(331 Reviews)
(104 Reviews)
Aug 23, 2022
First of all , i really liked this course they way they taught and made it simple to understand i loved it . throughout course i enjoyed learning i highly recommende this course to all TESOL teachers.
Apr 9, 2020
Great course! Nice content and great presentation of the material. Useful not only for ESL teachers, but for all language teachers and even for teachers in general. Thank you for creating this course!
By Roohi D
•Oct 14, 2019
I found the course particularly exceptional and exciting as the things that were taught and how they were taught, was the first of its kind in my experience of traditional learning. I believe second language is one of the most difficult things to teach. Our teachers in the course, by way of teaching the modules taught us techniques of HOW language should be taught. I'm looking forward to learning more from them in the following courses.
By Sujata S L
•Jun 12, 2021
I was somewhat skeptical about this course but it turned out the other way. I am so glad that I joined the it. I never felt like a passive learner as our instructors Dr. Shane Dixon and Andrea Hathway left no stone unturned to make the sessions interesting. Everything was so interesting about this course, from content to presentation. Thank you so much everyone. I am going to get enrolled myself for the next part of this course.
By Alexandra P
•Jul 10, 2018
This course is amazing, I've got a lot of new useful information in really concentrated form and it didn't take a lot of time. In my school and university there was a huge amount of useless information, and it was very hard to isolate important parts from the whole, and in this Coursera course I see absolutely opposite situation. Everything I read and saw in this course will be useful in my further work.Thank you.Kindest regards, Alex
By Nomindari B
•Aug 20, 2020
First of all, thank you so much for empowering me and building me up through so many interesting lessons and reading materials. it is very helpful and it is absolutely one of the best courses. I'm so grateful for the professors and teachers who taught this course and prepared this course for us on behalf of the teachers all over the world. I am willing to use methods I have learnt from this course to my students at GMIT, Mongolia:-)
By Howard P (
•May 1, 2023
The material is great. I was able to learn some fundemental principles. However, the writing assignment is below standard. Students are expected to grades among themselves. I gave many 100's to my fellow students not because their writings were good but because the grading system is very general. The course said teachers should give ample time for student to practice. Unfortunately, we did not have much practice in this course.
By Dildora N K
•Nov 4, 2021
Teach English Now! Fundamental Principals course was great impact for me to make progress in my career and teaching method. It was very interesting and unforgatable. I liked Dr Dixon's way of teaching. Every activity was very fruitful and exciting. All moduls made me think and learn something useful for my teaching experience. Thank you so much dear teachers fro giving such brilliant teaching strategies about learning languages.
By Thi T T
•May 1, 2023
The "Teach English Now! The foundational Principle" course is an excellent opportunity for educators to enhance their teaching careers. This online course provides a comprehensive overview of second language acquisition theories and their applications in the classroom. By completing this course, educators can develop a deeper understanding of how students learn languages, which can enable them to become more effective teachers.
By Romyka M M
•Nov 22, 2022
The course is very helpful and informative. I didn't even notice the time passing by whenever I watch the videos because the professor's very great in explaining the topic. I was able to learn while having fun, and there was no single dull moment while taking up the course. Since I am so invested to it, I managed to finish the course just for a day. Hoping to learn more from the professors. Thank you for the opportunity!
By Azizeh A
•May 31, 2021
Hi, I newly completed this interesting course and I believe that it would be helpful for me. I enjoyed the course because it was well presented and using metaphors to explain the points made the topics more imaginable and easy to understand. Definitely I will enroll in part two of this course.
At the end. I would like to express my gratitude to all the ones who has prepared this course.
With best wishes,
Azizeh Atapur
By Halima N
•Aug 5, 2020
I enjoyed the lessons. The class was pretty good I actually think I have learned a lot from this class. This was my first online class and I thought your homework and tests really made me think critically and search for the answers making me learn more especially peer assessments. And through watching videos i have learned how i can speak confidently while making my point clear e.t.c. Great thanks to my teachers.
By Rosario D R
•Jul 13, 2021
Your way of teaching may be slow for a native speaker, but I think it's a very effective way of instilling in your students, the importance of the Foundation Principles. After all, an effective leaning is not how fast you finished a course, but how well you understood. A well-understood foundation is the corner stone of an effective and fun language learning. Thank you very much for helping me understand that.
By Behnaz S
•Jun 25, 2020
Starting this course, I was so hopeful and optimistic about all the things I needed to learn about foundational principles of teaching, and to be honest, I wasn't disappointed. I enjoyed every second of the videos and every word of the readings. took many notes and wrote many comments. met great ideas from different people.It was an amazing experience. Thanks you Coursera and thanks you Arizona State University.
