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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to User Experience Design by Georgia Institute of Technology

8,576 ratings

About the Course

The focus of this course is to introduce the learner to User Experience (UX) Design User Experience design is design that is user centered. The
goal is to design artifacts that allow the users to meet their needs in the most effective efficient and satisfying manner. The course introduces
the novice to a cycle of discovery and evaluation and a set of techniques that meet the user's needs. This course is geared toward the novice.
It is for learners that have heard about "user experience" or "user interface" design but don't really know much about these disciplines. The
course mantra is that “Design is a systematic and data driven process.” Design is systematic because it is based on a set of t...

Top reviews


Oct 22, 2017

The best introduction classes, gives an overall idea about UI/UX. Grateful for the efforts taken by the Georgia Tech and Coursera. Looking forward to see more courses related to my career. Thank you.


Dec 15, 2022

In the steps of User Experience Design, I got how to go through all four stages; Requirements gathering, Alternative designs, Prototyping, and Evaluation to design and get a good product on the table.

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1301 - 1325 of 1,940 Reviews for Introduction to User Experience Design

By Susmita J

Dec 16, 2020

I am new to the UI/UX domain but I have a thorough design background. My main intention was to figure out exactly, 1) the difference between UI and UX and 2) professional working methodology and definitions that I'd need to know for this job.

For the first part I joined a UI design course too simultaneously so that clears out the 2 topics. I am happy with the course content as I learned many things that I had no idea as a beginner with respect to processes and terminologies.

However, it could've been curated to be more hands-on, with discussion groups and reviews. The quizzes basically needed me to memorize exact words rather than making me think about real situations. It lacked the interaction I expected from a course like this.

Overall I'd recommend this for someone who has similar intentions of discovering concepts in UX design.

By Salvatore D S

Mar 18, 2021

Georgia Institute of Technology's Introduction to User Experience Design by Dr. Rosa I. Arriaga is a helpful introduction to user experience design. The five-week course includes weekly lecture videos, external readings, and knowledge quizzes. As of March 2021, some of the external reading links are expired. It might be helpful to arrange copyright permissions to offer the articles as PDF downloads, to protect future access to readings. Also, the knowledge quizzes might be improved by reconsidering what each question's answers is really testing. Sometimes, the questions' answer choices seemed to test different knowledge than the designer might have intended. While some learners might find the concise videos more dense than they anticipated, learners interested in learning what user experience design is should be satisfied.

By Carolyn P H

May 22, 2020

The course definitely provided a great overview and resources to use outside of class. Having transcripts of each video was very helpful, however, sometimes the transcript was incorrect and it took some video rewatching to understand the context and actual words used. The weekly quizzes were also great, however, I would've appreciated being able to see what the correct answer was after completion so I could adjust my notes. I think some of the resources are now a little outdated - some website links no longer work/require subscription or payment before viewing. But overall, I came into this class knowing very little and now understand the basic layout of what UX/UI positions demand.

By Judith C

Oct 18, 2022

The course was a good overview of the material. One suggestion I have would be to work on the 'reading' pages. There is not enough information -- at least give the name of the article and link the URL from that. That would be more friendly to screen readers.

Ideally, give a short summary on what the article is about -- could be one sentence. The way it looks now is that someone couldn't be bothered -- It made me think you did not care if I read them or not. If you only want me to spend 10 minutes reading -- or I should pick three articles to read (or whatever), give students a sentence of written directions.

By Christopher G

Jul 29, 2020

The instructor was very clear in covering the materials. I loved her presence and how she communicated the information. My only issue was with the quizzes. The questions asked in the quiz did not resemble the communicated information in some of the lessons. In addition, some of the multiple-choice questions provided two sets of multiple choice answers with one set of multiple choice answers providing bubbles to click in. Just remove one without the bubbles, they do nothing but cause confusion specifically if the multiple-choice sets of answers are not in identical order. Other than that, I enjoyed this course!

By Kashif M

Nov 3, 2022

In this course, I felt there should be material to elaborate on the key concepts in depth. I felt stranded when I reviewed my grades after quizzes. I did not find any clue why any answer in quizzes is wrong. There should be a re-cap to the quizzes where students should be guided with the reason what is the correct option and why it is correct. It caused me dissatisfaction and a lower user experience. This caused me to have questions in my mind that still require answers even after I have passed the course with good grades. I hope in the future it can be improved and this issue should be addressed.

By Barbara R

Oct 8, 2017

It's a very basic course but as a total beginner I'm glad I took it. Soon I'm starting stationary post-graduate UX studies and I think it was a good introduction, I definitely feel like learning more of the topic. What I missed were more examples or case studies, but maybe this was the point of the whole course to be short and basic... And I think you can easily complete the course in 2 or 3 weeks. There were some interesting articles linked in the materials however many of them were repeating the same or similar content so to me the selection of these materials looked rather random...

By Caroline M

Feb 17, 2021

It's very useful and contains enough depth for someone new to learn User Experience Design. I wished the lecture slides used on the videos were available as it would have help with faster note-taking on my part. The links to reading materials were helpful though some of the resources didn't have working websites. Despite all of that I would highly recommend it since it has exposed me to how User Experience Desing should be approached. I was learning while currently studying a Masters in Software Development and saw a lot of topics crossover which only supplemented my understanding!

By Lau B

May 16, 2021

The teacher explained all the concepts in a clear and easy-to-understand way. I really enjoyed this course and wish it would be longer to be able to learn even more things about UX design. The only thing that I thought could be added to add value to the course would be more real-life examples of actual projects that UX designers can be confronted with every day. I would have loved to get more insight on the what it is to be a UX design through more concrete examples. But overall, I think this course is very interesting!


