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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Design Thinking for Innovation by University of Virginia

8,985 ratings

About the Course

Today innovation is everyone's business. Whether you are a manager in a global corporation, an entrepreneur starting up, in a government
role, or a teacher in an elementary school, everyone is expected to get lean – to do better with less. And that is why we all need design
thinking. At every level in every kind of organization, design thinking provides the tools you need to become an innovative thinker and uncover
creative opportunities that are there – you're just not seeing them yet. In this course, developed at the Darden School of Business at the
University of Virginia and taught by top-ranked faculty, we provide an overview of design thinking and work with a model con...

Top reviews


Aug 15, 2020

Excellent program to learn lots of tools towards Design Thinking !! Thanks a lot! Very interactive and the last activity of completing the assignment was very thought provoking !! thanks to all pears!


Nov 30, 2016

As a design manager I should say this course actually opened my eyes to a new world. I hope be able to make good changes in my world by using this knowledge more and more in my life. Thanks to All :)

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2251 - 2275 of 2,738 Reviews for Design Thinking for Innovation

By Larry J


Jul 4, 2020

Good course; really stretched one's mind. I think leaving the assignment to the end made it a bit of a challenge - I might highlight this requirement early on so people know what to expect.

By Thiago O


Feb 3, 2017

The course give you a good idea about what design thinking is and shows some interesting cases. In my opinion the course is sometimes too academic. It would be better if were more practical

By Patrick L


Feb 13, 2020

Overall, a very good course that will get you to re-direct your brain towards one of the main, and most critical, points in relation to a business or product: what it means to the customer

By Muhammad V


Dec 1, 2016

Excellent lectures, adequate reference material. Very solid foundation course on design thinking. Only thing to make it better is to add more exercises and additional reference material.

By Andrei G


Oct 23, 2016

Lots of good material.

One think that I would suggest is.. a video with main steps of each of the 4 tool.. not a detailed video or steps, but a baseline to follow. maybe with an study case.

By Vijai M


Oct 6, 2019

Course provides a good overview of design thinking and introduction to different tools that are used across the process. Would be great if there was more teaching on how to use the tools.

By Suren S


May 17, 2019

More examples would have been better.

Some of the concepts were hard to internalize hence simplistic examples with visualization would have helped better.

Overall a great learning. Thanks

By roger m a


May 31, 2020

It is interesting but it is only conceptual, a series of talks about different tools. I believe that a list of the order of different tools and their good/bad points could be helpful.

By Mohammad Z


Nov 23, 2019

The course was great to learn from and the narration of stories and case studies was awesome too, I was able to grasp most of it very easily and learned a lot about design thinking.

By Sneha G


Dec 29, 2018

Really interesting and thought-provoking, the short and terse videos made the course fun. Some practical, application based assignments and quizzes would have been much appreciated.

By Zainulabidin H M


Mar 1, 2021

Interesting content that I could personally relate too! I hope they will provide a more interactive and fun way to avoid the audience to lose interest... either way, nice insight!

By Paula L


Apr 10, 2022

Me gusto, pero siento que esta un poco viejo para la epoca, ademas los ejemplos que explone la profesora son muy norteamericanos, deberian ser mas generales o mas actualizados

By Rasika B


Apr 14, 2016

I found the course useful as an overview into the process of design thinking. The content was delivered in an engaging manner and the examples and case studies were memorable.

By Louis S


Feb 15, 2019

Good course, insightful in the application of Design Thinking to wider business problems. It's a quick easy course, to see if you want to develop more knowledge in this field

By Shin-Ing C


Sep 9, 2016

Great intro to concepts and critical assessment of mainstream business methods.

Some of the concepts introduced need more discussion on drawbacks or common abuse by designers.

By Isse H A


Nov 27, 2019

The tools covered in this course are very valuable. It actually inspired me to register my next course to further learn about one of the design thinking tools; storytelling.

By Aina L P


Nov 26, 2016

This course is great to get to grips with the design thinking methodology and tools. Down side is that you only get feedback on your work from your peers, not from faculty.

By Ritwik R


Dec 4, 2019

Helped me gain a different perspective on how to take on a challenge, and be innovative about it. Would recommend it to all who try to better their problem-solving skills.

By divya p


Oct 17, 2024

Great learning! I like the way we recap the previous concepts in every module. Thats helpful for a working professional who could be taking up the course with long breaks

By Pedro F G V


Jan 28, 2019

Esse curso é excelente mas ele explora poucas ferramentas ainda de Design Thinking, gostaria da possibilidade do Coursera oferecer um curso mais completo posteriormente!

By Pallab K


Oct 29, 2018

A very good course every design engineer, product development engineer and leader should take. I learned how innovation can be made design focused and customer-centric.



Jan 15, 2020

its a verry useful caurse , its my ffirst course here in coursera , i am very gradeful and i like it. i earned skills and i know tools will help me to do my projects .

By Salvador P S


Jan 25, 2020

it opens your mind and open the door to a new approach about the innovation.

It may be, some deeper explanations about the use of some tools ... would have been nice


By Larry D


Apr 11, 2022

Core concepts, which overlap with other methodologies and toolsets (such as BA BOK), are explained well and provide a good foundation for learning and communicating.

By Zacarias V


Jan 23, 2016

Nice Course, right to the point. Good use of some of design tools. Probably will be better if the course has more in depth info and more tools but is really helpful.