Mar 18, 2019
Though it might not seem imminently useful, the course notes I've referred back to the most come from this class. This course is could be summarized as a machine learning master giving useful advice.
Mar 30, 2020
It is very nice to have a very experienced deep learning practitioner showing you the "magic" of making DNN works. That is usually passed from Professor to graduate student, but is available here now.
By Dagoret S
•Aug 22, 2018
It is impossible to guess how to evaluate the performances of an algorithm and the possible traps without this course.
By Vishal C
•Jul 31, 2018
Need Some more reference related to these topic covered in this courses. If possible please email me.
Thanks in advance
By 任玉æ¦
•Mar 16, 2018
Thanks for your help to make me have the chance to know more about deep learning and ML.Thank you(all of the workers)!
By Tuan N
•Nov 16, 2017
This course focuses more on the design concept for machine learning and sometimes the videos are quite long to follow.
By Qi Z
•Oct 18, 2017
Good course, help to understand how to tune your deeplearning networks, a guide to improve your deeplearning networks.
By Sebastian A Y P
•Sep 13, 2017
More of like a business mindset applied to DL projects. Really useful to understand DL from this scope and perspective
By Chaofan H
•Sep 3, 2017
Very instructive on how to build a real-world machine learning project. He gave a lot of useful tricks and strategies.
By nidhir b
•Sep 23, 2020
because of their various flight simulators, have helped a lot in understanding the various concept of deep learning .
By Amandeep S
•Apr 21, 2020
Great overview of how to access performance and create a workflow for the ML projects. Easy to understand concepts :)
By Jiani S
•Feb 28, 2020
This course is more concerning about the strategy, it is helpful for implementation under the complex neural network.
By Vishal Y
•Sep 26, 2018
These interviews at the end are really insightful thanks for doing a little extra effort. Very happy with this course
By Jair G
•Aug 15, 2018
For me this is a continuation of the last course. Very useful to get a broad understanding of deep learning projects.
By Junheng Z
•Jan 27, 2018
It is all about though to deep learning. No code-task but still is more important. Is is all bout real-world solution
By Youdinghuan C
•Dec 31, 2017
This is a short and sweet set of lectures that provides insightful guidelines about machine learning / deep learning.
By Eric
•Dec 13, 2017
A good introduction for discussing the details about how to think while designing a machine learning related project.
By Yonas T
•Oct 31, 2017
Again another excellent course. Thank you Andrew Ng and team and also the vibrant community of students in the forum.
By yuji w
•Oct 6, 2017
This part is about the real world experience with AI. I go through the couse 2 times to learn all these widom of AI.
By Muhammad I
•Aug 3, 2023
This course will enable you to go strategically while designing a machine learning systems for a particular problem.
By Muhammad I
•Sep 4, 2022
Its a great course. Highly recommended to you if you are trying to find your way into the relam of Machine Learning.
By Patrick M
•Nov 15, 2021
Wonderful course on developing strategies to bring your machine learning project to a succesful conclusion. Thanks!
By Adinda F G
•Feb 15, 2021
The instructor gives a understandable languages. He could make a complicated things into a simple things. Thank you!
By Paulo R I d L
•Dec 21, 2020
Conteúdo extremamente aplicável a realidade do mercado de trabalho. Faz um ótima conexão entre "teoria" e aplicação.
By Nikos R
•Dec 18, 2020
I believe it is essential for every Machine Learning practitioner, twice so if he intends to user it professionally.
By Gomez R
•Jun 1, 2020
It is rare to find courses where real life problems are shown and explained. I learned a lot from this small course!