Sep 26, 2021
An excellent course overall. I really enjoyed the learning experience and look forward to more courses from Wharton. Special thanks to professor Michael Roberts for providing great value in 1 course.
Oct 21, 2016
The professor is very patient, he spends a lot of time making sense of the equations and the calculation process, which helps me comprehend the concepts and their application really a lot. Thank you!
By Stephen K
•Feb 25, 2017
Well taught, practical approach, good example and quiz problems. Overall sort of a minimalist coverage of the topic, but those who don't need an overly in-depth coverage of material will appreciate this. The presented concepts are necessary for basic understanding of business decisions but with this foundation you are prepared to learn much more. The course could benefit from additional real-life examples and concepts from financial decision making. A previous version of the course included discussions about leverage and involvement of financial institutions in project funding. A project with scenario analysis would be enlightening.
By Ashish H S
•Jul 17, 2020
Prof. Roberts starts off really well with the 1st two weeks, covering Time Value of Money, Discounting & Compounding, Shortcuts for Annuities & Perpetuities, APR & EAR, Term Structure and leading into the 3rd week with Decision Making with NPV, IRR, and Payback period. However, I found it a bit complex to understand some of the Tablet case spreadsheet explanations. It, all of a sudden, felt a bit overwhelming relative to the topics covered earlier. The discussions on Sensitivity Analysis could perhaps use simpler examples like those in Week 4 to explain Comparative Statics and Break Even Analysis. A great course, nevertheless.
By Bharani K
•Jan 17, 2018
The videos were well put together. The teaching style is easy to follow. A few tweaks to the course and the quizzes will make it a bit more interesting and challenging. The professor could ask more hypothetical questions during the lectures that regular students in his classes or online discussion forums ask. There could be more quizzes and more questions in each quiz. The very rigid format in answering questions is honestly a bit cumbersome and confusing. Instead multiple choices can be given to take the formatting out of the equation. Lack of active mentorship is a downside that needs to be corrected.
By Malik M
•Dec 14, 2015
I love the course. It gives a great focus on one major focus in finance and that is the DCF/Time Value of Money. The course really serves as a great and very well rounded introduction to the use of that tool in practice, which in turn serves as a platform through which more complex concepts can be built.
My only reservation is that the course in sessions prior had more challenging problem sets. Fortunately, I downloaded them all, but I feel as though maybe a few more assignments wouldn't hurt.
But in the sessions prior, it was overwhelming how much there was! So I understand the rationale!
By Abdulrahman A A A
•May 3, 2022
First of all, I thank you for this course and the videos are clear, but I had a very difficult difficulty in understanding and learning because I did not really study the basics. I got tired a lot. I had not slept for 3 days. I just wanted to understand the problem and the way to solve it. It is useful, but it is very difficult. Companies I was thinking that it is the first session 1, but I was surprised that it is the fourth. I will start again in order to benefit more also. There is no discussion forum in each section, but it is really a useful course in my field. Thank you again.
By vessela i
•Jan 31, 2016
It is a concise course which gives a good intro to the topic. I love the fact the course teaches you to think of Finance as a real world topic, not just numbers on a spreadsheet thus making it more exciting and useful. I'd recommend to include more practice materials. The other thing is, I understand students are encouraged to learn together, but some times there are conflicting opinions and it would be good to have the input of the lecturer to resolve any misunderstandings. Students are enthusiastic and want to help each other but obviously not always can answer everything clearly.
By Daniel B
•Nov 25, 2020
The contents of the course are really useful and ready-to-apply in a real world.
Although I have used the concepts of NVP (VAN) and IRR (TIR) many times in my work, professor M. Roberts gave my a lot of simple tools to understand, between lines, those concepts used to take decision and projects evaluation and strategic planning.
Just an opportunity to improve the course, please revise the quizzes (mentioned in the forum!) because some of it have some inconsistent answers.
Thank you very much Professor Roberts and Wharton School of Business.
By Nicholas J C
•Dec 11, 2015
This course provides an excellent intro to corporate finance, and does a superb job covering all the basics in a clear an succinct fashion. I felt the transition in content from time value of money to financial instruments, such as bonds, was a bit jarring, abruptly leaving the student to grasp (or fail to grasp) the intuitive connection between the two topics. While I generally like the brevity of the material, some topics will require the student to seek supplemental education, from sources like Investopedia.
By Carrie R
•Feb 12, 2021
The material was presented well and really interesting, but the quizzes were incredibly frustrating because in several, the correct answers were not among the multiple choice options. It was only upon looking at the discussion board did I find that the correct answers were not among the options and it wasn't just me. The professor also references problem sets that we can do for extra work and yet they're not among the supplemental materials. Good professor, good class, but c'mon Coursera...get it together!
By Joseph A C I
•Sep 9, 2018
The course is excellent. I only finished it with more interest and questions, which I think is a good sign. Since the problem sets are not multiple choice, they are excellent learning tools and demand a firm grasp of the material and prior practice with the formulas. My one constructive criticism would be that there are no explanations for the problems. When I had a wrong answer in the problem sets, there was no good way to troubleshoot and correct my response. The message board Q&A did not help enough.
