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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data by Duke University

3,161 ratings

About the Course

Build on the software engineering skills you learned in “Java Programming: Solving Problems with Software” by learning new data structures. Use these data structures to build more complex programs that use Java’s object-oriented features. At the end of the course you will write an encryption program and a program to break your encryption algorithm. After completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Read and write data from/to files; 2. Solve problems involving data files; 3. Perform quantitative analyses of data (e.g., finding maximums, minimums, averages); 4. Store and manipulate data in an array or ArrayList; 5. Combine multiple classes to solve larger problems; 6. Use iterables and collections (including maps) in Java....

Top reviews


May 23, 2023

Thanks to the professors of Duke University for teaching this course using Security and Networking related practical problems. It enhances my knowledge and will recommend others to pursue this course.


Mar 29, 2017

Good and practical training approach to solve real worlds problems. Assignments and quizzes are quite challenging and interesting. Greatly motivates us towards programming and problem solving skills.

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26 - 50 of 568 Reviews for Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data

By David H

Oct 12, 2018

The projects for this course were challenging and interesting, and the videos and activities provided excellent information and were well-presented and explained. I thoroughly enjoyed this class and learned a lot about how to program in Java by making use of hashsets, hashmaps, arraylists, and other structures.

By George F

Feb 26, 2016

The course was appropriately challenging and a sound use of my time. My goals for it were unusual, and it has satisfied them. I feel very strongly that most students should take it in sequence with the other courses in this group and will benefit greatly from it and from completing the entire sequence.

By 钟卓昀

Nov 22, 2017

This is the second course I take about Java, following the specialization of Oriented Programming. This second course is even better than the first one as it becomes more difficult and practical. The course is still wonderful and the teachers are always good at motivating me. Happy Programming!

By Ahmed A

Jul 26, 2020

The courses in this specialization are not easy, at all. But you will get a great sense of achievement after you finish any of them. you will need to put a lot of time here though.

I am speaking as someone who is not a programmer but I learned Python and some PHP before coming here.

By Ben V D

Sep 21, 2020

Another great course in the specialization. This one was quite difficult, but this also provided a lot of learning. The exercises were more in-depth and there was less guidance, which was frustrating & great for figuring out problems. Thanks for another great course!!

By Boğaçhan A

May 24, 2017

This course is an excellent opportunity to gain some skills that are essential to coding. Other than teaching the methods to code, the course is also highly focused on how to approach a complicated problem. It gives you valuable insight on breaking down these problems and develop an algorithm. The only bad side of the course is that if you are stuck, i.e. getting a wrong answer on a practice quiz or an example, you are going to have to find the error by yourself since the forum is not that active.

By Connie

May 3, 2016

I liked this course, because it was very well focused on one area of Java (Data Structures) and not focused on some specific library. However, I wish they didn't rely so much on their custom classes (readers, parsers), instead they could have explained how they work, so we could learn about Java native readers, parsers. Overall, however, I am very satisfied.

By Mingming L

Feb 21, 2022

Overall this is a good course. But it is a little out-of-date as this course was recorded in 2014 and no updates are made to it. It would be great if Duke University can make some improvements on the course contents and update the IDE on which we work with. I don't like blueJ. It is easy to operate with but the editor is so bad!!!

By 王恩慈(An-Tsu W

Aug 13, 2022

Really rich in the content, but need to spend at least 4 to 5 times harder to get into the knowledge and practice. If you are a non-English-speaker and are a fulltime working person in the same time, think about it, because time is money though. Anyway, this course is really recommandable.

By Ahmed N A

Aug 20, 2019

More frustrating than it is helpful. They skim over important topics like object-oriented programming and arrays and barely provide any helpful videos. Their assignments aren't difficult; they're just mind-numbingly annoying. The assignments give you a half-finished program and tell you to add specific methods in very specific ways. You're practically reading an instruction set and doing all the busywork without feeling like a programmer at all. This course won't teach you to think like a programmer, it'll just tell you to spend hours doing boring step-by-step tasks. None of the programs you're making feel like they're yours. Poor course all around, would skip.

By Krishna K

Jun 14, 2019

I recommend skipping this course if you have done SOME programming before. This is a LONG course just to cover concepts of Array and hashes which really should be a one or two hour lecture. It is nice that you learn some beginner cryptography though. That said, some of the assignments were unnecessarily frustrating at times and a bit too long. While I think it is a good course. It wasn't right for me. A bit too basic and assignment too long for a subject matter I had a very low level of interest in.

By Mikhail K

Feb 19, 2019

I really don't understand why BlueJ is used, while there are lots of other free Java IDEs (Eclipse, IDEAJ, etc.)

