Jun 6, 2020
I really enjoyed this course, especially because it combines all different components (DNN, CONV-NET, and RNN) together in one application. I look forward to taking more courses from deeplearning.ai.
Aug 3, 2019
It was an amazing experience to learn from such great experts in the field and get a complete understanding of all the concepts involved and also get thorough understanding of the programming skills.
By Attili S
•Sep 15, 2020
could have emphasized more on the time-series data...
By Pablo J
•Jan 29, 2020
I would have like to do testing exercises.
By Zanuar E R
•May 27, 2020
the sound still bad, cant hear the voices
By Angel S
•Dec 1, 2020
This course teaches just the very basics
By Pakpoom S
•Aug 19, 2022
It's good but not much practical
By Robert M
•Aug 2, 2020
Model did not predict well.
By Naim H
•Nov 2, 2019
where is the assignment
By Ksh N S
•Sep 15, 2020
audio volume very less
By Gerardo S
•Oct 1, 2019
a little bit to light
By Artem K
•Sep 17, 2020
Plz more practice :)
By Kai J J
•Aug 22, 2020
A little to easy.
By Nechi A
•Feb 6, 2021
too easy
By Andres S R
•Mar 18, 2022
Not man
By Mas V
•Aug 23, 2019
By Leonardo
•Dec 21, 2020
I have done the initial Deep learning courses of Andrew, and they were very thorough and well explained. I was expecting the same quality, however, it was not so. Explanations were generally good, but the examples and the details around the architecture of the models were barely discussed or considered, besides pointing me to the next course (which I have done). I was a bit disappointed TBH, for an "applied" course I do not think this provides enough material to begin applying this knowledge into real life problems.
By Jo R
•Sep 8, 2019
Really poor quality, sadly. The notebooks are full of errors, the quizzes are mostly coding questions instead of being about deeper understanding of the notions studied, and I don't think the videos are clear enough about what decisions are most important when building this type of model and how to make those decisions. Love the topic, but very disappointed, and don't think this is worth what I'm paying..
By Andrei I
•Feb 13, 2021
The course is merely a walk-through some Jupiter notebooks of Laurence. There are no proper slides with explanation of what's going on. I also don't see much activity from the course creators on the discussion forums. It is incredibly easy to complete the course without forming any deep understanding.
The weekly programming exercises are not even automatically checked for accuracy.
By Praful G
•May 22, 2021
If you already have good knowledge of Neural Networks like CNN, RNN, LSTM, etc. then only opt for this one. Because they keep referring to previous courses in the specialisation for these. Also, they are only writing the code but never cleared about, what they are writing and why.
By Ebdulmomen A
•Sep 26, 2020
quiz's are pathetic! throughout the whole course the instructor talks about the advantages of RNN and LSTM and CNNs for time series prediction while not being able to prove this not even for one in the entire course, what a disappointment !
By Amairani Y V C
•Dec 21, 2021
Me parece que no dan un buen enfoque a muchos puntos, los códigos no se explican bien, y abordan temas que son densos en minutos lo cual hace que quedes sin mucha información. No me parece que sea un buen curso por eso.
By Kaushal T
•Aug 5, 2019
The course was not as detailed or in a flow like I expected from a deeplearning.ai course and the editing was also very bad, one thing was shown and something else was spoken.
By Victor H
•Sep 11, 2019
A bit too high-level with lacking explanation on intuition. E.g. Conv1D was added to LSTM layers which helped reduce loss value, but did not go into the explanation of why.
By Tomek D
•Feb 29, 2020
Course is very quick and does not cover the topics in sufficient depth - explanations and discussion are all very brief.
By Mirko S
•Jan 24, 2025
I'd like to have more pratical exercize, after the Machine Learning Specialization, this course seems to me to basic.
By Akiva K S
•Sep 7, 2021
Junk course. Andrew Ng is a great specialist but I'll never try courses from deeplearning.ai.