Nov 15, 2020

I thought the course was very helpful in getting an introductory level of knowledge on User Experience Design and the steps in the design process. I would say that the instructor went through the concepts at a slightly faster pace than I would like because as I someone who likes taking notes, I noticed myself pausing each video a lot more times than I thought was necessary. However, overall a great course for someone who is looking to get their toes wet and learn what it means/takes to be a User Experience Designer.

By Troy L

Aug 19, 2019

A good introduction to those who only have surface-level knowledge of UX Design. This course will quickly give you a working understanding of the basic processes designers follow when developing or improving an interface design. If you are preparing for a bootcamp, or want to discover what you'll be delving into, this is a great first step. My only improvement would be editing mistakes from the lecture videos and allowing students to see the correct answers for test responses that I got wrong.

By Debbie L

Nov 11, 2021

Great information. My only thought is to provide the correct answers to the quiz if you get them wrong, so we can understand why the answer we chose was incorrect. Also, I wanted to watch the Youtube video noted in one slide, but there was no way to click on it. Also, most of your quizzes - the questions do not align correctly with what option you should select. There is some funky formatting that needs review. I used Google Chrome when taking this course if that matters.


Jul 21, 2021

The instructor covered a wide variety of UX topics. The lessons were concise and to the point. The only thing that caught me off guard was the design of the presentations in the videos. Some seemed like they need to be retouched. For a UX design/experience course I feel like the design should at least be a little more intuitive and more organized in the videos. Aside from that it was course that displayed the basics of UX experience which is what I was looking for.

By Rosario H (

Apr 29, 2021

It was a good introduction course, but on Prototyping, on the evaluation test, there's a question that it repeats. Also, the questions that are made at the same time of the video are not working, the system is weird on Safari or Chrome. I felt a bit sad since this course was extremely simple. I don't feel very happy or succeed about it. Also, the certification... well, is not much (to not say nothing). Thank you for the hard work on making it! That's all

By Kévin D

Apr 8, 2020

J'ai beaucoup aimé le contenu de se cours. En temps que passionné et apprenant auto-didacte, j'ai appris beaucoup sur les bases qui régissent la conception d'une interface utilisateur dans le but d'améliorer l'expérience utilisateur. Du rassemblement des pré-requis, en passant par le design de l'interface et le prototypage à l'évaluation, tout fut bien cerné et laisse déjà un envie de mieux comprendre sur de nouvelle cours .. Merci à vous . Cordialement


Feb 6, 2021

The course was great for beginners. Feedback for GA Tech, integrate the reading materials into the actual lesson where that specific topic is being covered, rather than assigning a list of suggested reading material at the beginning of the lesson. In the lesson itself please include links to any referrals/recommendations the instructor mentioned during the video in the lesson so the user can easily navigate to the material and come back to the course.

By fatemeh B

Aug 14, 2023

I do not have any payable job at the moment. I am apricated and thankful if you can issue the certificate of this passed course without receiving money. Moreover, there is no Visa, master or any other credit card in Iran because of Sanction. It is a bit difficult for this course when a student is not an English native speaker. The method of presentation, great subtitles and videos and material explanations are great. thank you.

By Michelle S

Feb 10, 2018

This was a mini introduction to user experience design and was shorter than I expected. I had hoped it would have been more in depth. If you want to get an idea of what UXD is about, this is a great general overview. I likely won't purchase the certificate for this course as I felt that it could have delivered more hands-on practice than it did. The course did give some excellent reference material in the form of website links.

By Nurvianto B

Jan 6, 2020

Great introductory course that touches on how to do design requirement research. Much of the materials covered were repeated from my psychology course on research design. However, there are some important design and UX jargons detailed in this course that helped me to understand better about the research cycle in terms of UX design. Overall a simple but comprehensive short course which is highly recommended.

By Heather H

Nov 9, 2017

Very short and general overview of UX design. Pretty concise with good resources. This course would be much better if there were more serious assignments given. I also really wish there was a bit more direction given for someone who wants to get more serious about this (i.e. if I want a career in this, what should I do?) I also kind of wish there was mention on the risk-management side to usability.

By Deepika N

Aug 6, 2017

A good start for learners who are new to software industry but are computer-literate. Personally, being in IT industry for more than 5 years, I expected to get some more information on how the goals could be achieved, which softwares could be used and how, etc.. a little macro / high-level course for me, but I will definitely look into taking in-depth course, that the instructor mentioned.

Good Luck !!!

By Clare H

Jun 23, 2020

Provided a high level and succinct introduction to User Experience Design. I found the course very easy to complete with a few videos to watch each week and very relevant and helpful reading and enjoyed testing my learning with the module quizzes which contributed to my final pass mark. I wanted a very broad and introductory level course on user experience and found this course gave me exactly that.

By Cynthia V

Jun 14, 2020

I took the course without doing the assignment, I only checked the material and videos in order to have an understanding is UX design was for me or not.

My only suggestion would be to provide more real examples (there is som given) but more into detail, about the working areas or direct tasks that a person in this field can do as a remote worker for example.

I'm glad that I did the course. Thanks

By Chetan K

Apr 13, 2017

It's a very basic & foundational course. But very good for someone who's never learnt or done anything in UX before. The course material is simple, breezy and satisfying. I came away having learnt few new things. And the professor kept insisting that this is only foundational program and more advanced material should be pursued elsewhere. I recommend this course to all beginners of UX.

By Marcus K

Apr 23, 2018

Thanks a lot for the great introduction to UX design. Especially the parts "basics" (week 1) and "requirements engineering" (week 2) are well done. Later parts (week 3-5) are a bit more superficial and included some errors in the testing scripts.

I would recommend the course to everybody, who wants to get a first intro into the topic of UX design within a time-frame of approx 4 hours.