Jun 26, 2020
I throughly enjoyed the course and the fact that everything was explained thoroughly. I always enjoyed Dr. White's personal experience with Data Science as well as other Data Scientists point of view.
Jul 18, 2018
I thought this course introduced the topic of data science very well. I think I have a much better idea how to describe data science and common terms associated with the field (like machine learning).
By Wahyuni Q
•Nov 22, 2023
Terima kasih atas ilmu yang sudah diberikan. Sangat berguna bagi saya yang ingin menggeluti pekerjaan di bidang data
By mitesh j
•Apr 14, 2023
Wonderful course. Great platform for learning and achieving a good knowledge.
Thank you Coursera..
Really appreciates.
By peace o
•Oct 28, 2022
Awesome Introductory course to data science. I recommend this for anyone looking to start a career in data science.
By Pratibha N
•Sep 9, 2022
IT is a nice course to know what is data science, what data scientists do and the career prospects in data science.
By Jaime P
•Aug 20, 2022
An exceltent introduction to data science if you aren 't related whit it and try to get into this fascinated world.
By Ade E C
•Oct 31, 2021
Taking this course is an eye opener for anyone who is interested in Data Science. Great content and very insightful.
By sanya d
•Sep 5, 2021
The course-1, "What is Data Science" is very informative and provides a great way to build interest in Data Science.
By parth m
•Sep 5, 2021
it is very helpful for complete guide of how to start preparing data science and which is important for data science
By Sahan G
•Jan 29, 2021
Gave me the basic understanding about data science and got to know about many different aspects of machine learning.
By Reza A
•Nov 9, 2020
This course was awesome and I suggest it to everyone wants to have great launch at data science. Thanks to Coursera.
By Sushant K B
•Aug 4, 2020
Its good to explore basic understanding of Data Science before you moving to Deep insight of Data Science knowledge.
By Syed A J
•Jun 5, 2020
this course is a great start in order to build some sense about data science that will help you in the later courses
By Paul D L
•May 7, 2020
Much useful course! Have found it as the great starting point for Data Science learning.. Thanks to IBM and Coutsera
By Lennea K
•Apr 18, 2020
This is a great introduction to the field. It provides a great foundation of the what, why, and how on the subject.
By htao06
•Apr 5, 2020
It is a very nice introductory course for those who want to learn about data science. Well worth the time and money.
By Martin C
•Feb 5, 2020
I really like to hear from different professionals on the field. Is a good way to get into the world of data science
•Jan 10, 2020
This is a great introduction of data science. I got different ideas and opinions form different people in the field.
By sanjanaR
•Jan 9, 2020
It was very helpful for me to understand what is Data science and helped me to improve my knowledge in Data science.
By Shailesh G
•Nov 16, 2019
Its a great introductory course for data science. It has made me more determined for this field. Thank you Coursera.
By Hidefusa O
•Oct 4, 2019
I gained valuable insights about the attributes of an effective data scientist, as well as an overview of the field.
By Muhammad A
•Aug 12, 2019
This course provides a great insight to Data Science and can provide great motivation for becoming a data scientist.
By Vipul G
•Aug 6, 2019
Right place if you want to start learning data science. It provides you with all the motivation and do's and dont's.
By NaDaizja B
•Jul 30, 2019
Great course! I am a beginner in Data Science and was able to keep up with and learn all the content in this course.
•Jun 18, 2019
Very good course.By enrolling this course I get complete knowledge of data science and it is very beneficial for me.
By Jacobus J v d C
•Mar 21, 2019
Nice course, well explained. Structured and it´s good to hear de experience of students en teachers of Data Science.