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Learner Reviews & Feedback for What is Data Science? by IBM

74,562 ratings

About the Course

Do you want to know why data science has been labeled the sexiest profession of the 21st century? After taking this course, you will be able to answer this question, understand what data science is and what data scientists do, and learn about career paths in the field. The art of uncovering insights and trends in data has been around since ancient times. The ancient Egyptians used census data to increase efficiency in tax collection and accurately predicted the Nile River's flooding every year. Since then, people have continued to use data to derive insights and predict outcomes. Recently, they have carved out a unique and distinct field for the work they do. This field is data science. In today's world, we use Data Science to find patterns in data and make meaningful, data-driven conclusions and predictions. This course is for everyone and teaches concepts like how data scientists use machine learning and deep learning and how companies apply data science in business. You will meet several data scientists, who will share their insights and experiences in data science. By taking this introductory course, you will begin your journey into this thriving field....

Top reviews


Jan 15, 2022

I throughly enjoyed the course and the fact that everything was explained thoroughly. I always enjoyed Dr. White's personal experience with Data Science as well as other Data Scientists point of view.


Feb 8, 2023

I love how beginner-friendly this course is. I did not have to panic about not following any lecture since I am new to this field. I know this is the first course but I'm loving it already. <<33

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376 - 400 of 10,000 Reviews for What is Data Science?

By Viraj N

Nov 25, 2019

Good course! Gives you an intro into what data science is, kind of problems which are solved, actual interviews with data scientists and ends with report structure that is ideal for any project on data science. I am already present in this field but it was a good refresher and rekindled my spirit. Thank you so much!

By Carmel R

Jul 21, 2019

Great introduction to Data Science. The definition and purpose of Data Science before this course was very unclear and hazy for me. After taking this course, I have a comfortable understanding of what data science is, what the importance of it is, and what kind of a characteristics are desirable in a data scientist.

By Nataliia V

Oct 9, 2024

Курс чудовий: інформкація викладена простою та зрозумілою мовою. Єдиний мінус - технічні проблеми: у другому модулі не вийшло повністю зробити лабораторну, так як посилання на Jupiter Notebook було на хабі IBM, але не выдкрилося. Також проблеми з автоматичним перекладом тестів у 3-4 модулях. Окрім того, все чудово

By Bright O

Oct 15, 2019

My decision to embark on the journey of this course is by far the best choice ever. I have attempted a couple of online trainings on Data Science before now but Coursera literally makes learning fun and engaging. I find that I am now willing to continue till I achieve my goal in becoming a certified Data Scientist.


Sep 10, 2024

I think the course is quite easy, but have a lot of information to understand the first layer of what is data science. Also helps to now what you need to become a data scientist, which in my case played a fundamental roll to decide if this is what i want. (I hope i wrote it well because i am practicing my english)

By Henrick K

Jul 4, 2021

This course provides you with a great introduction to data science. There is also some practical exercise using IBM Watson studio. I loved that it was hands on and that it provided a brief snippet of what being a data scientist is like. Wonderful course. I would recommend for anyone who is a beginner in the field.

By Farhan H

May 26, 2020

I used to have zero knowledge about data science and i think that the course gave me a brief and very useful introduction to what is data science and it's application. Thank you for the financial aid Coursera. I hope that the knowledge would be very useful in the future not only for me, but also for other people.

By Bismillah J

Jan 24, 2020

I have learned alot from this course. What is big data? Where we can use it? and how we can get insights from data? You will find all the answeres here in this course. Moreover, this will enhance your interest in the field of data science. I strongly recommend this course for the newbies. Thank you coursera team.

By amit s

Jun 15, 2020

BY doing this course i come ti know the basic understanding of the what is data science

What is the role and prerequisites of data scientist . In the course everything is mention in simple and lucid language . Experts lectures are very informative and and the flow of the course very systematic manner . Thanks


Mar 29, 2020

I am overwhelmed by this course and the topics treated. I never had any knowledge of Data Science but the course gave me an opportunity while gaining in-depth knowledge on the data science tools. I am so elated about the Visual Recognition tool I used to analyze images. Thanks to Coursera and the entire IBM team

By abhishek k

Oct 27, 2020

It was very smooth way to explain Data science for a beginner with describing various industry problems and their solution by using data science.Now as i knew nuances of Data science and also knew the depth of it's requirement in real world scenario. It enhances my curiosity to work in depth in this skill set.

