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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage by École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne

1,038 ratings

About the Course

It is well known that water treatment at the household level can lead to dramatic improvements in drinking water quality. But does Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage (HWTS) also have global relevance? What are the potential treatment solutions and how do they function? Is there a standard strategy for successful HWTS implementation, or can we identify key components which make programs more likely to succeed? In this course you will learn about the most important water treatment methods at household level, successful implementation strategies and about assessing the impact of HWTS. MOOC SERIES “SANITATION, WATER AND SOLID WASTE FOR DEVELOPMENT” : This course is one of four in the series “Sanitation, Water and Solid Waste for Development". FRANçAIS: Dans ce MOOC, vous allez apprendre les plus importantes méthodes de traitement de l'eau au niveau des ménages, les stratégies pour une mise en œuvre réussie et l’évaluation de l’impact du traitement et stockage sûr de l'eau à domicile. ESPAñOL: Aprende acerca de los métodos más importantes de tratamiento de agua a nivel domiciliario, de estrategias de implementación eficientes y de la evaluación del impacto del tratamiento doméstico y almacenamiento seguro del agua....

Top reviews


Nov 1, 2017

I so loved this course! I would like to thank coursera for granting me an opportunity to do this course! It is awesome I recommend that institutions offering water engineering courses should adapt it!


Jun 1, 2020

Very informative and practical course as water treatment is very useful and it is very nice to have knowledge about HWTS for a student.Teachers are very knowledgeful and interactive in this course.

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251 - 257 of 257 Reviews for Introduction to Household Water Treatment and Safe Storage

By Saleh M A

Oct 18, 2019

I benefit from this course more such as methods of treatment to water, kinds of diseases which come to human by pathogens from during contamination water and devices that we use it in treatment, chamicals and chlorine taps ...etc. Finally, I would like to say thank for all instructors or anyone contributes in preparing this course to content all this information which add more and more to gain further background so again thank you so much.


Mar 28, 2020

in my opinion, i think you must give more no. of attempts in small duration of time. i mean 168 hours is a very big duration of time.

By Robin A M B

Oct 5, 2022

some information is outdated

By apparao v

Mar 9, 2022


By Muhammad A

Oct 26, 2020

I worked hard in this course to achieve certification that may it help me in future but institute clearly written that it doesn't mean that student learned about this course.

By Karmesh G

Oct 13, 2019

Videos were too long.


Jul 15, 2022
