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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis by Macquarie University

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About the Course

As data becomes the modern currency, so the ability to analyse the data quickly and accurately has become of paramount importance. Excel with its extraordinarily broad range of features and capabilities is one of the most widely used programs for doing this. In the first course of our Excel Skills for Data Analysis and Visualization Specialization, you will learn the fundamentals of Excel for data analysis. When you have completed the course, you will be able to use a range of Excel tools and functions to clean and prepare data for analysis; automate data analysis with the help of Named Ranges and Tables; and use logical and lookup functions to transform, link and categorise data. This course will enable you to build a strong foundation in the fundamentals, helping you to be more efficient in your day-to-day and developing the necessary skills to work with the more advanced techniques used in later courses. To make the content easy to relate to and to personalize the learning experience, we are going to follow Zara's journey through the course. Who is Zara? Well, she is no-one and everyone. You will find that Zara's trials and tribulations sound familiar, and together with Zara, you will develop your Excel skills along the way — and, importantly, have some fun doing it. The Excel Skills for Data Analytics and Visualization courses are the sequel to one of most successful specializations on Coursera, Excel Skills for Business, which has attracted hundreds of thousands of learners and top ratings. Transform your skills, your confidence, and your opportunities by adding this new set of skills to your repertoire....

Top reviews


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I finished Excel Skills for Business and this course is even better than the one I just mentioned. Very well structured/explained. I am very motivated to improve my Excel Skills. Thank you!


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This excellent course for learnig Excel fundamentals like Text, Date, Lookup functions and Tables.

It will be useful for people handling large amoun tof data and its manipulation in computer.

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51 - 75 of 981 Reviews for Excel Fundamentals for Data Analysis

By John N D


Nov 14, 2020

I have really learned a lot in this course. I have been using Excel since college and also from my work, but I was surprised as to what I didn't know in Excel. That is why this course is very perfect for users who are only self-taught like me. The instructors are also very articulate in explaining the topics. I love their conversations with each other in the Introduction videos, which makes you really want to learn more.



Apr 11, 2021

I have been using Microsoft Excel for a long time. I do most of the things discussed in this course before taking this course. But, I didn't know whether I used the most efficient way. This course takes a defined and calculated approach in building the skill without losing interest or momentum. It is tailored for people from different skill levels. Great spirit from the faculty. Keep up the good work sir and ma'am.



Apr 24, 2022

This course has made me realize that I'm still very much a beginner in this area. My Excel reports were horrendous before enrolling in this course. And, to be honest, I'm terrified of using Excel. However, thanks to Nicky and Prashan's detailed and easy-to-understand videos, I've developed a newfound enthusiasm for Excel. Thank you again to Nicky, Prashan, and the Coursera team for all of your help!

By Avijit D


Dec 6, 2021

The Course was very good, provided in depth discussion about each topic and formulas. The assignments were good and provided much needed practice and revision after each modules. The final assignment was a bit tough though. But overall this course provided a very good foundation of the real world challenges an analyst faces. Data transformation and cleaning was the primary focus of this course.

By Krutika S


Apr 22, 2022

I have already completed my advanced excel course yet there are formulas and tools I was not aware about . It is a very good course and they have a alot of practise quiz which we need to pass which is actually helpful to know if we understood the concepts they can be quit chanllenging sometimes. Also a laptop is a must if you are opting for this course . overall a course that is worth learning.

By Panagiotis K


Jun 19, 2022

The work that’s gone into this course is good. Everything is well thought out , well prepared and expertly presented. The frequent quizzes are very helpful to help retain memory. I was also very happy about the Quick reference guides, A great time saver. The assessments are very challenging but I’m grateful since the challenges helped me to work through blocks and challenges. Great value.

By Tatyana P


Apr 5, 2022

Excellent course. The scope and the quality of information is well chosen, and the presentation is outstanding. There are a few quizzes with key errors here and there, as well as some bugs in the Excel file for the final assessment, which can be frustrating, but I look at it as a part of trouble shooting practice you will end up dealing in the real world as well. Highly recommend.

By Bishal C


May 5, 2023

Great course.

Though I was familiar with Excel and had done my data interpretation and data input on it, I became stunned by its calculation capabilities after taking this fundamental course. I used to think I know Excel but after taking the course, it changed my mind. However, it is a learning process and I am glad that I completed it.

I recommend everyone to take the course.

By Giulianna M


Oct 20, 2020

The teachers are such class acts! I easily followed every lectured and the language used was perfect for anyone. The follow-throughs are easy and the material provided is really helpful. The challenges are my favorite since I can review everything from that week's lecture. Really great to start managing data in Excel. Looking forward to the next course with these teachers.

