Mar 6, 2024
I learned a lot but that might not be a good indicator as I didn't know much about Data Science in the first place. It just fueled my need to know more about the subject so on my side, it's a winner.
Feb 8, 2023
I love how beginner-friendly this course is. I did not have to panic about not following any lecture since I am new to this field. I know this is the first course but I'm loving it already. <<33
By Dinesh c
•Jul 13, 2022
Its a very good introductory session for understanding the basic concepts of Data Science and it is going to be very helpful in learning and improving skills and I've personally learnt a lot about Data Science.
By K T
•Feb 11, 2022
This course is very useful for beginners as it teaches many fundamental concepts and workings of Data Science.It also brushes upon how and why Data Science originated and i think that is something cool to know.
By Emmanuel N
•Sep 1, 2020
Data Science is a process, not an event. It is the process of using data to understand different things, to understand the world. It is the art of uncovering the insights and trends that are hiding behind data.
By Caroline S
•Aug 10, 2020
This course is a very good introduction into what is covered by data science, what the process involves,
which skills are required for a career as a data scientist
and how to proceed with a data science career.
By Mignon J N
•Apr 12, 2020
The course is structured in a clear and easy to understand manner, with great practical insights into the field of data science. A real eye opener and wonderful introduction that provides a clear understanding.
By Alexander B F
•Nov 23, 2019
It's a good course to know what data science is explained by experts of different fields, it's also encouraging and helps increase morale and inspiration for people new to the topic. I'm glad I took the course.
By Joao B
•Sep 14, 2021
It's a 5 star for sure. Complete, easy to understand, emphasizes important information, great material, great methodology! If I were to nit-pick, I'd say there are mild typos in a few places but that is all.
By Oluwatosin M A
•Jul 25, 2020
This is a wonderful course for those new to Data Science. It describes what Data science is and who is a Data Scientist. It tells more about the opportunities about Data Science. In summary, I love the course.
By Sorath A
•May 21, 2020
It was my first course in learning Data Science. The course material was interesting and easy to follow. The definitions were clearly presented. Highly recommended for those who wish to become Data Scientists.
By Impana S
•Apr 20, 2020
The reading activity is fantastic. It quotes the best of live examples used in daily life allowing students to learn and understand the concept better. Hoping to see the same for rest of course. god bless all.
By Bhavana N P
•Sep 28, 2019
This is a very good course for beginners who would like to get basic insights about data science. all the topics are very well explained and any person even with no knowledge about data science can understand.
By Rajib K S
•Feb 1, 2019
Hello to world of data science. This course is quick and crisp way to learn and understand data science as a beginner. I was hearing about it like you for a last 3-4yrs now understand the underlying reality.
By Ye M
•Jan 2, 2021
I have learned who is
data scientist and what is
data science, and then I know what we need for the report structure! Thank for your permission for learning this subject.
By Sagarika S
•May 29, 2020
It was a great course and all the instructors explained every concept very clearly. It was much better than I expected. Because of this course, I developed more interest in exploring data science. Thank you:)
By Maxine C
•Sep 16, 2022
I finished teh course within the 7-day trial, but still have to pay for the certificate. Will continue to see how many certificates I can gain until next subscription due date lol. Was very fun and engaging.
By Ali M
•Jul 25, 2022
Great introduction to the field. Use of interesting statistics and seeing interviews from academia really gives the beginner a great insight of what it is like to learn and work in the field of data science.
By Gin C L
•Jun 11, 2022
Well structure course and pace well, also the content and knowledge is very relevant for people with differenent background of industry and the it is the driving force of transformation in the digital world.
By Pham L Q
•Feb 15, 2021
The course is great, well structured, easy to follow.
A possible improvement: regression part. Perhaps allocate a little bit more resources on this topic including videos showing examples of regression models
By Emanuele P
•Feb 13, 2021
Good to have an idea about data science, it gives fundamental tips to use in real future situation. Probably you won't get a job just following this course, but it gives foundamental ground for data science.
By Manish B
•Aug 15, 2020
Simply wow, knowing from nothing to knowing on something.
Best course to understand the basics and to know where, when, what and how it can be used.
Looking forward more things.
All the best and Thank you guys.
By #mytravellikealocal #
•Jul 21, 2020
I am new to data science and this course gave the much-needed eye-opener on the subject with practical examples that are so easy to understand and relate to. highly recommend taking the full specialization .
By Avneet S
•Apr 15, 2020
I really liked this introductory course in Data Science. I like the fact that I only had to refer this course to get an overview of Data Science and did not have to dig information from the internet. Thanks.
By Valmik V
•Mar 2, 2020
This is a great introductory course in which I learned various aspects of the vast data science world. The course is easy to understand and contains every detail to get started with the data science industry
By Jamila T
•Dec 19, 2019
This is a great way to learn more about the field and study of data science. It also sheds light on the misconceptions of what a data science is along with explaining all the buzzwords surrounding the topic.
By Mohammed I U
•Aug 31, 2019
I found this course to be very much Interesting as I could see that the people who were involved in teaching this course were actually very enthusiastic and were giving good examples on the topics discussed.