Mar 3, 2021
I really enjoyed the lectures! the lecturer is fun and interactive. I'll be proceeding with the next course shortly! for those who wanted to learn a proper way to manage, this course is right for you!
Aug 26, 2020
This was a great course to help reinforce the need to approach issues with the mindset of a coach. It will enable me to have much more productive conversations with people as we work through problems.
•Jan 10, 2025
El curso es bueno ya que te permite reforzar, comprender y poner en práctica. En lo personal con la responsabilidad y el puesto que desempeño dentro de los corporativos fue de gran ayuda .
By Justin S
•Apr 28, 2022
As good of a online course as i could expect. Focusing on pausing and evaluating facts versus emotional responses and irriational assumptions is a gift that will help anyone's career.
By Diego M L
•Sep 20, 2020
Very interesting course on main theoretical aspect of Managers Role (putting the focus on Coaching), but also providing tips on how to identify and react to day-to-day real situations!
By Carlene B
•Sep 17, 2018
I really enjoyed this course, found that it applied to many of the experiences I already had as a manager and gave me tools to use when discussing or approaching my employees.
By Awa D
•Apr 3, 2023
Est ce possible d'avoir une option de faire le choix pour jouer les vidéos soit en Anglais ou Français? Si oui je suggère d'ajouter cette possibilité
By Nour e s
•Mar 6, 2021
it is a beneficial course for those who need and seek in the road of management
I advise to focus in each detailed session
I enjoyed it a lot
By Royce H
•Apr 24, 2020
Good overview. Would like to see more example situations that student would work through first and have program offer possible solutions.
By Enda S
•May 9, 2023
This was a well presented and interesting course and I would recommend it for anyone who starting off as a team leader or line manager.
By Monta Ā
•Jan 25, 2018
Great course! Give introduction in couching and perspective about differences between coach, manager e.c.t.
It was very easy couse!
By Deleted A
•Sep 23, 2020
I hoped for some more information about coaching. But I think that the Thought Model is really good to know for coaching as well.
By Rebecca A B
•Sep 6, 2016
Great introduction into coaching as a manager. However, it left me wishing the course had more to it and that it lasted longer.
By Fernanda M
•Jul 19, 2020
It was of great help, to learn these new tools so we can apply daily. And also to have the opportunity to improve ourselves.
By Suzie S
•Sep 21, 2020
I enjoyed this course but I found some of the content to be very basic. I'm hoping subsequent courses are more challenging.
•Mar 6, 2022
Un corso interessante, che certamente mi ha consentito di acquisire nuove competenze utili per la mia professione.
By Felo O B
•Dec 23, 2018
bastante bueno el inicio para entender en qué consiste y luego el método que aplican es bastante útil
By Mahesh V N
•Dec 27, 2021
Very nice course which has added a structure to thought model and how coaching is important.
By Hans-Jörg G
•May 10, 2021
interesting, convincing model, clearly strcutured, assignment/ peer review to be optimised
By Ariel P
•Apr 22, 2020
Very well organized with lots of examples that help to move forward and stay motivated.
By Rahul A
•Aug 4, 2020
Good course and very details explanation and kept me involved in the entire course
By Maria M
•Jan 18, 2022
Very interesting course. Very useful information both in work and personal life!
•Mar 21, 2018
very easy to understand and very close to the manager real professional life
By Roy M
•Sep 19, 2020
great course to link overall management roles and specify the coaching role
By Amy C
•Sep 13, 2020
Overall it's a great course. The laughing in the videos is distracting.
By Ines S
•Jul 8, 2016
Very good audio quality and good pacing and presentation of content.
By Quang Q B L
•Sep 1, 2023
It is a fundamental knowledge course for Coaching. Should learn!