorials of new programs you hope to use to enhance learning.
By Deleted A
•Jan 30, 2023
Honestly, I felt a lot of the videos and readings were outdated and I would have loved to have more instruction. I don't feel as if I was challenged to learn anything. The assignments were easy and I could have done well on them even if I didn't go through the course. I like that there is a lot of reference material but would prefer more direct lecturing or teaching.
By Maria B L
•Dec 13, 2022
After reaching module 3, it seems like there was nothing leant. The tipps are too general. My expectiation was to receive advice as to which sites, programmes,softwares etc. are useful for online teaching.
By Samreen M
•Aug 7, 2020
I did not receive the certificate and did not get the chance to get review report on my assignments. Although I attended this course on my University platform
By Jacek S
•May 3, 2021
— the course is very good though abandoned by the authors
— coursera promising to have the assignment marked in 3 days then 10 days and then, despite early submission by 4 days offering a minimum mark ‘as a courtesy’ because they cannot secure a peer marker within the timeframe — academically groundless, unfair and against basic tenets of learning
— tech glitches all over - web version displays conflicting info to the app
— serviced by zendesk - some poorly paid extrernal gig workers (not coursera) with access to your personal data and gawd knows what else
— overall: shonky
— result: yearly subscription cancelled
By Alen S
•Sep 20, 2022
I did not like the strcuture of the teaching; Too many links to outside, automated sources and not enough instruction! I could have gained the knowledge of this course, without, taking it, by, simply, reviewing outside articles and journals. Overall, not satisfied.
By Elena
•Mar 12, 2023
Great course! I highly recommend the Learning to Teach Online course offered by UNSW Sydney. The course content is comprehensive and engaging, covering a wide range of topics related to online teaching, including instructional design, assessment, and communication strategies.
The course is designed in a way that is accessible to both experienced and novice teachers, with clear explanations and practical examples that can be applied to any discipline or subject matter. The instructors are knowledgeable and supportive, providing timely feedback and guidance throughout the course.
One of the things I appreciated most about this course was the opportunity to connect with a global community of educators, exchanging ideas and best practices through discussion forums and collaborative projects. The course also offers a wealth of resources and tools, including online modules, readings, and multimedia materials, that are available for future reference.
Overall, I found the Learning to Teach Online course to be an excellent professional development opportunity that has significantly enhanced my teaching skills and confidence in delivering effective and engaging online courses. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to improve their online teaching practices.
By Olga F
•Oct 12, 2022
Comprehensive coverage of the problem under consideration; a combination of different types of educational technologies used to present the material; the availability of feedback from teachers and course organizers, which allows you to quickly resolve emerging issues; a very flexible program that allows you to adjust the range of issues under consideration within the direction, depending on the interests and needs of students; convenient schedule and mode of work, allowing to obtain the necessary knowledge, skills, competencies without interruption from work; the teaching staff and the course organizers' interest in the quality of the material presented, the desire to transfer as much of their experience as possible. The most important thing is that you can study at a convenient time for yourself, without interrupting your work activity. Training is comfortable, it allows you to save information for later use at work Thank you very much!
By Joe M
•Dec 28, 2020
The class was excellent and I learned a lot from it. I took this class to benefit myself. My biggest issue with class dealt with how I was assessed. I don’t understand how I was graded. I was given a number out of 10 on evaluations that were done but said did not count towards grade. I was told I successfully completed class and can print certificate but my grade for 2 assignments was 60??? I also thought that their was a final at end of class. Once I turned in second assignment I have had difficulty trying to navigate my class. I had one more week to go but said I have completed course. It was hard to figure out what I needed each week to complete module. I would do readings and videos but would say I had 10 minutes to go in readings but could not find what I needed to complete. The most important thing was the course content was excellent and I learned a lot from it. Thank You! Joe Moore
By Maybellyn Z
•Aug 16, 2020
Before, I embarked on enrolling the course, I consider my experience in online teaching as below par since I believe i still lack the knowledge needed to carry out an effective online course. The course covered almost all of the rudiments of online teaching. The modules were well designed to students both beginners and with moderate level of online knowledge. The lecturers/resource persons in each module showed high level of expertise in their own fields. At first, I had a hard time coping with the earlier part of the course probably due to much distraction brought by the Covid-19 pandemic, however all my anxieties disappeared as the course progressed and I became more focused with the lessons/modules. Finishing the course, really boosted my confidence. Thank you so much.
By عبير أ ا
•Jun 26, 2024
الدورة التدريبية فاقت توقعي ، كانت رائعة ومليئة بالمعلومات الواضحة والتمارين التي تحقق تعزيز الفهم مع امكانية العودة للمحتوى عند الحاجة، الدورة مخططة بشكل ممتاز، جميع الروابط المعروضة ذات قيمة، والمشاركين في المحتوى من الاساتذة والخبراء والطلاب رائعون ، الاخراج العام للدورة مدروس ، تحتاج الدورة الى وقت مناسب لانجاز المهام، يمكن تقسيم الدورة لوحدات تدريبية اضغر للمعنيين بعنوان واحد فقط مثلاً، بما ان الترجمة للغتي الام تتم آليا فقد واجهت بعض التحديات في ذلك احياناً، من المفيد تنويع مكتبة المصادر المختلفة للتعلم الذاتي للطلاب او المعنيين ليتمكنوا من الاستفادة القصوى من الروابط وذلك بتصنيف عدة مراجع حسب لغات مختلفة اذا امكن لاحقاً، يمكن ان يتم اضافة سيناريو مرئي ويتم تحديد اسئلة سريعة علية ولكن عميقة ومتخصصة لتكون المهات اكثر تفاعلية ، شكراً على تقديم هذة الدورة الاستثنائية
•Mar 24, 2021
It was a great course, very detailed and thorough. This made me reflect about my teaching practices and the importance of thinking about the learning outcomes MORE than just using technology. Learning online can be challenging, but if you pay attention to what your students need to learn, it is a lot easier to plan accordingly. The videos made me think the instructors were with me during the whole process and just receiving the comments from the persons that were doing the course made me realize how many teachers are in the world (and all of us are in this together!). I recommend to anyone who is currently teaching or wants to pursue a teaching career, even if it is not using online classes (which we all really need to use nowadays!).