By ian O
•Aug 19, 2023
I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the ESL course that I recently completed. This course has exceeded my expectations in terms of providing comprehensive and valuable information to enhance my English language skills and apply it to teaching my students. The amount of useful content and the thoughtful approach taken by the instructors truly made a significant difference in my learning journey.
By Shoon L W P
•Nov 1, 2021
This course could help me a lot for my career. The instructors also clearly explained the techniques we can follow in our teaching. I understand more what language is by discussing the metaphors with the peers and feedbacks for assignments by the peers are really helpful to me. So , if you are a prospective or experienced language teacher, I am sure that joining this course can help you more than you think.
By Carlos G H C
•Feb 24, 2019
I learned a lot about the theories behind language acquisition from Krashen.
Dr. Dixon enthusiastically explains the concepts fo "teacher talk", "elaboration" and more, in the context of teaching languages.
The course checkpoints aren't tedious like in other courses, they just check for the essential parts and the elaborations are left for assumptions about language learning explained in videos as assignments.
By Amr A
•Sep 8, 2023
This course is a wonderful resource for teachers who aspire to be more effective educators in the field of TESOL. From the very beginning, I was impressed by the comprehensive content and the well-structured modules that cater to both novice and experienced teachers alike. I strongly recommend this course to anyone seeking to elevate their teaching skills . Thank you so much for your teaching and support.
By tataboi n
•Jul 6, 2018
This course has given me new insights into teaching English effectively to non-native speakers. The theories have widened my understanding of the concerns, issues and trends in teaching English to foreign students. In addition to that, the Dr. Dixon and Dr. Haraway are very engaging with their delivery of the lessons. I have enjoyed every moment that I have spent for this online course. Well done, Coursera!
By Yana K
•Oct 5, 2023
Teaching looks so simple and obvious to many people, but those people have never tried to teach anybody themselves. To me this course was a real support and a huge amount of useful tips and ideas. It is not just about some boring definitions or dull lifeless texts. The course is vibrant, it has lots of working approaches and different recommendations from other teachers. I enjoyed it and hope you will too!
By Deleted A
•Jun 12, 2019
This course was by far the most engaging introduction to teaching ESL that I’ve ever come across. The structure (short lectures interspersed with assessments) meant that information was provided at the optimal level or ‘sweet spot’, and Dr Dixon’s humorous anecdotes made the course fun. The two aspects motivated me to complete the course - in flying colours to boot! I can’t wait to start the next subject!
By sinan k
•Feb 5, 2017
thanks to all teachers and students i am so happy to being here with you. this course help me to see my skills level and teach me to how can i improve them. i am a students of English language teaching and i am the one of the future teacher with this course i will be a good teacher and i will guide my students according to what i learned here. it is very useful for future teachers. thanks for everything.
By Andrêssa d S P
•Jun 4, 2021
Finally an online course I truly enjoyed taking! I caught myself smiling while watching every single video! I've learned so much from this course, not only as a teacher but also as a language learner myself. I found myself more passionate about teaching than I was before and I will definitely keep on improving my teaching abilities with this amazing team of selfless people! Gratidão e amor, from Brazil.
By Belinda S
•Aug 11, 2021
This is a great course. While focused on teaching English as a second language, these concepts are excellent to apply to teaching other languages as well. It has a strong focus how to help the learner on the acquisition of language rather than just teaching vocabulary and grammar, and acquisition of useful language we can communicate with is the ultimate goal. EXCELLENT JOB Dr. Shane Dixon!!!!!
By Macario P
•Jan 6, 2021
It is a spectacular course that teaches you the correct way to learn and how to teach. Professor Dr. Shane Dixon is an excellent teacher, he has a talent for teaching through his charisma and abilities, and he makes the course enjoyable and motivating. Thanks, Dr. Shane Dixon for your enthusiasm and guiding us in this week and concerning us. And the rest of your team.
Macario Pájaro Hernández
By Youness L
•Dec 22, 2017
Excellent course framework, and presentation. The content is of superior quality, and in par with what one will learn in the brick and mortar TESOL schools. I have also received interesting feedbacks from my course mates, and they have been all timely, constructive and pertinent. It goes without saying that the lecturers are highly intelligible and competent in the matter of presentation and language.
By Jocelyn S
•Dec 29, 2020
I thought I'm not going to make it. Yes, I finished it after countless nights just to beat the deadline. This course has thought me discipline, aside from the foundational principles I have acquired. I am very much indebted to all the people behind this wonderful opportunity. Thus, I will utilize all the learnings I acquired to be the best mentor I can be. Kudos, ASU and Coursera for a job well done!