Apr 4, 2021
I really enjoyed this course because it was a good balance between the lectures and assignments. Doing the assignments not only helped me increase my confidence but also helped me expand my thinking.
Nov 6, 2024
A huge thank you to theNancy Wang and the AWIT team for creating such a comprehensive and engaging curriculum. The practical examples and real-world applications have been particularly beneficial.
By Christopher T
•Feb 19, 2021
The material covered in this course and the concepts one is exposed to is terrific: PRFAQs, TAM/SAM/SOM, interviews with CEOs and business leaders, and so on.
Straight talk: if you're interested in product management, this course is an excellent start and worth your time.
Two pieces of feedback for this course:
1) Production value: There are many, many jump cuts in the lectures and I'm not sure why given the otherwise excellent preparation that was done for the course.
2) Assignments are a bit of a mess since they seem to be peer graded. You may end up waiting numerous days for another peer to come along and grade your work, and you may be asked to grade another peer's work who simply gives you a Google Drive link with no permission to access it. Ultimately, the blame on this point may lie more with Coursea than the instructor.
By Claire W
•Dec 29, 2022
This course was great to build confidence as a PM and understand the areas to put more focus on - e.g. working back from the PR and deeply understanding our customers through persona and journey mapping - and which areas I was already doing well in. The market sizing was useful and just what I needed to do for work!
The assignments were very, very useful.
What could be addressed more, early on, is the difference in the PM role at an early-stage startup vs. large companies like Amazon. Because a first-level PM at a startup has a broader remit (manages more than a feature), and also more time constraints so has to focus on prioritization.
I want to learn about roadmapping as well which is not covered in the course.
Thank you so much, Nancy and AWIT, for making this course available!
By Nadine K
•Apr 28, 2021
Overall it was a very interesting course. The first 3 weeks go through the very basics inc personas, customer journeys, etc. the last week was packed with useful information that i didn't have before. I liked that the course challenged you with many practical exercises. In the beginning I thought "this is going to take for ever!" but once i got stuck into it I quickly enjoyed completing my own and reviewing my peers assignments. In the end the assignments and the expert interviews were the most useful parts of the course, the teaching videos were interesting and nice and short. Overall a great course. Only feedback would be to spread out the content a bit more. Week 4 felt jam packed compared to weeks 1-3... maybe this was intentional?
By Renzil D
•Jun 27, 2021
I loved the structured approach Nancy has taken to illustrate various tools and techniques that are required for this course. However I was not impressed at the level of the quizes and questions that were phrased out. This comparison is only and only with another specialisation that I undertook with other course offering of Alex Cowan where there is a structutred approach with great assignments and questions again the plus point about AWIT is that the content had great tools and techniques like TAM, SAM, SOM / Competitor analysis /OKRs which was missing from Alex's course. Hence I would recommend this course along with Alex Cowan's to compliment each other.
By Ada
•Feb 15, 2021
This was not only one of the best courses in PM, but also one of the best courses I took on Coursera. The content is very engaging; the hands-on experience you can get through practical assignments is very valuable. I'm new to the PM so I gained lot of valuable insight and hands-on skills. The only suggestion for improvement would be around peer-to-peer evaluation. In case you a student doesn't complete assignment in the correct way or something is missing and they receive 0 for evaluation, it would be good to also provide constructive feedback so they understand better what they need to do to improve. In many cases constructive feedback is what is missing.
By Rebecca G
•Oct 17, 2020
Thanks for a great course! I feel like this was a great overview of the many aspects of product management. In the beginning, I was a bit nervous as my current role is not defined as product management, but have come to learn that product management includes a lot of the foundational considerations that come with working towards a commercial strategy, so I'm not starting from zero.
It would be great to dive deeper into the technical requirements for product managers, including more focus on how to really analyse and understand user needs, identify roadblocks and opportunities to resolve user challenges, etc. I hope that's coming up in the next course!
By Ritu A
•May 13, 2021
My learning experience of 4 weeks for "The Business of Product Management-I" has been very interesting. It has helped me to connect with product management not only for the concepts but also understand the difference between project management vs product management in terms of vision and strategy. The biggest highlight of these 4 weeks was the assignment for "Market Segmentation of the product " using the theory of TAM,SAM, and SOM. I am looking forward to the next course in this specialization. Another highlight of the course was watching the videos by folks who have been game changers in their product management journey. Thank you!
By Laura M
•Nov 2, 2022
A solid foundation in what product management is and what the expectations are for the role. The mix of activities (watching Nancy explain things, reading, doing assignments, quizzes) is helpful, even if the practice of student review often doesn't work well (it's very common that links to submissions don't function). The quizzes can me maddening (asking things that haven't been covered or super strange phrasing and double negatives), but overall I have learnt a great deal about product management. And it's nice to dust off some old skills with creating personas, writing press releases, and doing competitive analysis.
By Naila E H
•Jul 10, 2022
- The quizzes had questions that seemed unrelated to the goal of the course and that was frustrating
- learning new content and tools and how to apply on products is useful and interesting
- Referencing Elad Gil's reading that implies that a project manager's job is JUST to run a schedule is insulting and shows ignorance about what project managers do. Job functions vary largely between different organization and I suggest that reading should be replaced with something that focuses on product management without being critical and downplaying other jobs.
By Vanessa V
•Jun 3, 2022
The different aspects of what a PM does were eye-opening to me. Also, already possesing an MS degree in marketing from a business school had prepared me for a couple of the exercises/assigmnments in this course; the rest of the assignments were very educational. Something I do not like and do not agree with is the peer grading process in general because the questions are either yes or no and I don't really think peers should be judging each other's work. I only expect to be graded by the expert in the industry, and that would be the instructor.