By Kyle H

Jan 22, 2020

This gives an excellent overview of what Data Science is from a technical standpoint, and from a human standpoint. It is a really good way to get an idea if you're the kind of person who would like to become a data scientist or not, and to see what kinds of skills you might need to succeed as a data scientist.

By Kelli A

Jan 30, 2019

I really enjoyed this course. It is informative and provides great perspective. It allows for visual, tactile, audible learning. It kept my interest and allowed me to apply my learning using concise and useful projects. I would recommend this course to anyone interested in learning more about data science.

By Burçe B Ş

Oct 21, 2018

It is great that the course makes a student's focus always on point by little quizes during the videos and also at the end of the videos and reading materails. The only thing I can criticize is that the answers to the questions in the quizes need to be exact words or sentences mentioned at the course material.

By Lampros V

Feb 18, 2024

Good concepts for familiarity with Data Science. Despite the fact I have worked as one I learned a lot in this module such as The Process of Data Science, First steps for companies, ultimate purpose of analytics, Data Mining Goals, Final Deliverable, Report Structure, Roadmap and skills and ETLs to name a few

By Bobby C B

Mar 22, 2020

I am totally fresh to Data Science and this course just made its way to give me an understanding of what Data Science is and the Nature of Work of a Data Scientist. What it takes to be one in the industry.

The course is tailored in such a way that a Newbie will get to the most relevant information at one spot.

By Ahmed E Y

Jul 24, 2023

An introductory course that gives you basic knowledge about different concepts such as Data Science, Data Scientist, Big Data, Data Mining, Machine learning, and Deep learning, plus some contextualization and examples of real-life applications, it is a must to start your odyssey in the field of Data Science!

By Keslo

Jan 5, 2022

This course is a great intro, to the field. I can't wait to see what's next. Also, don't worry about the people complaining this course shouldn't be included in the specialization. That's how any regular course should start. The instructors gave an introduction to the field, what they do, and what to expect.

By Domnic S R

Oct 24, 2020

This is an excellent course to get started on Data Science. It decouples the myths of data science and builds the curiosity to learn more. The course is properly structured, with the right thoughtful reading sections. I feel confident and glad that I choose this course to begin my journey into Data Science.

By Aniruddha B

Oct 6, 2020

I have enjoyed the course primarily because of the interview recordings of Professors and Students form leading universities teaching and studying in the field of data science. I found the choice of topics, sequence, quizzes, animated illustrations and reading material to be very well curated and engaging !

By Travis T

Jun 3, 2020

It's a very simple introduction to Data Science. Helps everyone understand what a data scientist is, what they do, and you get to listen to data scientists talk passionately about their jobs. They do not really teach any of the concepts mentioned within this course, but that is not the point of this course.

By Dominic A

Sep 23, 2019

This introductory course is awesome. it gives you a clear idea of what data science is all about and the a detailed explanation of all the other branches of Data Science. the Proffessors and the students in this introductory description were excellent in taking you through what to expect as a data scientist

By Victor A d S

Nov 27, 2021

Excellent experience in this course, really the first step to understanding what data science is, its applications, and what it involves, and exposing what it takes to become a data scientist. Although the course doesn't go that deep in some concepts, I believe the rest of the courses in this series will.

By Ashish J

Jun 1, 2021

I learnt what is data and how we can retrieve data. The most interesting part is most of the Data Scientists are not having a degree in Computer Science in this course, but still, they have the enthusiasm to learn new things. It made me feel that I can achieve what is need to? by going through this course.

By Sachin P R

May 3, 2020

data science is the process of using data to understand different things to understand the world .Is the art of uncovering the insights and trends that are hiding behind the data. Is the field about processes and systems to extract data from various forms of whether it is unstructured or structured forms.