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Learner Reviews & Feedback for What Is Contemporary Art? by The Museum of Modern Art

1,840 ratings

About the Course

What is contemporary art? In this course, you’ll consider this question through works of art made since 1980. Hear directly from artists, architects, and designers from around the globe about their creative processes, materials, and inspiration. You’ll look at 3D–printed glass and fiber sculptures, performances in a factory and a museum, portraits (including those made with artificial intelligence) and interventions into television and video games. Not only will you develop a deeper understanding of how artists work today, you’ll also explore some of their approaches to the pressing issues and questions of our time. By taking this course, you’ll build skills for looking at contemporary art wherever you encounter it and make connections to your own life or creative practice....

Top reviews


Jun 26, 2020

Excellent, informative course, with much diversity. I laughed and smiled, felt awe and inspiration, cried and felt the pain and the beautiful defiance of pieces I might have never appreciated before.


May 3, 2020

Very interesting and easily consumable resources, lots of video, audio, and short text so it was very fun and accessible. They have a good diversity of artists across ethnicity, sex, and country.

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376 - 400 of 406 Reviews for What Is Contemporary Art?

By Diego

Apr 26, 2020

Excelente manera de revisar una diversidad enorme de artistas y propuestas. Ayuda a entrar en el mundo del arte contemporáneo.

By 章晋

Mar 25, 2022


The shallow entry is really suitable for those who do not know much about contemporary art

By Gary E

Feb 27, 2020

Interesting but explores dark, negative themes. Needs a little more positive to give a balanced view.

By Emma C

May 22, 2020

Really enjoyed taking this course. Would recommend to those who know little about contemporary art.

By Espe G

Oct 24, 2020

I found this course eye-opening and entertaining and I believe that it will help me in the future.

By anita a

Jan 31, 2021

It was a wonderful course. How do I get the certificate for this course that I have completed.

By Rohini D h

Aug 6, 2020

A good first glance into contemporary art, very useful for someone who is a complete newbie

By Marge D

May 20, 2020

I enjoyed the course, it was the right level for me, not knowing anything really about art.

By Divya N

Jun 13, 2020

The course was a great eye opener. I wish it had more of a theoretical foundation as well.

By Simran M

May 19, 2020

This course gave me a new way of looking at art from a whole different perspective!

By Valentina Y A S

May 13, 2020

Muy educativo y dinámico, aprendí mucho y mis espectativas fueron superadas

By Afnan S

Apr 25, 2022

The course delved into a variety of topics in the contemporary genre

By Sycamore

May 30, 2020

good course for giving insights into contemporary artists' mindset.

By Good G

Nov 19, 2020

We want more info on the industry structure roles and players.

By Steve M

May 18, 2020

Excellent overview of the landscape of contemporary art.

By Grace

Jun 4, 2020

Me gustaría que fuera mas diverso y con temas actuales.

By James S

Mar 2, 2020

Good course. Thought provoking! Thanks.

By Elisa D B

Apr 30, 2020

very well structured and interesting

By Marina L

May 18, 2020

Excelente contenido !!

By Alberto L

Apr 20, 2020

really nice course.

By ignacio

May 3, 2020















By Freddy V

Dec 28, 2021

No comment

By Yanan H

Apr 24, 2020

Love it

By Mario B

Jun 19, 2020

El contenido tiene su parte muy interesante, pero no considero que vaya de acuerdo al titulo del curso, ya que jamás se responde a la pregunta sobre "What is contemporary art?" ni el contenido del curso plantea de forma clara una ruta para dar una respuesta a la pregunta, sobre todo para los que seguimos preguntándonos que es, como se define, como llegar a él, la mayoría de los trabajos son pobres por sí solos, sin el discurso en el que se sostienen las obras no sé en donde quedarían; claro que también hay excepciones y algunos eran trabajos más completos, se notaba la intencionalidad de crear, mas que de justificar algo realizado.

En lo personal me quito la necesidad de querer que me expliquen porque le llaman arte a esas creaciones y ojalá muchos de los autodenominados artistas tengan el valor de quitarse la necesidad de querernos convencer de que lo que hacen es arte, al final todo será subjetivo.

Siempre existirá el dilema del arte, el trasfondo en esto, es que lo más tangible está en el mercado que existe a su alrededor, y eso nos puede dar más respuestas que los millones de palabras utilizadas en las explicaciones de obras de arte contemporáneo a lo largo del tiempo.

Entonces, ¿cual sería el titulo que recomendaría?:

"The World Of Contemporary Art!"

By Felix P

Jan 17, 2020

El arte contemporaneo es un conjunto de ideas que partimos de ellas para formar un todo o algo logico e interesante en este mundo cambiante, tecnologia, colores, formas y texturas creando un objeto con un objetivo que llame la atencion y nos atrape en su voragine novedosa y creativa!