By Christopher T
•Jan 2, 2016
Good explanations to key concepts in corporate finance. However, explanations for problems were nonexistent (the forums provided some help, but "official" answers would be better. Additionally, as it is a numbers situation, more problems to practice on (e.g. non-quiz problems) would be an improvement. Finally, it was difficult to know where in my "trunk" of knowledge this new "limb." Overall helpful, but probably more worthwhile if paired with other related classes (I'm now enrolled in financial accounting).
By Peter W
•Sep 17, 2020
It looks like a new course which needs a lot of work. It would be difficult to follow if you don't have any business education and a basic understanding of accounting. The instructor covers tons of materials in a very short amount of time so be prepared to write things done.
The quizzes are buggy with errors and I hope the admin will fix the issue soon. Plus, the quiz the entirely mathematical with no regard to the concept we learned in the videos. I passed the quiz 3 without watching the materials at all.
By Michael B F P
•Dec 6, 2018
Please find a way to post the quiz answers. As a professor of engineering myself, I understand cheating is practiced among students, but to try to prevent it at the cost of the mostly other, honest students' learning experience is unfair.
There needs to be more explanation of how to input values correctly into the blanks on the quizzes. I believe I had most all of the answers correct, however those I did not receive credit for were likely mostly due to error in numerical format.
By Hanah G
•Jul 1, 2019
I found this course to have a lot of relevant and useful information which gave me a basic understanding of corporate finance. The downside is that much of the maths needed to complete the quizzes is assumed knowledge and is not explained during lectures, so for some people it will be necessary to first learn how to perform algebra. At times, the quizzes also required information to complete them that was beyond the scope of the lectures they referred to.
By Max
•Jun 28, 2017
This is a pretty good introduction or refresher for very basic concepts in Corp Finance. The lectures and slides were very clear and organized, but it was frustrating to not have answers or explanations for the problem sets (aside from forum discussions), and I don't think there were enough practice problems overall. It takes a lot of practice to really nail down the concepts, and 4-5 short questions per week is not enough.
By Duckenson J
•Mar 28, 2018
Great course. I did not give it a 5 star because it was not as easy to follow as some of the other business courses I've taken on Coursera. This is probably because Corporate Finance is hard to explain in simple words inherently. However, if you do take the course, stick with it till the end. The first couple weeks will change the way you look at money. I found week 4 to be quite entertaining and informative.
By Aditya G
•Mar 26, 2021
The course was great in terms of the information provided and the techniques taught. Professor Roberts was amazing in conveying the concepts. The issue I had was in the quizzes some questions were wrong. They either had wrong formula given or values did not match or the wrong options for one or two questions and had to just guess on which answer was expected.
By Akash D T
•Jun 3, 2017
Its a great experience carrying out this course with such great tutors. very nice explanations given in class and in a very understandable manner. but there is a suggestion that i want to give that is more questions should be solved in the class so that it becomes more easy for the students to understand the course and go through the problem sets.
Thank You.
By Andrew M
•Aug 20, 2022
I have enjoyed the content and learning platform very much so far in this academic venture. The teaching has been top notch and the video feature allows you to go faster through the content which I am a big fan of. My one gripe would be that I believe there are some errors in the quiz answers. A review of these might be needed, however I could be wrong.
By Miltiadis K
•May 23, 2016
I thoroughly enjoyed this course though sometimes keeping up to pace with the professor proved a little difficult, especially for someone whose last finance course was back in 1999. This course has helped me understand stocks, commodities and investment banking. Thank you very much. I've just enrolled into my third course with Wharton.
By Luiz F S
•Jan 9, 2022
Overall, good content. Feels too introductory for someone with a good financial knowledge, but also too concise/dense for someone with little-to-none financial background. Quizzes have a couple of incorrect answers, which the Warthon team promised to address an year ago, but are still there. Other than that, it is a great knowledge.
By Majd t
•Jul 15, 2018
great lecturer great course, the lecturer's enthusiasm is infectious. I am a structural engineering intern and i look forward to understanding and learning more about corp fin. Improvements: EXCEL based questions would be extremely useful to improve computer skills in work place. More questions as well. 4 per week isnt enough :)
By Edith M
•May 21, 2020
Good instructor, but he moves fast!!! I wish there were some reading assignments (even just a couple of pages) so that the content sinks in better. Wouldn't recommend this course to anyone who doesn't have basic math concepts down. Great for those professionals in the corporate world who just want to understand the "lingo."
By Nagaraja S
•Apr 26, 2020
It gives a good introduction. However, application of these concepts is what we need to do to learn the concepts. I feel there needs to be Excel-based problems, more detailed to firm up the concepts. You can make these questions optional. But actually building the models in Excel is will will make the students learn
By K D
•Mar 9, 2016
Very infomrativ. Did a great job of presenting real world cases and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of NPV and IRR. I feel like I understood the DCF and FCF concepts pretty quickly and wish we could have delved deeper into the full project analysis and sensitivity analysis presented in the spreadsheet.