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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Crash Course on Python by Google

36,949 ratings

About the Course

This course is designed to teach you the foundations in order to write simple programs in Python using the most common structures. No previous exposure to programming is needed. By the end of this course, you will understand the benefits of programming in IT roles; understand basic Python syntax; explore different code editors and developer environments; be able to write simple programs using Python; figure out how the building blocks of programming fit together; and combine all of this knowledge to solve a complex programming problem. We'll start off by diving into the basics of writing a computer program. Along the way, you’ll get hands-on experience with programming concepts through interactive exercises and real-world examples. You’ll quickly start to see how computers can perform a multitude of tasks — you just have to write code that tells them what to do....

Top reviews


Mar 31, 2020

This course was really helpful in developing my coding skills in python.The exercises helped me to test my knowledge .Overall it was a really good for people like me who are just beginning with python


Jun 8, 2020

An excellent course for those who want to boost their programming abilities on Python. It tackles diverse and challenging problems, for you to practice and round out every concept. Highly recommended!

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151 - 175 of 10,000 Reviews for Crash Course on Python

By Devin W


May 24, 2020

Wording of questions more confusing than subject taught. Needs revision

By Noe L C


Aug 27, 2020

Very little explanation for complex learning subjects.

By Abraham M


Jan 25, 2021

I am lost. This was too fast paced for me.

By Tawanix


Sep 28, 2020

I came to learn about this course because I wanted to make changes in my career and do something better but this is frustrating.

I have a hard time understanding these codes because most are math problems (I'm at week 3) and I'm horrible at math. It's easier for me to understand them without it being math problems. I want to understand the code first before getting more complicated with math. It's frustrating and feels like a waste of time.

I go to outside sources just for me to understand the code and they don't put complicated math problems as a way to teach you. And they explain every inch of the code and what the code means after it runs. This course does half of that.

They also tell you "practice, practice practice" but practice what and where? There's nothing to practice on. We're not given more problems to practice on and if we were, the problems would have random extra steps thrown in that was never explained in the video. They do this a lot on their practice tests and test.

So I'm always lost. There's not enough explanation for some of these problems. I want to learn, I came here to learn but this course makes it difficult, unfair and frustrating. I was better off reading a book about Python and watching YT videos.

By Daniel H


Jan 2, 2022

One star for the Instructor who presented with phenomenal energy. The example quizzes, however, would often ask questions that were not really discussed in the lesson. I thought this might be a good thing as it would encourage me, as a student, to seek answers on other sites; which is a process that is hand in hand with programming. The problem is that the questions were so contextual it was really hard to express them as a question on Google. The end result was that you felt a bit left in the lurch.

The discussion board was also a total ghost town. There was quite a few a really well asked questions that hadn't been answered for years. I felt sorry for them.

By week two of the program I had these conflicting thoughts:

1. I'm not smart enough to code

2. The structure of the course is sufficently poor that it does't enable me to code.

I'm going with the latter. I'm not a total moron. I'll just have to find better resources to make it happen.

By Georgy A


Jan 9, 2023

This course is really poorly structured. Important concepts like sets or f-strings were not covered at all. Inconsistency of assignments were also fascinating! Sometimes you could finish assignment without reading comments attached to the code and sometimes it's just impossible to understand the task without reading them. If I didn't came with a programming background AND solid understanding of python this course would make me hate myself for 'not understanding' what is presented by instructor like 'simple concepts' (witch they are, but after they are explained thoroughly and on multiple examples).

I could rant about this course all day...introduction of strings/lists/dictionaries AFTER introduction of loops, assignment power-spikes, poor editing of the videos(audio glitches and MISTAKES IN THE CODE!) use of old concepts, call to rewatch videos that dose not provide enough information anyways and so on and so on...

By Joe M


Jun 17, 2021

Not a course for beginners. Huge disconnect between direct instruction and evaluation problems. I've had some programming experience and still had a very hard time with the materials. I've noticed this is problem in many Coursera Courses listed as beginning programming. Total disaster in the rubric. Maybe bring in someone knowledgeable about education and assessments when planning these things.

The Google IT Support program was excellent. I was excited to start this program but if the other 5 courses are this poorly planned, I have my doubts about continuing.

