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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Graphic Design by California Institute of the Arts

17,236 ratings

About the Course

Graphic Design is all around us! Words and pictures—the building blocks of graphic design—are the elements that carry the majority of the content in both the digital world and the printed world. As graphic design becomes more visible and prevalent in our lives, graphic design as a practice becomes more important in our culture. Through visual examples, this course will teach you the fundamental principles of graphic design: imagemaking, typography, composition, working with color and shape... foundational skills that are common in all areas of graphic design practice. I don't just want you to watch a video of someone talking about design, I want you to MAKE design! If you want to be a designer you have to be a maker and a communicator, so this course will offer you lots of opportunities to get your hands dirty with exercises and with more practical projects. At the end of this course you will have learned how to explore and investigate visual representation through a range of image-making techniques; understand basic principles of working with shape, color and pattern; been exposed to the language and skills of typography; and understand and have applied the principles of composition and visual contrast. If you complete the course, along with its optional (but highly recommended) briefs, you will have a core set of graphic design skills that you can apply to your own projects, or to more deeply investigate a specialized area of graphic design. To succeed in this course you will need access to a computer. You can complete this course without one but it will be tougher. Access to, and a beginner's level knowledge of Adobe Creative Suite programs, such as Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign will help you, especially if you want to complete the optional briefs....

Top reviews


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Well structure, informative, and very accessible introduction to graphic design. Assignments were achievable and enjoyable, and supported the lesson very well. Great course! I hope you create more!


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Well structured and full of practical lessons. Clear and informative lectures for each design elements. I highly recommend this course both for beginners and graphic designers with some experiences.

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4276 - 4300 of 4,443 Reviews for Fundamentals of Graphic Design

By Sandip R

Feb 21, 2021


By Vishnu R C 5

Feb 13, 2020


By 飞飞

Aug 16, 2016


By Mustafa R

Jun 23, 2020


By Dulce A

Mar 14, 2016


By April R E

Mar 17, 2021


By Vengatesh A

Dec 2, 2020


By Anike k g

Jul 30, 2020


By Loga S G 1

Jun 6, 2020


By Richel F

Dec 12, 2018



Jun 29, 2020


By Abdul- M O

Nov 17, 2023


By henid y

Feb 15, 2023


By Ayan M

Mar 4, 2021


By Manisha

Sep 11, 2020



Jun 14, 2020


By preksha m

May 20, 2020


By Invader

Jan 22, 2022


By Baher A

Oct 14, 2022


By Amir B

Feb 14, 2019


By Rebecca W

Feb 9, 2022

This was a great overview of the fundamentals, useful, interesting assignments and a lot of opportunity to practice. It was highly enjoyable and I like how the professor chose to explain things. Knocking off two stars for two reasons:

- The peer review system is broken. I rarely received useful feedback. In general, I think a paid course should have a professional give professional-grade feedback, but in the absence of that possibility, the least they could do is place a minimal word limit on the review sections so that people have to type more than one word to qualify as a review. In addition, people who don't pay attention to the rubric mark down your assignments and can screw with your grade as a result

- The quality of this course was not matched by the next in the specialization, which is Intro to Typography. So people who signed up for this course and then pursued a specialization based on the quality of this course will likely be let down by the very next course in the track. Intro to Typography is totally self-guided, is not at all dense with content (could be done in two weeks EASILY), and is almost completely grade reliant on peer reviewers, which as I pointed out, are of questionable quality. There is really no quality control for the work you complete in this course and it should be free as it currently exists.

By 翠花

Oct 5, 2016

The last assignment caused me CONFUSION. I mean, due to the unclear assignment requirements, we cannot review composition for composition's sake. For example, I did use two squares as the assignment asked, but I changed the transparency of them, so they form a new square when overlapping. And people think I used three squares and thus not following the instructions. And many people used a small circle and a large circle putting at the center vertically to form a scale composition, and you have to give them 3 points because they followed the instructions, but they actually did not do much in terms of composition. Though I got 3.5 scores by two people ( not very bad), I'm still frustrated, and I hope the assignment requirements could be clearer.

By Andreas S

Apr 5, 2023

Die Kursinhalte sind zum großen Teil lehrreich. Trotz Vorkenntnisse konnte ich einige Inhalte sinnvoll aufnehmen. Jedoch empfinde ich das Bewertungssystem komisch. Mir fehlt hier eine gewisse Ernsthaftigkeit. Ich würde vorziehen von Profis, wie Dozenten in relevanten Tests bewertet zu werden, da ich nur so abschätzen kann, wie ernst ich das Feedback nehmen soll. Die Vergabe der Punkte ist für mich schwer nachvollziehbar: 50 % allein für das Einreichen einer PDF mit der korrekten Anzahl an Seiten! Zudem ist man der Gefahr ausgesetzt, andere Teilnehmer nicht korrekt zu bewerten oder selbst unfair und haltlos oder zu positiv bewertet zu werden. Welchen Mehrwert hat dann ein solches Zertifikat?

By Annie H

Aug 31, 2020

I really enjoyed this course. I learned a lot and there were plenty of opportunities to use my new skills immediately in projects.

My only complaint is that I would have liked to get real feedback from an instructor on at least one of the assignments. I understand why the system is peer-graded and that it would be an immense commitment to actually grade the assignments, but maybe it's not the right system for a design course.

I felt the class was valuable for dipping my toes into graphic design, but could never replace a real class with an active instructor. For this reason, I don't think I'll be continuing with the specialization as originally planned.

By Audrey C S Y

Nov 24, 2023

I work as a graphic designer and enrolled in this course with the hope of picking up new skills. However, I've found that the content caters more to beginners seeking fundamental graphic design knowledge. Despite this, I've managed to gain fresh insights through peer feedback on my assignments. Understanding others' perspectives on my work has motivated me to enhance my design skills. Overall, while I'm enjoying the course, I feel it's better suited for beginners. For individuals seeking a deeper dive into graphic design, this course might not provide the necessary depth as it predominantly focuses on basic concepts.