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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Unix Workbench by Johns Hopkins University

1,344 ratings

About the Course

Unix forms a foundation that is often very helpful for accomplishing other goals you might have for you and your computer, whether that goal
is running a business, writing a book, curing disease, or creating the next great app. The means to these goals are sometimes carried out by
writing software. Software can’t be mined out of the ground, nor can software seeds be planted in spring to harvest by autumn. Software isn’t
produced in factories on an assembly line. Software is a hand-made, often bespoke good. If a software developer is an artisan, then Unix is
their workbench. Unix provides an essential and simple set of tools in a distraction-free environment. Even if you’re not a soft...

Top reviews


May 24, 2022

This course is extremly helpful and well designed for beginnner and working professionals with neat info. I strongly recomended this course. Thanks for mentors/authors with real time example commands.


Apr 29, 2020

This is a very friendly step-by-step guide to Unix for beginners, it helps to build a solid foundation, and the exercises are designed to explore more about what has been introduced in the course.

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326 - 350 of 401 Reviews for The Unix Workbench

By Alexis L P

Nov 26, 2022

This is a great refresher course if you haven't used bash in a while. I'd rate this course as slightly above beginner; if you're entirely green to the command line, programming, bash I think you're likely to move slowly or get frustrated since there are no solutions to the assignments, and explanations are taken for granted for more elementary parts of bash and the command line. (The author has made his book available online for free, though, which will help.) The first few weeks are great and not only refreshed my knowledge but I discovered new options/flags for commands I thought I knew. The last few weeks are outdated and a bit of a disappointment with many typos and having to pay Digital Ocean to spin up a droplet (it is not free as the course says). However, for a course I didn't have to pay for (because of the NY Dept. of Labor) it was perfect.

By Will J

Aug 7, 2017

I came into the course with some knowledge of the shell but the course really opened up my eyes to how to use some of the more advanced features of bash scripting. To get a five star review, I would have expected some more depth such as including sections on awk or sed. In addition, I would have really like to better understand how people apply these skills in the real world. Especially with the close ties to the Data Science certification (both courses being from John Hopkins), I would have expected to see how a makefile could be used to rebuild analyses or how sed could be used to do some in-stream processing. Bottom line: I'm glad I took the course but wouldn't pay for it as there's way more to learn.

By Michael J C

Jun 9, 2019

This is a good course, barely adapted from Sean Kross' UNIX workbench book. Much of the course material refers to chapter numbers but is easy enough to follow without the book. I found that some sections did make a few leaps between the written content and the exercises. For the most part this was OK but the exercises for the final section, "Nephology", were well beyond the written content ("now make a Twitter bot"). Also, the course required that we sign up to Digital Oceans (and gave us a credit) prepared for spam and officious disregard for customers.

By Pratyush M

Sep 12, 2018

Its a fairly good course for introduction to the command line. In my opinion, it would benefit from using better formatting commands in text using in-line code snippets like markdown. Also more resources for referring(like cheat sheets) in the very last lesson would be helpful and it would have helped even more if all resources which were mentioned before in the preceding chapters would have been included in the last lesson as well. But yes, I would recommend this to new learners.

By Christina H

Jun 1, 2020

I took this class as a refresher on the basics of Unix, having not used a shell in over 10 years. I found this to be well organized, easy to follow, and user friendly. It also felt like just the right amount of work per week. The text did contain some typos, but I wonder if that was to encourage people to edit it. The forums were helpful, but I do think moderators need to consider that people come from all abilities and background and sometimes some plain speak is appreciated.

By Richard S

Oct 10, 2017

This course offers a wide range of topics for an entry-level course on UNIX/Linux. From user-type tasks (navigating the tree, manipulating files, etc), to programming-related ones (using make/makefiles, git, GitHub, etc), this course gives the learner enough knowledge to assess whether they want to continue with more advanced UNIX/Linux courses, or pursue some other area of knowledge.

By Achuthan R V

May 20, 2020

I would have preferred more video classes to explain the tools as opposed to texts. Further, separate modules on the vi editor, sed and awk utilities could have also been included as part of the course content. The exercises were good but an extra peer-reviewed assignment (on other Week 3 topics) would have been helpful.

By Juan C G V

Jun 30, 2020

Very good course on Linux focused on the development of bash scripts as part of a developer's toolbox. Instructor had developed a book to support it. You will find the basics to start working as a part of a development team using Git and GitHub. Definitely enjoyable. Thank you to all the people that makes this possible.

By Huajun Z

Jan 16, 2018

It's a very useful course, and helped me to code some simple bash programs, without which my current project would be very laborious. A small piece of suggestion is that content for each week can be further optimized, as the week3 and week4 contents are a bit too much, and week1 is a bit too little.

By John H

Aug 24, 2017

Well paced intro to shell scripting and bash. Could use a little more video and discussion beyond the "text" for the module. However, this is early in the life of the course so perhaps these can be added.

It would be good to have a follow-up module with more make, Git and other areas! Thanks.

By Andrew B

Jan 29, 2022

Certainly better than the other Unix- and Linux-related courses which always appear to explain the very basics regardless of how "advanced" they claim to be. It took a long time to find peer-reviewed assignments to review but the content of the course was decent.

By Enpei L

Apr 11, 2019

I chose to take this course as reading manuals is boring. The course is nice in the sense that it gives practicals that you can do and get yourself familiar with the commands. On the other side, the videos are not what I expected and not so useful to have anyways.


Dec 23, 2017

It was very good course designed for beginner in Unix. Thanks a lot for this. I was expecting a good hands on assignment at each week. The course could be much better if it would have included some more details in all the topics covered.

By Rob C

Sep 10, 2018

Really interesting course and a good introduction to shell programming. I did find the learning curve was a little uneven between weeks (1 and 2 were took almost no time, but some quirks in week 3 made it take much longer).

By Dimitris H

Feb 11, 2022

It's a nice course that provides you with the basics. I wish the content was updated in more frequent manner. It would be nice to be able to submit and run scripts online as the method for verifying the assignements.

By Sougata G

Dec 18, 2017

Fantastic book for beginners as well as people who haven't worked on Unix for a long time. Brush up and get going. Very lucid presentation ; gitHub lessons were an additional plus

By Carla C S

Oct 6, 2021

This course is a quick introduction to the Unix shell and bash scripting. Very advisable indeed, nevertheless I think they could show you correct answers of practice excercises.

By Sara A

Oct 11, 2018

A very good course!

Before taking this course, I was a little worried to work with Linux. But now I really feel more comfortable with it.

Thanks to the instructor for his efforts.

By Edgardo S

Apr 22, 2018

I could not get the connection with digitalocean, becasue the page requested me to pay. I suggest to use a server propietary of coursera only for courses.

By Kyösti P

Mar 10, 2019

Excellent introductory course in to Unix and utilizing some of the basic command line functions as well as some of the progarmming structure basics.

By Kirulkar R B

Feb 20, 2018

I learn so many new commands from this course.

and one more important thing is basic standard skeleton of bash programming as well as git-hub basic.

By Sergio A D A

Oct 21, 2023

good content but sometimes it is quite complicate to follow instructions when using Windows. tThere are not specifications when using this OS

By roger c

Oct 29, 2017

It's very simple bash (my attention part!) tutorials, and I suggest the video teaching is much better than boring plain text.

By bikarna p

Apr 12, 2020

I enjoyed the course. However, I would have enjoyed still more, if there were demos using videos rather than mere texts.

By Thejas B

Aug 30, 2020

A great course that is easy to understand and implement it. A good start for beginners with little experience.