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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript by University of London

6,116 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn three key website programming and design languages: HTML, CSS and JavaScript. You will create a web page using
basic elements to control layout and style. Additionally, your web page will support interactivity. At the end of the course, you will be able to:
1. Define the purpose of HTML, CSS and JavaScript 2. Make a simple web page using HTML 3. Use CSS to control text styles and layout 4. Use
CSS libraries such as Bootstrap to create responsive layouts 5. Use JavaScript variables and functions 6. Manipulate web page content using
JavaScript 7. Respond to user input using JavaScript In this course, you will complete: 2 assignments writing HTML, CSS and J...

Top reviews


Feb 13, 2016

Bright instructors delivering succinct and interesting content, with quick-paced videos and quizzes make a great learning experience. I am really impressed! Thank you, University of London people!


Nov 10, 2020

A great introductory course in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery & Bootstrap. It doesn't goes very deep into each of these technologies but it gives you enough foundations for you to pursue further.

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1201 - 1225 of 1,636 Reviews for Responsive Website Basics: Code with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

By David K


Aug 22, 2017

Some useful knowledge on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which allows for some understanding. The multiple choice quizzes do require a student to demonstrate a good level of knowledge and understanding. However, the practical assessments do not require the student to apply this knowledge sufficiently so that proficiency cannot be inferred from them.

By Pedro B


May 15, 2017

The classes were engaging, particularly the first half. The examples were pretty good, and both instructors showed command of the subject. My only gripe is with the tests. I'd expect something more elaborate. The "take a screenshot" thing was a little less demanding and didn't really tested the skills we've just learned. Otherwise great course!

By Amanda G


Feb 10, 2017

Overall, this course was a great introduction to the basic web programming languages for someone with little to no experience. My only issue was that the assignments could have been more challenging, and one in particular was not put together properly by the instructors (missing information to complete assignment) this has since been fixed.

By Nikolaos B


Mar 1, 2016

Well presented content.

It was a little bit weird for me to jump straight to jQuery and spending so little time on Javascript but it works out for the course. I would suggest a couple of more examples and explanation of general programming concepts with providing relevant pdf.

Generally a very good and content-rich course.

By Brett W


Apr 8, 2020

If you're familiar with web design, its a nice refresher. If you're new to things like javascript or css even you may have to watch a few vids once or twice, but the instructors are great at making it look and feel easy. If you race ahead, don't be surprised if you have to wait for peer-graded assignments to review!

By Shivam K


Oct 4, 2017

This course is for those who don't even know the fundamentals of HTML, CSS and JavaScript but want to build a web development profile. The content is comprehensive. The assignments are very interesting. But yes, you may have to wait for long for your assignment to be reviewed since the assignments are peer-graded.

By Rhythm S


Sep 8, 2020

Most of the course is very easy for beginners and intermediaries alike,

Although there were some issues in the third week lectures as the JQuery functions were not explained in an way that was easy to grasp.

But the assignments and other lectures are easy and explanatory enough. So, it's a good course.

By Ioannis G


Dec 25, 2015

Sharing a satisfied amount of knowledge, overall very good. The HTML videos were excellent. The one thing missing is the methodology on how someone starts to think and makes JavaScript code that delivers a solution to a problem. How do we do our approach? Flow charts would really help on this matter.



Sep 3, 2020

Final quizzes should allow students to reason more and write (or research) code by themselves. A quiz where you have to copy/paste code doesn't push the student to improve. If the objective is to obtain the same graphical result, another way to approach the exercise could be to correct wrong coding.

By Juan R G


Feb 10, 2020

Course covers all front-end in a row! It is a lot of languages and web development for just four weeks. I am very happy since it help me to see the whole picture involving front-end. However, I think that it could be difficult to follow by people without any programming or IT background.

By Andriy T


Oct 14, 2015

In my subjective opinion there were a lot of time spended to explain some simple thing that probably could be easier to learn just doing more examples. Anyway it is very interesting and it seems you can teach us much more so I am waiting for the future courses. Thank's and see you soon!

By Sherry R


Sep 10, 2019

Teachers are professional and the course makes me easy to understand web programming and get start to web programming, which is really important in my future career. Thanks so much. I just wondering that is there any further course can make me use those languages deeper and better?

By Yi-Yin,LIN (


Apr 10, 2020

As the name of the course this course is really basic and they don't have that much time to go through all the details about those 3 languages, you need to check some other material to help. It is still very helpful when you are a beginner and want to understand the basic concept.

By Bhadabhagni S B


Apr 9, 2019

Java Script course it more complex for the beginners. It could have been bit easier and more understandable way. and the mentor took only written code to explain the java script, but felt while explaining if he would have written code part by part it would be more interactive.

By Jozsef M


Jun 10, 2020

It is a very good and concise start into HTML, CSS and Javascript and a repetation of basic programming elemens (variables, if statement etc) and a nice bunch of examples and excercises to practice with. Passing the weekly quizes definitely requires some practicing.

By Sruthi S


May 9, 2020

This course is very good for those who are looking for a base in making of a responsive website.All the three professors were really good and lecture videos were simple and can be easily understood.Most topics were explained in a really good way.Loved this course!

By Oscar J D


Feb 18, 2016

Great way the info is presented. When we get the summary quizzes we sometimes get questions on subject matter that we did not cover and need to research the answers. I do like the assignment so far as it puts into practice what we have learned during the module

By Jonas Ö


May 14, 2020

Provides a great overview of HTML, CSS, Javascript, Bootstrap and jQuery. Pedagogical instruction videos. Some of the peer-reviewed assignments are quite easy, but overall I learnt a lot. I already know programming and completed the course in about 7 hours.

By Paul J


Jun 22, 2019

It's a bit easy. It is a great start but putting the solution in the comments of the source code files puts it on par with special needs grade school level difficulty (which I say literally, as I have participated in grade school special needs curricula).

By Kyle D


Feb 11, 2016

Very great intro to the 3 main languages of web design. I feel it has given me a solid foundation with which to keeping building this skill set. Some parts, particularly Jquery moved too fast for me, and I had trouble grasping/retaining the jquery rules.

By Milos O


Mar 6, 2016

A little bit more depth wouldn't hurt. I'll check also other courses in this specialization, so if this is just gentle introduction and then later courses goes deeper in the material, then fine, but if they keep the same difficulty level, then... hmmm

By Paige T


Oct 14, 2019

I think this first course provides a good foundational overview for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The quizzes are definitely a challenge, you must pay close attention to pass. My only suggestion is to include more challenging assignments for practice.

By Adnan A


Sep 3, 2020

Wonderful course for Semi Level Computer Science Student or others who have interested in computer Web Development,In this course you will touch to get knowledge of CSS,HTML,Javascript,Bootstrap and jquery so best for luck for future endeavours.

By Peter S


Nov 23, 2018

I've enjoyed this course a lot. The one thing I would like is a bit more of dive into jquery and bootstrap from the standpoint of high level overview of the various features etc. I've found myself looking elsewhere to get a bit more knowledge.

By Mikail Åž


Feb 18, 2022

A little more JS basics could have been taught before moving on to jQuery. But all in all, it is an instructive and successful course. I learned a lot and had a lot of fun while learning. Thanks a lot Coursera, thank you University of London.