By Muhammad N
•Nov 7, 2020
A sort of good attempt. There is very logical reasoning in it that shall help every student in front of each student.A sort of good attempt. There is very logical reasoning in it that shall help every student in front of each student. A sort of good attempt. There is very logical reasoning in it that shall help every student in front of each student.A sort of good attempt. There is very logical reasoning in it that shall help every student in front of each student. A sort of good attempt. There is very logical reasoning in it that shall help every student in front of each student.A sort of good attempt. There is very logical reasoning in it that shall help every student in front of each student.
By Darrian B ( T E
•Oct 2, 2020
This course was excellent in getting one to think about teaching online. It highlighted for me that thought our students might be digital citizens and digitally competent, they may not be digitally literate with the technology/software that I decide to use to impart instruction in class. It helped me to understand that our role is not reduced as teachers simply because our students are now online, but if anything, our role has now become increasingly important to facilitate the engagement of students and to ensure that no one is left behind or feels left out of the teaching/learning experience.
By Rena
•Sep 6, 2020
Digital environment becomes a crucial part of our lives. In order to stay relevant and increase students' interest, we should take it into consideration by incorporating various virtual tools and methods into our educational process. The situation with Covid-19 has made us all realize the importance of acceleration of this process. It was beneficial for me to take into account the experience and opinions of other teachers and in the area. This course helped me understand the diversity of digital methods and tools that exist, and thus, become better equipped to use them in my work
By Shaheed F
•Jun 14, 2021
Prof Simon and team and all the faculty members and facilitators who spoke in the videos provided for phenomenal inputs and gave me an opportunity to unlearn/learn about Learning to Teach Online. The live illustrations and reading materials were exceptional and will keep me in good stead to adopt to Blended Teaching and ensure success for the Learners and the Teaching Community. Looking forward to an Advanced Programme if Prof. Simon and Team can offer in the near future. Thank you and warm regards, Shaheed
By Paul V d E
•Aug 24, 2020
This course provided me with enough material to enable me to improve my online teaching skills. Modules were very well presented with some optional activities. The self-evaluation exercises with personalized recommendations were to the point and the reading material suggested will keep me busy for some time to come. Assignments were relevant and will help with future work. The last part with Q&A was a nice touch with numerous examples. Great course and highly recommended.
By Jannat A R
•Sep 17, 2020
This course is perfectly designed for pre-service/ in service teachers who are still novice towards technology. Due to the Covid-19, we all had to take a paradigm shift in online education. In this situation, this course really helped me to enrich my knowledge in using technological tool for the benefits of online teaching. Each and every module was beautifully designed with proper information. I would highly recommend this course and I am highly satisfied with this one.
By Moonmee
•Jun 24, 2021
It was an awesome experience. The course exceeded my expectations because when I started I anticipated that it would be just about certain simple tips on how to teach online effectively but the plethora of new age technologies that it mentioned along with the case studies were great. The instructors Simon and Negin had such pleasant personalities that doing this course made it a wonderful experience. One request would be to add more resources related to K-12. Thanks !
By Margarida S
•Aug 30, 2020
I was very happy with the course, Learning to Teach Online from UNSW Sydney (University of New South Wales). I am sorry to be English, my second language, and not having a command of English. But I confess that the course is good, I made an effort out of my reality, as for English. The course offers you many tools to improve the quality of online work for teachers and their students. I do recommend this course! The lectures are clear and objective.
Thank you very much!
By Nathalie B
•Feb 28, 2022
This course is really well designed and delivered; I learnt so much! The presence of the tutors (and Assistant tutor) is very strong and appreciated. I totally recommend it. However, quite a few links are obsolete (reading materials); also peer review and marking of assessments can be tainted: there is the risk of being graded by someone whose English is not good enough to comprehend everything in your assessment. I totally loved doing this course, many thanks!
By Faiza R
•Aug 22, 2020
Really appreciate each one of the contributions in peer learning and evaluation. This course teaches a lot about online learning tools, which can be effectively used in teaching. Teaching can be made simple and effective by using these tools. Really appreciate the course. If a person read all documents carefully and watch videos then he/she can get quite a detailed knowledge. I would apply these tools in my teaching also for my students better learning.
By usha k
•Oct 27, 2020
Thank you professor Mr. Simon Mclntyre , Ms. Dr Negin Mirriahi and the rest of moderators. This course was very useful for me in terms of teaching online. I have explored a many topics in the virtual leaning and teaching platform. This course had opened many avenues for me to excel in my career and give my true potential to my students and to my work place. A sincere thank you to everyone to have given in depth knowledge through this online initiative.
By Chiqui M
•Jan 28, 2022
The course if very engaging and informative. It opens all the possbilities for the teacher to develop his skill in various applications. With so much access to various recommnendadtions based on what I really need. I will still comeback to page and keep on studying and reviewing the topics that I love most. It can be done in just completing the course a lot of updates and infromaton are still needed to really make the most out of it.
By Sudipa S C
•Apr 9, 2021
This was an amazing learning journey with Coursera. Thanks for introducing such a course which is absolutely incredible in terms of not only its applicability in education industry but also in all other areas where learning is involved such as in Corporates or any jobs online or any group work online. My understanding about teaching has improved to a large extent and I will definitely recommend this course to anybody interested.