By Alexa L
•Dec 17, 2020
I've really enjoyed taking this course. It's been a great jumpstart into Product Management. However, I'd like more information on the concepts we're learning. There are a handful of concepts and vocabulary that is introduced, but not defined clearly. They're defined more in terms of examples than actual definitions to reference when completing the assignments. This would help me and I'm sure others understand these principles better. Otherwise, this course has given me more confidence going down this career path.
By Chaitanya P
•Mar 14, 2021
I feel more confident and excited about Product management. Confident when I got to know that I will learn everything from scrum to agile etc and also where I found out while making customer personas and other tasks that it is not that difficult.
I would really like to have some notes or slides after every week because taking notes on Coursera is actually a tedious process and leads to loss of motivation, also, writing notes yourself in also makes it slower and excitement and motivation brushes off.
By Kendra A
•Mar 13, 2022
Suggesting to give instructions on how folks can copy /paste links to view-only documents in Google Suite when the Coursera Honor Code doesn't allow for copy/paste. I've given a suggestion in my last assignment because I was given a zero (0) because the peer reviewer didn't take the time to figure out how to copy/paste due to this issue. Also - I know it is time consuming, though given AWIP changed to AWIT it may be a good idea to rerecord or adjust videos to include the new branding.
By Anastasia T
•Aug 18, 2021
Great basic course. I really enjoyed doing exercises. What could be better: lector could speak more instead of reading the material and it could make a course more vivid. Also there is a bug with viewing assignments of other students: when they post a link it's not clicable and it's impossible to copy to put in a browser so it's impossible to open though and rate then. I've left few reports on it but I don't think somebody fixed it.
By Satish M S
•Jan 20, 2024
Provides an insight with concrete real world examples, accompanied by excellent assignments that helped enhance the understanding. Specifically customer personas, customer journey, competitive analysis. Couple of improvement areas: a) Practice quiz: some questions seem to test memory/analytics than the understanding. b) Individual modules of the course are excellent, but I felt that flow/structure could be better streamlined
By Justin B
•Feb 22, 2023
I am only giving this 4 stars because I am comparing it with Google's Project Management course. Which I found to be more helpful in the reading, and assignments. SO this Course isn't bad I just have had better. Also, some of the images that are posted for us to review are too small and/or low quality and can be difficult to read at times. Maybe replacing them with higher-quality images or with larger text might be better.
By Rita G
•Apr 6, 2022
This was a great course to consolidate learnings in a framework.
My only improvement feedback would be to better schematize the thoughts/discourse. For instance, a lot of times Nancy mentions point 1, and then talks about 1.1 and 1.2, two different streams related/contained in point 1. However, without reading the text that accompanies the videos, I wouldn't have noticed, because the cadence of speech did not reflect that.
By Maarten W
•Oct 3, 2024
Ik denk dat het overall een goed beeld geeft van Porductmanagement. Sommige facetten zijn erg op USA gericht, waar dat heel anders gaat in Europa. Daarnaast zijn sommige vragen in quizen niet gerelateerd aan het onderwerp dat je leert. Als je bv. bepaalde (USA) bedrijven niet kent, wordt het ineens een vreemde quiz. Al met al wel veel geleerd over bv. klantenpersona's, customer journey's en product vereisten document.
By Stanislav R
•Jan 19, 2023
Enjoyed the course.
Few things to improve:
Some quizzes were focused on very specific data which was not very important to the general topic of the course. One of the assignments was about posting a result for the analysis done in GoogleSheets. When I needed to check the assignment after other people, the link was not clickable.
All the rest was cool. Enjoyed listening to the guy from MixPanel in the end of the course!
By Cynthia M
•Mar 29, 2022
Interesting look into Product Management. As an older participant taking this online course, the challenge I ran into was not being able to find help on how to utilize google docs when completing assignments. Perhaps that could be added to the help documents for older participants who may not be familar. Other than that challenge, this course was very informative and the Instructor brought a lot of good insight.
By Daman D
•Nov 11, 2020
The course was pretty insightful and engaging. Thanks for being a great instructor, Nancy.
It would however be great if we could have a summary video/pdf at the end of each course which the applicants could use as a reference. For example we learnt about TAM, SAM & SOM and to be able to use it in our day to day lives, maybe a reference doc we could refer to would be great. Just a thought. Thanks.
By Leonie A M
•Dec 27, 2020
Great intro for newbies. I would have liked to see more tipps on how to make sure your crucial assumptions are reasonable and on how to identify the crucial assumptions that you make. Also, it would have been very good to see more of a full product journey from beginning to end -- which techniques do you use in which stage, what typically happens at a company, small or big, at each stage?
By Ashley P
•May 17, 2022
I currently work at a tech startup, so I've heard some of the terms used, but I think if I didn't have any tech background I would probably be a little confused. I've learned a lot and already see projects in my company where I can actually put what I've learned to use, which is fantastic considering that I've been through 1 part only and have no previous PM experience.
By Barbara K
•Jan 26, 2021
Strengths in this course are Nancy's knowledge, examples and interviews with other industry leaders on their PM path and what they look for in PM hires. I would have liked a bit more clarity, maybe in written form, on some of the definitions such as Customer Persona vs Market Segmentation to reduce my time spent researching these terms outside of the course
By Tory G
•Jan 10, 2021
Nancy did a thorough job of going through the fundamental responsibilities of Product Managers. I loved the ability to see one, do one, and review one! I am a hands-on learner and this certainly helped me learn the content Nancy was teaching. One suggestion is to review and edit the quiz multiple choice answers, not all of them are written clearly enough.