By Will P


Aug 16, 2021

Very basic fundamentals are broken down for you in videos and then you are expected to apply these concepts on tests and quizzes in much more complex abstractions.

This is a beginner's course for someone already in IT, or someone who already knows a programming language looking to beef up their skills with another language. For anyone else it's intermediate and hardly entry level.

With a much more thorough explanation of concepts in video and more in depth reading material, the tests and quizzes may have been a bit more approachable.

By Makenzie


Sep 27, 2022

I recommend taking a different beginner course . Half the students in this course have unenrolled. I'm having to take a different beginner Python course to still not understand everything being taught in this course. Sololearn has a few great free courses for Python and that is what I'm having to take before even considereing moving on in this course. The examples being shown and the test questions are nowhere close to comparable. I am left more confused with concepts than explanations and solutions.

By Sherry B


Aug 16, 2022

The presenter in the course "Crash Course on Python" was dressed in a distracting manner. Showing cleavage and wearing tight clothing distracts from the professionalism of the course. The focus on these certificates should be the work. The presenters should dress in a modest way that is not offensive or distractive to the learner. I would not want to show these course videos to my children. Please edit the videos to allow the presenter to be dressed in a proper manner for all ages.

By Derek Y


Oct 6, 2020

There is not enough of a smooth transition in complexity with the video questions/practice quizzes. The content being taught in the videos was simple and easy to follow, while as soon as being presented with a question mid video or practice questions/quizzes, the difficulty drastically increased. This made it very difficult to apply what I was actually learning.

There needs to be more user involvement exercises that gradually increase in complexity.

By Timothy O


Mar 3, 2022

This is the most frustrating course I've taken in 2 decades. Most exercises are not explained in course material (until around module 4-5), some required concepts are covered after module quizs. Early lessons also focus far to much on higher math concepts to display operations. Then to top it all off the final project's instructions are either incorrect, or the code is bugged ('Close & Halt' does nothing on multiple browsers).

By Michael C


May 31, 2023

Not beginner friendly. The resources are lacking and I had to do weeks of outside study in order to complete. It fosters learning in the wrong way. It doesn't encourage self-learning it forces it creating an environment that makes the course a testing ground for higher tiered coders. This course shouldn't be recommended to beginners and the task need to be more interactive.

By Cave J


Oct 7, 2021

They expect you to have complete mastery of what they'er teaching you from one video lecture. the proglems start easy enough but dial it to 11. had to use outside resources just to understand what was even said. Have some coding experince and this IS NOT a begginer course, its more of a math course with python just happens to be used

By Guillermo Z


Nov 27, 2023

Didn't like the course. No practical activities at all. Just quizzes that asked for logical understanding of the code but no code writing at all. I would've loved it if I had the chance to practice (in the course not on external sites) writing codes from zero repeatedly so I could internalize the processes and syntax better.

By Carlos A G


Feb 20, 2022

Not recommended if you have no previous Python or programming experience. They never show the correct answers for any of the exercise/assesment questions, so there's no way to check what is wrong with the script that won't excecute, and no way to check what is the correct way to proceed.

By Julia D


Aug 18, 2023

too much talking , too little exercise, werid exercises - instead of thinking about code I spent lot of time understing what is the execise about. Sound is delayed after starting the video

By Deepak R S


Jun 22, 2021

Decent course, but its definitely not for a beginner. The videos don't aid in the assignments at all. This course is only great if you have a fair amount of knowledge in Python.

By Omar S


Feb 24, 2021

I wish there was more complex examples instead of simple ones instead of giving simple ones then throwing the harder ones on the test.

By Vinusan V


Jan 27, 2020

Need to know what I've got wrong in assessment, not enough detail. And i get the right answer but it still doesn't accept it.

By Gregory F


Jul 9, 2020

The information put fourth in this course is great, however the graded exams are not closely related to the subject matter.

By Sheikh S M S


Dec 14, 2022

Quizzes are far far difficult than what is covered in videos.. This could be better if it was beginner oriented material.

By Shane H


Jul 8, 2022

Entire class points to using outside material, not really a reason to take this class and not for beginners.

By Ilknur D


Oct 28, 2022

It doesnt give so much details.It doesnt teach us anything.End of the sessions there are hard questions

By Robert F


May 9, 2024

This is like a hand me down course. The majority of the content hasn't been updated in years.