By Muhammad A M


Jul 4, 2021

The course was comprehensive and felt quite intimidating at the end. Although, final assessment was quite challenging but I really enjoyed my time pushing pass my limits and improving my excel skills. The instructor Niki and Parshan did a superb job and explained the excel concepts which otherwise would be difficult to learn. This course is highly recommended.

By Anne G


Jun 27, 2021

Muito interessante, é necessário realmente aprender a matéria para passar nos testes. Aprendi muito com as atividades e as tabelas e planilhas são reais, me ajudou e me inspirou a resolver diversos problemas no trabalho. Tenho certeza que ainda vou precisar voltar nas planilhas para relembrar algumas funções, mas com certeza o melhor curso de excel que já fiz!

By Marvin d S


Mar 5, 2021

This is a great course not just for someone has no knowledge in MS Excel at all, but also for someone who already have a knowledge in MS Excel like me. It really helped me gain more knowledge and gave me confidence in using MS Excel. EXCEL FUNDAMENTALS FOR DATA ANALYSIS from MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY is really a good course. Thank you so much to the Professors!

By ­바론 카


Jan 21, 2023

This course helped me a great deal in understanding many of the tools offered by excel to manage, manipulate and analyze data. I am very thankful for the precise and insightful videos and materials. I have learned a lot and I feel I can now do so much more with excel that I am excited to get my hands on the data I have to work on my job and my studies.

By Mateo E U


Feb 15, 2022

The course is very interesting, with clear explanations and useful materials to do it. Each short video (6-8 minutes) has an example that can be followed easily, and if there is a mistake, the material includes the solutions for each short video to avoid mistakes. Strongy recommend this course if someone is interested in learning about MIcrosft Excel.

By Kevin M


Jan 31, 2024

Thoroughly enjoyed the course. It was educative and had the right level of challenge to spur learning and reinforce the concepts taught. Also liked the mode of delivery by the facilitators. Most of all is how relevant the skills and knowledge in the course was applicable in my job. Looking forward to applying these skills and to the next course.

By Arushi G


Apr 21, 2021

It was wonderful studying this course. I came to know about various new formulas and functions in Excel. The instructors and instructions were really nice, easy and handy. The quizzes and practice challenges make you more experienced. I plan to take more courses on Excel from Coursera. It is an amazing platform to learn from.

By Olga S


May 14, 2021

Excellent content, well structured course and highly applicable!

I did the course in two weeks. I needed it urgently to improve some spreadsheets that were taking me ages.

After structuring properly my spreadsheets with the tools I learnt, I have better, and more precise information in minutes not hours.

Highly recommended.

By Kaustubh B


Dec 28, 2023

Initially I thought this must be an easy course, but trust me, it’s NOT. You can enroll it even if you’re a beginner, but it’s gonna be really challenging. That’s what I loved about this course. You’ll go deep into this, when solving assessments, which are super challenging. Great job Instructors!! Nicky and Prashan 🎉

By Kashif K


Aug 2, 2023

I can't recommend this course enough - it's by far the best one I've found on Coursera! The material is comprehensive, the instructor is engaging, and the assessments are challenging but rewarding. If you're looking for a course that will truly help you to learn and grow your Ms Excel skills, this is the one to take!

By Benjamin O


Mar 3, 2024

This course is good for anyone willing to learn the fundamentals of Excel including Cleaning and Preparing Data for Analysis, Sorting and Filtering, Automation Tables and more. You will learn more about formulas and functions. I am really glad I took this course because it opened my mind to a wide array of knowledge.

By Abdul H R


Aug 6, 2020

Although I was a beginner but the lecture materials and the vedios both were easy to understand . And most importantly,though it was a non-credit online course,it help me to gain the basic knowledge of data analysis,and I do believe that it will pave the way for me to grow experties and professionalism.Thanks to all.

By Michelle A T


Sep 26, 2021

I learnt a lot from the Course but it was very "hard" and time consuming. Maybe if I had the five weeks instead of the two weeks set by my Professor it would not have been this pressuring. But overall, I enjoyed the course and would recommend it to others. The challenge now is for me to keep practicing.

By Elijah G


Jul 22, 2021

I've done a few online certificates at this point. None have been this organized and robust. The hardest part about online classes is having what you are looking at match the videos made for you to watch. This course has kept all the materials aligned. I think there was only one lab with an error in it.

By Nikhil B


May 28, 2023

Nicky and Prashan are exceptional instructors. They're both incredibly clear and articulate when explaining key concepts. The video and challenges are expertly produced, and the supporting PDF toolkit documents as well as the challenging assessments make me feel like I've learned valuable Excel skills.

By Juwita


Aug 31, 2021

So far, this course is the one that I enjoy the most. Qualified material, the way the material is delivered is direct, clear and coherent, equipped with practice questions and exams that sharpen thinking skills. I highly recommend this course for people who want to learn Excel from basic level.