Also i don't agree with some OOP things you say. I don't see any point in creating a separate class for each test case, one class for every single functional class is more than enough (e.g. we need to test a class called MyClass with 4 functions, thus we make no more than one test class with 4 or less (or more) test cases. Especially when you can use JUnit tests)

By Nathan S

Aug 2, 2017

Very good content, however many of the assignments are not worded very clearly and can get confusing. They take much longer than the 10 minutes the course providers allocate and as such it can be easy to get behind on the course.

However, a very good course nonetheless.

By Asif K

Jan 22, 2016

Again, I wish the teachers would explain explicitly what is needed for the programming exercise. I felt abandoned by the faculty when I was trying to work out the programming exercise. There is an assumption that we as students know what the teachers are talking about.

By Kai H

May 1, 2023

Felt outdated and too repetitive (not much new stuff after 1/2 into the course), teaches "not ideal practices" like using Date class instead of ZonedDateTime. I also had the expectation that it uses unit tests but it does not.

Would not recommend.

By Muhammad G

May 26, 2020

Pretty Boring and absurd. Not a good way to describe the concepts

By Yuanxin C

Apr 28, 2022

Topics are interesting but the matierals are not good

By Milton C

Oct 16, 2017

Too many weeks go by without feedback on forums.

By Mohamed M H

Jan 25, 2020

it was very hard

By Jesús L C

Nov 10, 2022

Really bad teachers. They only read a teleprompter. I`m really dissappointed.

By Stanislav S

Feb 12, 2018

I hated whit all my bones this one, boring, repetitive

By Книга Д С

Jun 17, 2023

Я прошел курс "Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data" и хотел бы поделиться своим отзывом о нем.

Курс оказался очень информативным и полезным для моего понимания работы с массивами, списками и структурированными данными в языке программирования Java. Я получил отличное представление о том, как использовать эти структуры данных для организации и обработки информации в своих программах.

Одним из ключевых моментов, который мне особенно понравился в этом курсе, был его практический подход. Не только я узнал о различных методах и функциональности, доступных для работы с массивами и списками в Java, но также имел возможность применить их на практике через задания и упражнения. Это помогло мне усвоить материал гораздо лучше и увереннее.

Преподаватель был ясным и понятным, объяснял концепции и примеры с наглядностью, что делало процесс обучения более легким. Видеоуроки и материалы курса были хорошо структурированы, что позволяло мне легко следовать за ними и возвращаться к ним для повторения материала.

Кроме того, курс покрыл не только основные концепции, но и более сложные темы, такие как сортировка, поиск и фильтрация данных в массивах и списках. Это позволило мне расширить свои знания и навыки в программировании на Java.

В целом, курс "Java Programming: Arrays, Lists, and Structured Data" был отличным ресурсом для изучения и практики работы с массивами, списками и структурированными данными в Java. Я чувствую, что мой уровень владения этими концепциями значительно улучшился, и я готов применять их в своих будущих проектах. Рекомендую этот курс всем, кто хочет углубить свои знания в программировании на Java и научиться эффективно работать с массивами и списками.

By Natalya S

Apr 26, 2020

I liked the cource: the course and assignmend are well structured. The assignments theirselves are very clear, the steps are easy to follow. I understood how can I to use different data structures, and the use of Lists and Arrays. I liked the Log module less, because I had to many questions like if I do not know where to get the log files itselves, will this module be useful?

I like the way the video lessons are organized - that I can see the teacher on the screen. In this way it seems more personalized as if I am on f2f lesson.

I'm looking forwards to attending the next Java cource of Duke University.

It would be great if there is some Java app development cource as well and outside of BlueJ)

By Yang Y

Apr 2, 2017

I so much enjoyed this java tutorial class. The design of each clip/module is very humane and best for the learning from scratch. I have finished this class and the one after it (array list one). I feel very confident about learning Java language and I am heading for the next one (software design principal). I plan to finish all of the 5 courses and then buy the certificate so I will be sure I am not waste my tuition. I am leaving the 1st class (CSS, html) for the last one before capstone because it seems not so relevant to SDE training but more frontend/UI.

By Anand R

Oct 17, 2017

Excellent course. Fantastic assignments and projects. The instructors do a great job of motivating the use of data structures. They also introduce object oriented programming in the process. There are a LOT of subtle programming concepts you will learn, for example, composing large complicated programs using small functions/modules, documenting a workflow, identifying when to use which data structure, etc. I highly recommend this course and this specialization. (I watched EVERY video, and completed EVERY assignment, mini-project and quiz in this course.)